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compaign (Product :Ariel detergent (

Group :1
Sumiya Basheet 1001
Iqra 1003
Ayesha iqbal 1017
Kashaf Rana 1042
Zunaira 1026
 Ariel: In the modern world, Ariel is considered as one of the best
detergents worldwide. Ariel introduced itself into the market in the
year 1967 coming up with the combination of a compound based on
enzyme and encapsulated bleach which was an innovation of that
 In 1980’s and 1990’s, the other detergents offered whiteness and
brightness to the clothes but for only two three washes.
 In the year 1992, an innovation from Ariel came in the form of
bleach free detergent, which brightened the clothes and prevented
them from fading.
 In 2001, in order to save time, liquitabs were introduced to give
unbeatable results easily and quickly. Ariel is a brand of P&G with
its headquarters in Ohio, USA. (Ariel, 2016)
 2003 Ariel brought out its quickwash action to its
detergents, to allow consumers to be able to do their
laundry on a quickwash cycle.
 2006 Ariel started its "turn to 30" campaign to inspire
consumers to wash in cool water so that energy can be
 2008 In the spring, Ariel launched a concentrated version
of their liquid detergents named Ariel Power. October,
saw the launch of their new Excel Gel product which can
be used in temperatures as low as 15 degrees celsius. This
product was launched under Ariel's "cold is the new hot"
Market strategies


Product Price Place Promotion

 In store placement strategy
 Already existing strong links in urben areas
 Rural Presentation
 Develop market channels as strong penetrated so that it would gain access to remote areas
 Strategic location wherehouses
 Increase wholesale dealer in small town who can cover the nearby village

 Media
 Radio
 Hoardings
 Consumer promotion
 Newspaper
Product strategy
 Product classification _Service consumer good
 Product differentiation from Feature ,performance ,Reliability
 Attractive packing
 Catchy tag lines
 Establish as a brand it selt

Promotion strategy
 Optional Feature pricing
 Product line pricing
 Competitive pricing
 Distribution pricing
Tv commercial (TVC)
 An effective TV commercial uses the three basic
structural elements: audio, video, and computer graphics

Ariel Tv commercial (TVC)

 Ariel ad use Testimonial and Celebrity Endorsement Appeal
 Target audience: Females
 Advertisement of Ariel describes that labels are tougher
than stains, basically,they want to show that label just
stains and wash them through Ariel
 Ariel ad use tagline " Remove tough stains better in one
‫‪ Ariel‬سخت داغ بہتر نکالے ایک دھالئی میں‬
‫‪1wash challenge‬‬
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#Ariel hoh hoh
New Ariel double action formula
All mehekta clean in 1 wash
Ariel downy
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Ariel kill 99.9% Bacteria And virus
Ariel machine expert
Ariel’s campaign #WashTheLabel speaks directly to judgemental people.
 In Pakistan, it seems everyone loves to jump to conclusions without clarifying the details or
knowing the background story of anyone.
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 Ariel’s recent campaign gives a very important message: working for the home is
everyone’s equal responsibility.
Outdoor Advertisement

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