Lesson 3

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What were the people like?

The people were …

Where were you last month/year/holiday…?
What was the hotel like?
I was on vacation in Colorado/Paris/Moscow.
There was a …. And there were …
What was it like?
Who was with you?
Was your wife/son/daughter with you?
The weather was … and the … was very …
Yes, she was/ No, she wasn’t…

Were your children with you?

San Juan [ˌsæn 'hwɑːn]
Haiti ['heɪtɪ]
barefoot ['beəfut]
heavy rain [ˌhevɪ 'reɪn]
trouble ['trʌbl]
Future Simple:
She will be here tomorrow.

Present Perfect:
I have never been to Haiti.
She has been to Spain.
Have they ever been in trouble?
Present Past Present
Simple Simple Perfect
be was/were been
‘How’ve you been?’
‘How’ve you been?’
‘How have you been?’
[haʊ hev ju biːn]
‘How’ve you been?’
[haʊ ev ju biːn]
however [haʊ'evə]
‘How’ve you been?’
[haʊ'ev ju biːn]
1.Where is he now?
2.Has he been to Paris?
3.Has he been to Vienna?
tigers ['taɪgəz]
giraffes [ʤɪ'rɑːfs]
antelopes ['æntɪləups]
1.Has Rosie ever been to a safari?
2.What animals has Elmer seen?
3.Would Rosie like to go with Elmer?

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