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About Vuforia Engine

• Vuforia Engine is a software platform for creating Augmented

Reality apps. Developers can easily add advanced computer vision
functionality to any application, allowing it to recognize images and
objects, and interact with spaces in the real world.  

• The Vuforia Engine platform supports AR app development for

Android, iOS etc.,
1.Register and Login in Vuforia Developer Portal
2.Go to Develop -> License manager tab , Click Get Development key
then Add a free Development License key and submit
3.Go to Target manager tab , Click on Add Database, give database
name, press click
4.Click on the database created and Click Add target
Steps in Unity3D

1. Create a new project

2. Delete main camera
3. File -> Build Settings
4. Click Player settings
5. GameObject ->Vuforia -> AR Camera
Go to Inspector of AR Camera , make
a change in Transform property y – 3
units up and Rotation by x axis 90
Then click on open Vuforia
6. GameObject ->Vuforia ->Image
7. Go to Assets -> Import Package ->Custom Package
Add a 3D object and make it as a child to
Image Target
Playing the scene
•Vuforia Engine provides a simulator in the Game view that you can
activate by pressing the Play button. You can use this feature to
evaluate and rapidly prototype your scene(s) without having to deploy
to a device.  
•Play Mode is configured in the WebCam section of the Vuforia
Building apk and running your app
Configuring a project for Digital Eyewear

•Vuforia's support for digital eyewear enables the creation of mixed

reality AR+VR  experiences for video-see through devices like the Vuzix
M300, and AR experiences for optical see-through devices such as the
ODG R-7, the Epson BT-200, and Microsoft HoloLens.

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