AI - Introduction 2015

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AI - Introduction

Text Book
Artificial Intelligence –A Modern
Approach-Third Edition

By Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig

Artificial Intelligence ?

 A.I is the study of ideas that enable

computers to be intelligent
 It is the science and engineering of making

intelligent machines, especially intelligent

computer programs.
 AI is Concerned with Design of Intelligence

in an artificial device
 Computers with the ability to mimic or

duplicate the functions of the human brain

Artificial Intelligent System
The people, Procedure , Hardware, Software, Data and

Knowledge needed to develop computer systems and

machines that demonstrates the characteristics of

The term AI was coined by McCarthy in 1956


According to Webster’s New World Pocket Dictionary (3 rd Edition),

Intelligence is defined as, “The ability to learn, or solve problems”. In

 the ability to solve novel problems
the ability to act rationally
the ability to act like humans

Fogel in (Fogel, D. B., Evolutionary Computation: Toward a New Philosophy of Machine

Intelligence, IEEE Press, 2000) defines Intelligence, “as the capability of a

system to adapt its behavior to meet its goal in a range of environments.”
Intelligence is the faculty of understanding
What’s involved in Intelligence?
 Ability to interact with the real world
to perceive, understand, and act
 e.g., speech recognition and understanding
 e.g., image understanding
 e.g., ability to take actions, have an effect

 Reasoning and Planning

solving new problems, planning, and making decisions
ability to deal with unexpected problems, uncertainties

 Learning and Adaptation

we are continuously learning and adapting
our internal models are always being “updated”
 e.g., a baby learning to categorize and recognize animals
What is Intelligent Behavior ?
 Learn from experience
 Apply knowledge acquired from experience
 Handle complex situations
 Solve problems when important information is Missing
 Determine what is important
 React quickly and correctly to a new situation
 Understanding the visual images
 Process and manipulate symbols
 Be creative and Imaginative
 Use heuristics
Real Time Examples
Artificial Intelligence

 According to our textbook there are 4 camps based on

thinking/acting humanly/rationally.

Thinking Thinking
Humanly: Rationally: Logic

Acting Humanly: Acting Rationally:

Turing Test Intelligent Agents
Thinking Humanly: Cognitive Modeling
The Exciting new effort to make computers think

[Automation of ] activities that we associate with human

thinking, activities such as decision making, Problem

solving , Learning.
Learning the Working of Human Minds –
 Introspection – Catch our own thoughts as they go by
 Psychological Experiments
Cognitive science brings together theories and

experimental evidence to model internal activities of the

Acting Humanly :The Turing Test Approach
 The study of how to make computers do things at which, at

the moment ,People are better.

 Alan Turing's 1950 article Computing Machinery and Intelligence

discussed conditions for considering a machine to be intelligent

 “Can machines think?”  “Can machines behave intelligently?”

 The Turing test (The Imitation Game): Operational definition of intelligence

Acting Humanly :The Turing Test

Computer needs to posses:

 Natural language processing: Communicate Successfully

 Knowledge representation: to store what it knows or hears

 Automated reasoning: To use the stored information to conclude

new results
 Machine learning: To adapt to new circumstances

 Total Turing Test – Includes the video signal so that the

interrogator can test the subjects perceptual abilities

 Computer Vision
 Robotics
Thinking Rationally – Laws of Thought
Aristotle : what are correct arguments/thought
Logic Based

Example : Socrates is a man, all men are mortal;

therefore Socrates is mortal”

Main obstacle here – not easy to take the informal

knowledge as required by the logical notation

Difference in solving a problem in principle and doing

so in practice
Acting Rationally – The Rational Agent

Rational behavior: Doing the right thing!

The right thing: That which is expected to maximize

the expected return

 Advantages:

1) More general

2) Its goal of rationality is well defined

The Foundations of AI
 History of disciplines that contributed ideas, view points and techniques to AI

Disciplines Ideas taken

Philosophy Logic, methods of reasoning, mind as physical system
foundations of learning, language, rationality
Mathematics Formal representation and proof algorithms,
computation, probability
Economics utility, decision theory
Neuroscience physical substrate for mental activity
Psychology phenomena of perception and motor control,experimental
Computer building fast computers
Control theory design systems that maximize an objective function over
Linguistics knowledge representation, grammar
History of AI
1943- McCulloch and Pitts : Boolean Cicuit model of Brain
1950 Turings “ Computing Machinery and Intelligence”
 Early AIprograms – Samuels Checkers Program
 Newell & Simon’s Logic Theorist, Gelernter’s Geometry Engine

1956 Dart Mouth Meeting : AI adopted

1965- Robinson’s complete Algorithm for logical Reasoning
1960-74 AI discovers Computational complexity
 Neural Network’s research almost disappears
1969-79 Early development of Knowledgebase
1980-88 Expert systems industry booms
1988-93 Expert system industry busts: ”AI Winter”
1985-95 Neural Network return to popularity
1988 – Genetic Algorithms , Softcomputing
1995 – Agents , Agents everywhere..
2003-Human Level AI
State of the art

 Game Playing – IBM’S Deep Blue, First Computer Program to

defeat the world champion in chess-1997

 Autonomous control – ALVINN – trained to steer a car to keep

it following a lane. Performed based on the previous training runs

 Language Understanding and problem solving – PROVERB

is a computer program solves the cross word puzzle better than many
 Autonomous planning and schedule : NASA’S Remote agent

program – generated plans based on the goals specified from ground

Team I: Blue Brain Project,
Team II: CALO
Team 1II:Mycin
Team IV: Watson
Team V:AIBO,
Team VIII: A.I.L.E.E.N.N 

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