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1. What one thing could you do (you aren’t doing now) that if you did on a regular basis, would
make a tremendous positive difference on your personal life?

2. What one thing in your business or professional life would bring similar results?


• The book 7 habits of highly effective people was written by Stephen covey in 1989.

• If one needs to change a situation then he must change himself first.

• Habit 3 is about actually going after the goals, and completing our priorities on a day-to-
day basis.

Principles of personal
• leadership is like an art, a right-brained activity.
• It consists of asking the ultimate questions of life.
• Management is putting a perspective into action.
• Effective management is putting first things first, whereas
leadership chooses what the first things actually are.
“Paradigms are powerful because they
create the lens through which we see
the world… If you want small changes
in your life, work on your attitude. But
if you want big and primary changes,
work on your paradigm.”


The power of independent will

• It allows you to have full control over yourself and not give

• the power to do something when you don't want to do it.

• It's the power to act with honesty to your proactive first


Quadrant II
The two factors that outline an activity are urgent and important.

Urgent means it requires immediate attention. It's "Now!" Urgent things act on us.

Urgent matters are usually visible.  They go on us; they put into effect action. 

They're usually right before folks. and infrequently they're pleasant, easy, fun to do. But so often they're unimportant!

Whether you're a student at the university, a worker in an production line, a homemaker, designer, or president of an
organization, I think that if you were to ask what lies in Quadrant II and cultivate the proactivity to travel after
it, you'd find the identical results.

Your effectiveness would increase dramatically.

What it takes to say ‘NO’
• What it Takes to mention "No”

• The only place to urge time for Quadrant II within

the beginning is from Quadrants III and IV. you cannot ignore
the urgent and important activities of Quadrant I,

• You have to be proactive to figure on Quadrant II because

Quadrant I and III work on you. 

• Form follows function.

• Likewise, management follows leadership.

• The way you spend some time may be a results of the way you

see some time and also the way you actually see your
Moving in to Quadrant II

• Quadrant II is at the heart of effective personal management.

• it deals with things like building relationships, long-term planning, exercising,

preparation and etc.

• we have to learn how to say "no" to other activities.

• when we focus on Quadrant II, it means we're thinking ahead, working on the roots, and
preventing crises from happening in the first place!

First Generation: Second Generation: Third Generation: Fourth Generation: Self
Notes and Checklist  Calendars and Goal Setting and Management, Not Time
The first iteration of Planners  Daily Planning  Management 
time management tools The second generation The third generation It is about managing
focuses on gathering all of time management builds on the second
yourself so that you can
the varied tasks and to- takes things a step generation’s
scheduling techniques actively decide which
dos into checklists and further by taking all the
Post-It notes. to-dos on your by adding tasks will have the most
checklists and prioritization through value in your life and
organizing them into a clarifying your values adjust accordingly as
schedule. and setting long- and things come up.
short-term goals.  
The Quadrant II Tool
Covey has developed a Quadrant II organizer meeting six criteria:

1. Coherence - integrates roles, goals, and priorities.

2. Balance - keeps various roles before you so they're not neglected.

3. Quadrant II Focus - Weekly - the key is not to prioritize what's in your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.

4. A People Dimension - think of efficiency when dealing with things, but effectiveness when dealing with people. The first person
to consider in terms of effectiveness is yourself. Schedules are subordinated to people.

5. Flexibility - the organizer is your servant, not your master

6. Portability - If your organizer is portable, you will

Becoming a Quadrant II Self-

There are four key activities in Quadrant II

organizing, focusing on what you want to
accomplish for the next 7 days

Identify Roles –
1. Individual
2. Spouse/Parent
3. Manager New Products
4. Manager Research
5. Manager Staff Dev.
6. Manager Administration
 2) Select Goals -
two or three items to accomplish for each role for
the next week, including some of your longer term
goals and personal mission statement .

3) Scheduling/Delegating -
including the freedom and flexibility to handle unanticipated events and the
ability to be spontaneous .

4) Daily Adapting -
each day respond to unanticipated events, relationships and experiences in a
meaningful way.

Living It
if Habit 1 says ‘You’re the programmer’ and Habit 2 says ‘Write the program,’ then
Habit 3 says ‘Run/Live the program.
And living it is primarily a function of our independent will and commitment not short-
term goals and schedules or to the impulse of the moment, but to the correct
principles and our own deepest values

Advances of the 4th Generation
The fourth generation of self-management “time management” is more advanced than the third in five important

• principle-centered- it empowers you to see your time in the context of what is really important.

• Conscience directed- It helps you to organize your life in harmony with your deepest values.

• Defines your unique mission.

• Helps you balance your life .

• Gives greater context through weekly organizing (with daily adaptation as needed), rising above the

limiting perspective of a single day.


A successful person should realize that things that will help him achieve the expected objectives cannot be
focused on achieving one's objectives are established.

One wants to consider the strengths and limitations of the people with whom one is planning to work.

it is necessary to avoid saying what to do to the individuals concerned.

It is imperative that they know the vision and priorities to be accomplished.

Because of the up-front time commitment, some people refuse to assign things to other people

You have to clarify what needs to be done and how to do it.

Types of delegations

1. Gofer delegation
2. Stewardship delegation

• Organize and execute around priorities”

• Important-urgent activities (e.g. crises, deadline driven projects)

• Important- non urgent activities (e.g. relationship building, planning)

• Not important-urgent activities (like. mails, some meetings)

• Not important-not urgent activities (e.g. social apps, time wasters)

• Effective individuals should not waste their time on non-urgent tasks because they are not important..

Step 1. What are your
1 Identify the different
Step 2. Set goals: positions you have in the
family, professional, and
Think about one or two significant leisure fields of your life,
outcomes you would like to achieve just as you did with your
within the next week for each personal mission
position. . 2

Step 4. Adapt as Step 3. Schedule your goals:

Needed: Now that you have a list of
Start each day as you move 3 goals to achieve in the
through your week by 4
coming week, start preparing
reviewing what's on the them
agenda of the day and
remembering why these tasks
are important for your overall

Six major deposits

 Understanding the person.

 Take care of the seemingly insignificant details

 Keep responsibilities.

 Clarify assumptions.

 Show individual respectability.

 Apologize truly when you make a withdrawal.

Attending to the little things

o What may appear little to us could be a HUGE opportunity to other people.

o Notice the little things that give you bliss, regardless of whether it is brief short.
o You will steadily move your considerations based on the thing is absent in your life to what exactly is there.
o You will begin to make your own satisfaction little by little.
o Easily overlooked details manage reality, with no show are frequently a lot more prominent than what we call the
extraordinary ones, and thusly have a lot bigger outcome.
o Take care of the seemingly insignificant details, and we need not be restless about the more noteworthy ones.
o Little things are regularly more risky than huge things, for they can get in through little openings.
o The little present is incredible in light of the fact that its smallness is the parent of the extraordinary future.

keeping commitments
• Try not to make responsibilities and guarantees delicately.

• Guarantees expect trust to make.

• There must be a sure conviction that this individual you're making a guarantee with will keep it.

• Keeping a responsibility or a guarantee is a significant store breaking one is a significant.

• Making a responsibility is actually quite genuine matter in business.

• Being reluctant to make any responsibilities is as much a withdrawal as making them and not keeping them.

• Nothing obliterates trust quicker than making and breaking a guarantee.

• Keeping a guarantee requires trustworthiness/execution of us and that we penance our temperaments,

sentiments, feelings and time.

Clarifying expectations
The reason for practically all relationship challenges is established in clashing or vague assumptions around jobs and

All correspondence breakdowns, or broken, wiped out societies come from either questionable or broken assumptions
around jobs and objective.

Who is to do which job and what are the high-need objectives of those jobs ought to be clear .

It is really hard to fabricate commonly clear assumptions with others on the off chance that you don't know precisely what
they are yourself.

Having clear assumptions is acceptable, giving others the unique circumstance and expectation for them will make them
more clear and simpler to follow.

Showing personal integrity
o Genuineness is coming clean at the end of the day.

o show honesty and be faithful to the individuals who are absent.

o Adjusting our words to the real world.

o Uprightness is changing reality to our words all things considered.

o We can likewise show our own respectability by being straightforward, keeping guarantees,
o assumptions, and treating everybody with similar qualities and standards.

o One approach to do this is to show regard and reliability for individuals who are absent.

Apologizing sincerely when you make a withdrawal

• If we connect emotionally with someone we need to apologize and need to do sincerely.

• People with internal insecurity never do apologize.
• They feel it makes them weak and people take advantage of it
• To justified their deeds they rationalize their own wrong and feel justified what they did.

"If you're going to bow, bow low," say Eastern wisdom. "Pay the uttermost
farthing," says the Christian ethic.”

The laws of love and the laws of life
When we do unconditional love, we live the primary law of love.

When we violate that law we out them in a reactive and defensive position where they feel to prove their independency.

In reality they aren’t independent they become reactive and concerned about their rights and individuality.

Rebellion is a knot of the heart of the heart not of the mind. The key is to make deposits, constant deposits of
unconditional love.

Nevertheless, our administrative styles of understanding and commitment make issues.

Creating unity is necessary to run any relation.

No technical skill are required to develop any relation.

Mutual understanding and consideration is the primary law of love and life.

P Problems are PC opportunities
o PC opportunities is the way of the pattern to build the love and trust in interdepend relations.

o We don’t have to run from our problems or avoid them.

o We have to face it together as a team.

o Relationship between parents and children should be enjoyed.

o This paradigm is powerful in business as well.

o If customer are warmly greeted and have respect and you make them happy by showing
opportunities in their desire, so they never go anywhere else.

o By recognizing that the P/PC balance is necessary to effectiveness in an interdependent reality, we

can value our problems as opportunities to increase PC

Habit of interdependence
we are interdependent on each other to achieve the goals.

To achieve our goals effectively we have to depend on one another with a

different scheme besides the WIN WIN, REFLECTIVE LEARNING and

In order to manage ourselves successfully, we have to put
first things first. We must have the discipline to
prioritize our day-to-day activities on the basis of
what is most important, not what is most urgent. To
maintain the discipline and the focus to not get off
track until we reach our goal, we need to have the
determination to do something when we don't want to
do it. We have to act according to our values and
beliefs instead of our wants or impulses at any given
Back to the questions and your answers
If we now go back to the questions at the beginning of this third habit, what category
do your answers fit into? Are they important? Are they urgent? Covey guesses our
answers are obviously deeply important, but not urgent. And because they aren’t
urgent, we’re not doing them. He asks us to look again at the nature of those questions:
“what one thing could you do in your personal and professional life that, if you did on
a regular basis, would make a tremendous positive difference in your life?


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