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Inter-Quality Services

Wherever you are,

We provide you with the best class Services.


Request Our
01 Who we 02 Our Services 03 Why Us ? 04 Services
Who we are ?
01 What we Do

1 Increase on time delivery

Preform assessment, documentation

3 & organization tasks
Inter-Quality Services ensures
you an improved quality
product 。

With our well-trained experts,

Inter-Quality Services strives for
2 Increase lab efficiency
Perfection !

4 Support efficiency & effectiveness of

your supply chain
Our Services
02 Our Services
We provide you with the best Quality Control Services

Quality Inspection Suppliers Development Factory Digital Transformation

Inter-Quality Services provides you with Quality control in the supply chain ultimately You don’t have to wait to get
the best team of Quality Control helps you protect your company’s reputation. connected. Choose Inter-Quality
Experts so that you can ensure on-time Inter-Quality Services guarantee the finest Services and let us Transform your
delivery and quality products to your control services over your suppliers 。 Factory ! 。
final costumers 。
02 Our Services
Inspect your Products

Fix Effective Failure

Inter-Quality ensure a better-quality
product by reinforcing the inspection
according to your requirements and
specifications. The control takes place at
any stages of your supply chain. 。

Test The Products Quality Assurance

Stabilization Of The Manufacturing Process
Speed Up Access To Lab-Tests
In order to ensure good product quality,
With our network of partners, Inter-
manufacturers must monitor their
Quality ensure Lab-tests and in a fairly
manufacturing processes and analyze risks
short and efficient time according to the
according to indicators and results 。
requested standards 。
02 Our Services
Inspect your Products

How Inter-Quality Performs Product

Our Inter-Quality experts are trained according to your
specifications/needs. They move on site to inspect and
send the quality control results 。

How Inter-Quality Ensures The Reliability Of Lab

As you make your request, a team of our experts :
 Pick up samples from your suppliers
 Send them to the Laboratory
 Follow-up with the Lab
 Send you the final report

How Inter-Quality Improves Quality Assurance?

Our Inter-Quality experts receives your request and process them.
They verify:
 Manufacturer process after successive complaints
 The actions’ relevance following a non-conformity
 The relevance of a quality control point 。
02 Our Services
Develop your suppliers

Audit Your Suppliers Remotely

After receiving a checklist of the points to be audited from our

customers, our inter-Quality Experts take care of the suppliers’
audit.  they ensure:

 Different types of audits " new product launch audits ", " process /
product modification audit " and " rapid audit following a

 A focus on the most important audit points

 Point the non-conformity following the audit

 A history of the evolution of the supplier during the last audits

02 Our Services
Develop your suppliers

Support Your Suppliers

Our Inter-Quality experts support your suppliers according to

your needs. We provide them with: 

 New customer requirements Training programs

 Training and assistance on platforms required by
 Training and assistance on work tools required by
customers 。
02 Our Services
Develop your suppliers

Logistics Capacity Find

Find Your
Your "" Best
Best "" Suppliers
Ability to reduce costs
& eliminate waste
Inter-Quality has a large network of
manufacturers in different fields
(Automotive, Textile, Mechanics,

Production capacity Electronics, Agriculture …) which are well

” ranked ” by our experts according to
specific criteria 。
Culture of teamwork

Process flexibility
Ability to use data & & Ability to improve
Ability to reduce costs
speed to implement
solutions & Eliminate waste
02 Our Services
Transform your Factory

Preparation For Industry 4.0

To support your company in a transformation
towards Industry 4.0, Inter-Quality offer you :
 Business maturity assessment
 Propose an action plan to prepare
 Employee training on industry 4.0 tools
 Implement evaluation indicators for industry 4.0
 Transformation Support
 Industry 4.0’s implementation 。

Lean Six Sigma 4.0 Quality 4.0

Why Us ?
02 Why Choose InterQuality Services ?

01 Availability to move on site

02 Quick reporting procedure

03 Real time Quality results

04 Flexible price calculation

02 Why Choose InterQuality Services ?

Guarantee The Best Quality Control Services

Available upon We Operate

Since 2017
request Globally
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