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A non-government organization (NGO) has been defined
as ‘ legally constituted organization created
by natural or legal persons that operates independently
from any government.’
The number of internationally operating NGO’s is 40000
Rusia has highest NGOs that is 277000
In India is estimated to have 1.2 million NGOs.
Types of NGOs

NGO type can be understood by orientation and level

of co-operation.
NGO type by orientation
Charitable orientation;
Service orientation;
Participatory orientation;
Empowering orientation;
NGO type by level of co-operation
Community- Based Organization;
City Wide Organization;
National NGOs;
International NGOs;
Steps in establishing NGOs

The first step in the establishment of the NGO is to

identify the area of peculiar needs of the society, such
as health, HIV/AIDS, Maternal Mortality, Polio, food,
shelter, education, civil liberty and poverty alleviation
among others.
The second step is to identify people of similar minds;
there must be a unity of purpose. The third step is to
engage the services of a qualified legal practitioner for
guidance for the Registration process. Some NGOs can
be registered with the regional or central government
and that depends on the scope of the operations of the
proposed NGO. The next important step also is to
identify the internal or external partners with a clearly
stated objectives and plan of actions.
It is very difficult to segmented the NGOs marketing
services. Because charity is universal and can be
reached to any one.
But the segmentation is essential to understand and
identify in which the NGO and the social service
organization will be mainly operating
The segmentation can be done on the basis of
Geographic segmentation
The domains
Demographic segmentation
Marketing mix
• Product :

 The product for an NGO is obviously its objective of the actual

formation of the NGO.
NGOs get their funding for their social welfare and charity
works from many of the national and international Govt. and
private agencies.
The funds are also arranged by way of the goods and fancy
products etc. Manufactures by the members of the social
welfare organizations.
The NGOs also arrange membership for the general public
for their organization and other causes.
These memberships too are priced in such a manner that the
members do not feel overloaded and yet are motivated to sell
the membership to many others.
Promotion :

NGOs need to promote their social welfare and charity work

on of very large scale.
For promotion electronic media the print media the trade
magazines and outdoor media is used.
Now a days internet websites email and direct mail are the
common mode of the advertising by the NGOs.
These organizations also organize events village fairs
informative seminars to keep the affected people and general
public aware of the activities of the NGOs.
Place :
Place in NGO operations refers to the place where
support and relief can reach people.
Some time the affected customers are expected to
approach the NGO .
For ex. The human rights commission expects people to
report expects people to report to the NGO about any
human rights violation taking place any where.
People :
People are the lifeline of all kind of NGOs .
The organizations need personnel to deliver help and
assistance to other people.
Rotary club, lions club, cross are the organizations that has a
team of very well trained fully equipped and skilled
These personnel are highly motivated and sensitized to other
The process of NGO is not very simple.
In process first identified the area of operations of the
social welfare in where the organization want to operate.
After this the organization has to get registered itself
with the social welfare department under the necessary
act as an NGO.
After the registration NGO as to run the welfare works at
many places simultaneously.
- Identification of the affected people, arrangements
of the reaching the help in time.
- The other difficult task in this process is keeping
the GOVT. authorities and the other donors inform
about the proper utilization of the funds .
Physical Evidence:

Physical evidence is created by way of presenting live

proofs of the activities of the NGOs.
These can be audited by other social organizations.
The certificate issued by the social audit organizations
becomes the physical evidence.
Challenges for the NGOs
Approval process in India is very lengthy.
The most of the NGOs do not have profitable business.
Most of the NGOs face fund problem to operate the
Adoption of technology that are chances very fast
every day.
Find the personnel with right mind set for social and
charitable work.

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