Vertical Farming

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Sohan P.Meharwade
Origin of the idea
• The word VERTICAL FARMING was coined by Gilbert Ellis Bailey in 1915.

• Economically cultivating plants within SKYSCRAPERS OR ON


• Latest version of this idea is given by Prof. Dickson Despommier's.

Origin Of this idea

Prof. Dickson Despommier's

 Feed the population of about
20,00,000 people using 13 acres
of usable rooftop gardens but
only 2% would be fed. Hence
he came up with a new idea of
 Each floor will have its own
watering and nutrient monitoring
 There will be sensors for every
single plant that tracks how much
and what kinds of nutrients the
plant has absorbed.
 We will even have systems to
monitor plant diseases by
employing DNA chip
technologies that detect the
presence of various viral and
bacterial infections.
 A gas chromatograph will tell us
when to pick the plant by
analyzing which flavenoids the
plants or crops contain.
 Preparation for the future:- • The controlled growing environment
Estimated that in 2050 80% of world reduces the need for pesticides.
population will live in urban areas &
world population will increase by 3 • Vertical farming would cause very little
billion people. harm to wildlife.
 When the crops are grown no
• Impact on human health:- Toxic
transportation may be required as the
chemicals commonly used as pesticides
crops will be sold in same infrastructure
and fungicides, severe injuries that can
where they are grown hence no
occur when using large industrial farming

 Protection from weather-related • Urban growth:- Could allow cities to

problems:-Changes in rainfall timings, expand without destroying forests while
and temperature could diminish India’s remaining largely self sufficient food wise.
agricultural output by 30 percent by the
end of the century & Three recent • Energy production:- Methane digesters
floods that occurred in U.S (in 1993, could be built on site to transform the
2007 and 2008) billions of dollars. organic waste generated at the farm into
Developers and local
governments in cities
like Abu Dhabi(UAE),
Dongton(China), New
York, Las Vegas, Los
,Beijing,Bangalore have
expressed serious
interest in establishing a
vertical farm.
In 2012, the world's first
commercial vertical
farm was opened in
Design of vertical farm in Singapore
1) Economics:- A detailed cost analysis of start-up costs, operation costs, and
revenue has not been done.
 The extra cost of lighting, and powering the vertical farm may go higher.
 Initial building costs will be easily over $100 million, for a 60 hectare vertical
farm in cities like Tokyo, Mumbai, Dubai etc.
2) Energy use:- when the sun shines on a vertical surface at an extreme angle
such that much less light is available to crops than when they are planted on
flat land hence supplementary lights are needed. Hence increasing the
3) Pollution:- With vertical farms requiring much greater energy per kilogram
of produce, mainly through increased lighting, the amount of pollution
created will be much higher than that from field produce.


 Vertical farming by Dickson Despommier's

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