Block Diagram of A Computer

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Digital Computer

Multipurpose , programmable machine that reads binary instruction from

memory, accepts binary data as input and process the instructions according to those
instructions and provide the result.

Block Diagram of a computer


Input Control Unit Output

Block diagram of a Microcomputer
Input Output

m Bus
System Bus

Programming Languages
• Machine Language
• Assembly Language
• High Level Programming Languages
Single Board Microcomputer - µprocessor Kits
- µprocessor
- RAM 256 Bytes to 2K bytes
- 2Kbytes ROM
- Hex Keyboard

Single chip computer – Microcontroller

Contains µprocessor , RAM, ROM in a single chip
8085 Microprocessor
• 8 Bit Microcprocessor
• 8 Data Lines
• 16 Address Lines
• Clock generator output is divided by 2
• =3 MHz
• Address and data lines are multiplexed
8085 Architecture
Control Singals

• Address Latch Enable

• Read / Write
• Reset in / Reset out
• Hold
• Hold Acknowledge
Status Lines
IO/ S1 S0 States

0 0 1 Memory write

0 1 0 Memory read

1 0 1 I/O write

1 1 0 I/O read

0 1 1 Opcode fetch

Difference between opcode fetch and memory Read

For every reading of data from the memory, for an instruction , the reading of
first byte of the instruction is treated as opcode fetch. It takes 4 T States. Where
1 T = one clock pulse.
Reading of the subsequent bytes from the memory is called memory read. It
takes 3 T states.
For eg., If an instruction requires 3 bytes to complete an operation then to read
the first byte from the memory is called opcode fetch.

S – Sign Flag (Result of the D7 th bit)

Z – Zero Flag(when the Result is zero)
AC – Auxilary Carry Flag (Carry from D3 bit)
P – Parity Flag(maintains Odd number of ones )
CY – Carry Flag(Carry from D7th bit)
Pin Diagram - 8085
Instructions Set of 8085
• Addressing mode specifies the way in which the datum
is present. The datum may be present as part of the
instruction / in the internal registers or in the memory.
• For eg.,
– MVI A,07H
• Instructions are either classified based on the
operation it performs, or the number of bytes it
occupies in the memory.
Instructions – Grouping
• Data Transfer Instructions
• Arithmetic / Logical Instructions
• Machine Control Instructions
• Branch Instructions
Data Transfer Instructions (does not affect any flags)
MOV r1(destination),r2(source) r1 and r2 may be any one of the
general purpose reg. / M register
r1 = r2
MVI r, #8 bit value r may be any one of the general purpose reg. / M register
r = #immediate value
LXI rp, #16 bit value rp may be BC,DE,HL,SP
Data Transfer Instructions
Address Data
• Eg., 4100H 0EH
• MVI C,55H C=55 4101H 55H
• LXI H,3341H H = 33H 4102H 21H
L = 41H 4103H 41H
4104 33H

Little Endian - The least significant byte of the data is placed at the lowest address.

LDA #16 Bit Address, STA #16bit Address

LDA 4500H Address Data

4500H AEH
STA 4800H
4800H = ?
Data Transfer Instructions
LHLD #16 Bit Address, SHLD #16bit Address
Address Data
4400H 10H
LHLD 4400H LXI H,4504H 4401H 51H
L = 10H L = 04H
H=51H H=45H
SHLD 4800
Address Data
4800H 04H
4801H 45H

LDAX rp, STAX rp rp should be BC and DE only

LXI B,4644H Address Data

MVI A,65H 4644H 65H


Arithmetic Instructions(Affects the flags)
Increment and Decrement Instructions
• INR r r = r +1
(Affects all the flags except Carry Flag)
• DCR r r = r-1
• INX rp rp = rp + 1
(Affects No flags)
• DCX rp rp = rp - 1
Add r – r may be any one of the general purpose register (A,B,C,D,E,H,L or M)
• A=A+r
ADI #8 bit value – Add Immediate
A = A + # 8bit Value
ADC r – Add with carry. r may be any one of the general purpose register (A,B,C,D,E,H,L or M)
• A=A+r+1
ACI #8 bit value – Add Immediate with carry
DAD rp Add 16 value rp may be HL,BC or DE
A = A + # 8bit Value + CF HL = HL + rp (Affects CF only)

Sub r – r may be any one of the general purpose register (A,B,C,D,E,H,L or M)

• A=A-r
SUI #8 bit value – Subtract Immediate
A = A - # 8bit Value
SBB r – Subtract with carry. r may be any one of the general purpose register (A,B,C,D,E,H,L or M)
• A=A-r-1
SBI #8 bit value – Subtract Immediate with carry
A = A - # 8bit Value + CF
Arithmetic …

DAA – Decimal Adjust Accumulator After Addition

MVI B, 05H
MVI C,06H A=? A = 0BH

MVI B, 05H
DAA A = 11H

Logical Group ( Affects all the flags)

CMP r compare with r
ANA r AND with r If A < r then CF = 1
ANI # 8 bit value AND with immediate value If A == r then ZF = 1
XRA r XOR with r CPI # data compare with imm. value
XRI #8 bit value XOR with immediate value
ORA r OR with r
ORI # immediate value OR with immediate value
CMA complement accumulator
STC – Set Carry
CMC – Complement Carry
Logical Instr.. Rotate Instructions
RLC – Rotate Acc left by one bit

RRC – Rotate Acc right by one bit

Rotate Instructions ….

RAL – Rotate Acc left by one bit through carry

RAR – Rotate Acc Right by one bit through carry

Branching Operations
Transfers the control of microprocessor from
one location to another location. Conditional
transfer or unconditional transfer
• JMP-Jump within a program.
• CALL-Jump from main program to sub-routine.
• RET-Jump from sub-routine to main program.
• RST-Jump from main program to instruction
sub routine.
Conditional Jump Instructions
ALP - 8085
• Write an ALP to check (8020H) is greater than
81H. If so decrement (8020H) by 1 else
increment the location content by one.
• Write an ALP to add two 16bit data stored in the
location 2200H & 2201H and 2300H & 2301 and
store the result in the consecutive location.
• Write an ALP to multiply two hexadecimal
ALP - 8085
• Write an ALP to add two BCD number stored
in the location 2200H & 2201H and store the
result in the consecutive location.

• Write an ALP to add two BCD number of size 4digit

number stored in the location 4200H & 4201H and 4300H
& 4301 and store the result in the consecutive location.

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