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Health and fitness

in senior years

Group Members:

Siti Halimatus ‘Saadiah Matri No. s2009101

Sophie(Wang Xuan) Matric No.s200025
Wendy(Liao Min) Matric No.17222203
01 The definition of health

02 Common health problems in senior years

03 Efficient Ways To Improve Elderly Physical &

Mental Health

04 The benefits of fitness

05 S u i t a b l e ways for seniors to get fit

06 Safety tips

07 Conclusion

The definition of health

The definition of health
Traditionally, there are not diseases, which
means health. The new definition of health is as
being in a good and perfect state in all
aspects of the body, spirit and society.
Mental health
Mental health means that everyone can
recognize their own potential, and be able to
cope with normal life pressure and to work

Physical health
Physical health means that the body structure
and function are normal and have the ability to
take care of themselves.
T h e re a s o n s t h a t w e n e e d t o c a re a b o u t t h e h e a l t h
of the seniors
the global population is aging and people are living longer.
People have not paid much attention to the health of
the elderly.

Studies show that in recent years, the prevalence of elderly people has
increased significantly.

The health awareness of the elderly is relatively weak. Many elderly

people will not go to the hospital if they are sick, especially in low-
income families.

Common health problems in

senior years
Common mental illnesses in the elderly

Older adults with mental illness will increase to 15million in

Depression is the most common disease and it
accounts for the largest proportion of the
elderly population
● Dementia ( 5% ) Bipolar disorder
● Anxiety ( 3.8% )

Older adults with mental illness will increase to 15million in 2030.


Suicide: People over 85 have

the highest suicide rate.
Alzhermer’s and other
memory disorders;
Common physical illnesses in the elderly
As the elderly grow older, their immune system will decrease. Furthermore, chronic mental diseases
will also cause many physical illnesses in the elderly. Therefore, older people tend to get various
physical diseases than young adults

Hypertension : Studies have shown that the proportion of elderly people over 55 with
hypertension accounts for over 65%, and the proportion increases with age

The bar graph shows that only 2.8%of people having mental disorders do not have chronic
physical problems. Therefore, mental and physical illnesses are related with each other.
● Hypertension : Studies have shown that the proportion of elderly people
over 55 with hypertension accounts for over 65%, and the proportion increases
with age
● Heart Diseases and strokes

● Obesity.

● Diabetes

● Cancer

● Asthma

● Blindness
Efficient Ways To Improve
Elderly Physical & Mental
The elderly should lead a healthy lifestyle so that, their mental and
physical health are always in good condition.

(K. Leslie)
1) Physical Activity
The reason ?
01 - Will always be fit and able to avoid illness.
- Will increase more energy.

- Do 30 minutes of simple physical activity every day.

- Examples : walking, slow jog, use stair than elevator, yoga.
2) Stop Smoking
Why ?
- It give more disadvantages than advantages such as heart
01 disease, diabetes, respiratory problem and cancers.

- Health among the elderly can be improved if they quit

02 smoking even though they have been smoking since a young
3) Healthy Diet
Why ?
- The senior citizens need to take nutrition according to the
01 food pyramid.
- High intake of oily and sweet foods can cause problems to
physical health especially to the heart and blood sugar level.

- Mediterranean diet (Suggested diet for senior citizens)


What is Mediterranean Diet ?

What is Mediterranean Diet ?
Do’s Don’ts (Limit or
• Use more olive oil • Butter,
for cooking and margarine
seasoning dishes.

• Increase intake • Pastries

of nuts, seafood, (sweets)
eggs, dark
chocolate and

• Eat white meat • Potatoes

instead of red
About 15% of senior citizens aged 60
and above have mental health

(World Health Organization)

4) Play Mind Games
Why ?
- Any activity that use mind to keep thinking to solve problems
01 contributes to brain health.
- Activities that recommend for seniors :

1) Reading and 3) Playing an 2) Playing puzzles

writing: instruments: and games:


Can manage stress, - Music can stimulate Being active and can
and learn new the brains and can challenge the brain to
knowledge improve memory in keep thinking.
5) Stay Connected with Family &Friends
Why ?
01 - Keep in touch with the peoples can help the senior to reduce
loneliness and feeling of isolation that can lead to mental
illness (mood disorder, anxiety disorder, personality
- Nowadays, many technologies are available to stay in touch
with the loved ones such as Skype, Facebook, WhatsApp's.
6) Volunteering
Why ?
The elders can share their
The seniors can make new
skills such as cooking,
friends regardless of age,
writing, drawing and can
race, gender and culture.
occupy free time.

Benefits of Fitness
1) Live longer
- Among the causes of early death and diseases is an unhealthy lifestyle.
- The lifespan of the elderly will be increase if they are fit.

2) Prevent falls
- Fall risk can be reduced. According to WHO, back pain among the elderly
can also be prevent.
3) Prevent disease
- The common health problem among the elderly such as hypertension and
lung problem can be prevented.

4) Improved Mental Health

- Exercise can help to get better sleep. The elderly will be feeling refreshed
and happy when the wake up in the morning.
- Exercise also produces endorphins (the “good feel” hormones).

Suitable ways for seniors

to get fit
1.Myth about seniors exercise
1)It’s too late to start to do exercise

2)Exercise is dangerous for seniors, it raises

the risks of falling down

3)Seniors are too weak to do exercise

4)Disabled seniors are not be able to do

exercise at all
 It's never too late to do exercise.

 Anyone, regardless of the age ,

can get benefit from exercise and fitness
02 Suitable ways for seniors to get fit
Build a balanced plan which combined with these four
bulider blocks.
01 03
Aerobic exercise
Balance exercise Dancing, climbing, cycling and
Posture exercise, yoga, taichi playing badminton, jogging or just
walking, etc.

Flexibility exercise Strength exercise

02 04
Stretchy, Yoga Using weight machine, own weight
or elastic band
3) How to add more fun in exercise

a) Take a nature hike

b) Find a supportive partner
c) Involve in some competitive exercise, such as having a tennis
Take a nature hike
Find a supportive partner
Involve in some competitive exercise, such as having a tennis competition
Use music(Music is a good way to lift spirits and make you excited)
d) Use music(Music
Involve is a good
in group exercise, such asway
join into lift spirits
a yoga and make
class, Chinese square you

e) Involve in group exercise, such as join in a yoga class, Chinese

square dance

Safety tips
a)Consult a doctor
b)Include Warm up and cool down
c)Start slow and avoid over exercise
Signs of excessive exercise
Feel dizzy,
Feel oppression in the chest
Feel too tired

d)Stay focused during exercise


1) Health is not only the absence of
physical diseases, but the states mental
and physical condition are very good.

2) Depression is one of the major mental

illness among the elderly, and the elderly
generally suffer from some physical
illnesses such as blood pressure etc.

3) Exercise can improve mental and
physical health, prevent disease, lower
the risk of falls, strengthen social ties.
4) A balanced exercise plan includes

02 5) It is important to stick on the safety

rules during exercise.
Thank you

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