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What are the Good Communication Skills?

1. Courteousness
2. Precision
3. Language
4. Low speaking volume
5. Clarity
6. Listen to others
7. Posture and Body Language
 Courteousness
 A person should always be courteous while
speaking to anyone in the workplace, whether
senior or junior. One should not speak
disparagingly with juniors, while speaking in a
laudatory way with seniors. Courteousness should
be maintained in the workplace irrespective of
 Precision
 You are not supposed to sit and chat in the
workplace. Workplace communication is born out
of necessity and should be completed as quickly
as possible. Workplace communication mostly
consists of delegating tasks and reporting results.
So keep it short.
 Language
One should never use any slang terms while at
work. Business communication should be
crisp and clear so that everyone understands
what you’re saying. Slang terms bring the
eventuality of misunderstanding and also look
unprofessional. So one should avoid slang in
 Low Speaking Volume
 One comes across so many loud talkers.
Perhaps they are naturally so or do so
deliberately to drive some point across. But
speaking loudly is disturbing to other people
around you. Hence, a low speaking volume
should be maintained.
 Clarity
 It is also essential to ensure that the person you are
speaking with has completely understood what you have
to say. Hence, one should speak very slowly and clearly.
If you have a strong ethnic accent, you should make
sure that you talk slowly so that the other person gets
what you have say. It is always good to ask, “have you
understood?” just in case someone doesn’t get what you
have to say.
 Listen to Others
 Most people think of effective communication
as a one-way thing. But it is very important to
also be a good listener and not just a good
talker. Others too often have something to say
or to contribute to a discussion. Hence,
listening too, is one of the effective
communication skills at work.
 Posture and Body Language
 They say actions speak louder than words and the same can
be considered to be true at the workplace. The body has a
language of its own too, and at the workplace, the body
ought to be courteous. There are simple things to keep in
mind, whether it is wishing everyone ‘good morning’ at
work, or having a courteous smile on your face, being well-
dressed in office or sitting erect when someone’s talking to
you. All these things too are included in the superset of
workplace communication skills.
Effective office Communication

 Communication is technically the process of the transfer of

information between the communicating entities. The meaning
implied by communication is much more than mere transfer. It is
the sharing of one’s thoughts and feelings with the intention of
being understood. Communication results from the need of
expression and results in the exchange of ideas. Communication
is an integral part of daily life and plays a major walks of life.
Effective office communication is a key factor in the success of
an organization.
 Office communication include the communication
between the employees as well as the business talks and
communication with the clients of the company. The
interactions between company employees determine the
work environment and organization culture.
Communication involves in formal meetings, discussion
with clients or business negotiations has a direct effect
on the company business.
 Office communication could be verbal or non-verbal
one. It could be a telephone conversation or one using
an electronic mode of communication. The bottom line
is that it needs to be effective. You need to express
yourself clearly and completely. The person on the other
end should understand you. An effective communication
is the one that includes clarity in expression and
exchange of ideas and emotions.
Office Communication Over a Telephone
 While conversing on phone, remember to start the conversation by introducing yourself. It
is important to convey to the receiver of your call who you are and the purpose behind your
call. Remember that you are taking his precious time.
 Keep your conversation brief and precise. Make your point without wasting time in coming to
the actual topic. A telephone talk is quite impersonal, as it does not involve a face-to-face
communication. Gestures and facial expressions do not exactly support communication
because you are no visible to the person receiving your call.
 If you do not happen to get to the person on the phone, you might prefer leaving a
message. Clarity is again of prime importance. To make it easy for the person to reply, leave
your phone number with the message.
 In case you have not been able to answer your calls, respond to them. The person who has
been trying to call you might have been in need to communicate with you. It could be urgent.
So it is better to reply to the unanswered calls.
 Do not end the call abruptly. Make your point, give the person on the other end, a chance to
respond and end the call with a suitable greeting. It is important to give due consideration to
the age and position of the person on the call.
Effective Electronic Communication
 Emails helps in case of language barriers and accent problems.
 Electronic communication increases the turn around time, as it lacks
immediate feedback.
 Emails are best options for formal communication.
 Do not respond to emails without considering the effects of your response.

Effective communication is the vital component of the corporate world.

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