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Science project :D

Teo kah choon

Veerapat (oat)
• Herpes is a virus that can be spread from
person to person through sexualility
contact. It can appear on many different
areas of the body and is typically mark by
eruption of a cluster of blisters , although
some people show very mild , do not care
about it or no symptoms at all.
Here are some pictures of Herpes
• This is a picture of
herpes at the face.

This is a picture herpes

on the tongue
Sign and symptoms of people who
are infected by herpes
• Symptoms of herpes in the early stages often never
show any symptoms until the virus is being notice and
outbreak has already occurs. The early symptoms of
herpes may be include fever, depression, headache and
inflammation of the lymph nodes where area the herpes
virus has already occur. The location of the herpes
symptoms depends on the types of virus that the person
contact such as oral herpes or genital herpes. If its is a
oral herpes it will appear in and around the mouth and if
genital herpes, it appear around the genital and anal
areas of the body.
Treatment for herpes
• Although there is no treatment for herpes
but some drugs have been effective in
reducing the frequency and duration of
• During an outbreak, keep the infected area
as clean and dry as possible , afterwards
use tower to dry and gently.
Feelings about people getting
• I feel sad for the peoples who get herpes
and I wish I could help them. I think they
they regretted their actions and wish that it
does not happen , we should help this
people as much as we can.
• Person A , B , C regretted their actions as
they could not find a partner for their lives
and is suffering everyday due to the
disease cause by his friends or boyfriend.
They are hoping that it was a nightmare
that never had happened.
• They could have concentrate on their
studies instead of finding a boyfriend.
Even if they wanted to find a boyfriend
they should have brought him for a
checkup before having pre-marital sex and
getting the disease.
Dangers of pre-marital sex
• There are a few dangers for pre-marital
sex such as contracting Aids and
unwanted pregnancy. This may cause a
lot of trouble for your family and friends.
Getting STI’s is incurable and it will make
u suffer.
Syphilis Sores will appear and is
usually painless
however if it is left
untreated if may affect
other organs in the body

Chlamydial It may not cause

symptoms in most of the
female but if it is left
untreated it will cause
serious damage to the
reproductive organs.
Genital Warts It does not have sign
and symptoms but it
causes 70% of cervical
Gonorrhoea It is noticed at the
mouth. It may cause
pelvic inflammatory
disease in woman
Hepatitis B It is a common infection
in the liver and is
spread by blood
Sources of information

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