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• 17.000 pulau, 47 ekosistem alami
• luas 1,3% dataran dunia, tetapi:
a. 10% tumbuhan berbunga
b. 12% binatang menyusui
c. 16% reptilia dan amfibia
d. 17% burung
e. 25% ikan

Modal Pembangunan Nasional

 Rawan Kerusakan, harus:
1. Meningkatkan efisiensi pemanfaatan
2. pengembangan iptek, untuk mengembangkan
pemanfaatan jenis2 potensial

Yaitu semua aplikasi teknologi yang memanfaatkan
sistem biologis, makhluk hidup atau derivatnya,
untuk membuat/memodifikasi produk atau proses2
bagi pemanfaatan yang khusus (UU No 5 tahun 1994:
Keanekaragaman Hayati
Introduction (1)
• Biodiversity is the variability among living organisms
and the ecological complexes of which they are part,
including diversity within species (genetic diversity),
between species, and of ecosystems.

•Biodiversity divided into three namely, ecosystem

biodiversity, species biodiversity, and genetic
biodiversity, which include interaction between
organism and other organism and interaction
between organism and it’s environment.
Introduction (2)
• A major challenge will be to increase agricultural
production over the coming decades to adequately
feed the growing world population and meet the rising
expectations of economically improving societies.

•The conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity

is essential for the future of agriculture and humanity.
3 prinsip konservasi sumberdaya alam

1. Perlindungan sistem penyangga

2. Pengawetan keanekaragaman jenis
tumbuhan, satwa dan ekosistemnya
3. Pemanfaatan secara sustainable SDA
hayati dan ekosistemnya
Biodiversity is the foundation of
•Qualset et al. have defined agrobiodiversity as all crops
and livestock and their wild relatives, and all interacting
species of pollinators, symbionts, pests, predators, and
competitors for food production that support the agro-

•Agricultural biodiversity is the result of both human

and natural selection. Its conservation depends on
proper management and sustainable use.
Indonesian Biodiversity
Species Number
food plants 900 species
medicinal plants 1000 species
micro algae thousand species
carbohydrat source 77 kinds
lipid/oil source 75 kinds
legumes 26 kinds
fruits 389 kinds
vegetables 229 kinds
drink materials 40 kind
drugs and flavor species 110 kinds

Source: Hanani, 2008

Fruit Germplasm


Keamanan Pangan dan Kedaulatan Pangan

protected, conservated and used sustainly

 Biodiversty, especially genetic biodiversity, had
been used in agriculture through plant breeding
programs create new variety
 Plant breeding program increases agriculture
comodity product national
Table 2. The new superior variety product by Indonesia government institution during 1969 – 1989 and 1990 -

Crop Amount of New Variety Average of Invention per


1969 - 1989 1990 - 1996 1969 - 1989 1990 – 1996

Rice 84 24 4,2 3,42
Corn 17 22 0,8 3,14
Soybean 16 13 0,8 1,86
Peanut 8 7 0,4 1,75
Mungbean 8 3 0,4 0,43
Cassava 8 2 0,4 0,29
Sweet 4 2 0,2 0,29
Source: Baihaki, 1999
Table 3. The productivity average (t/ha) of jagung modern (yellow maize) dan jagung tradisional (white maize)
in Filiphina year 1990 - 1997

Year Traditional Variety Modern Variety

(white maize) (yellow maize)
1990 1,08 1,75
1991 1,12 1,74
1992 1,15 1,96
1993 1,25 2,07
1994 1,12 2,13
1995 1,12 2,22
1996 1,11 2,18
1997 1,11 2,39

source: Baihaki, 1999

Strategi Pengelolaan Bioteknologi
1. Pelestarian, pemanfaatan dan pengembangan KH
harus berpijak pada dukungan ilmu dan teknologi
2. KH merupakan induk SDH yang memungkinkan
perluasan pemanfaatan dengan dasar genetika
(Diversifikasi Pemanfaatan)
3. Setiap pelaksanaan kegiatan harus memenuhi tugas
dan fungsinya secara maksimum dan berusaha
mengoptimumkan dirinya dalam kaitan dengan
semua kegiatan lain secara terkoordinasi
(Keterpaduan pengelolaan)
Food security
Food security is a government ability indicator to
create value and status nation to guarantee all of
people to get enough food, proper quality, safe, and
Program and agriculture development program use
four tracks strategy which be based on pro poor, pro
job, pro growth, and pro environment.
Food sovereignty
Food sovereignty is definited as right of a country and
farmer to dicide food policy by giving priority to local
food product to fill their need, guarantee avaibility of
land, water, seed including funding to little farmer and
farm worker also forbid food trade practice with
This concept starts from concern about dependency
situation and food injustice in free trade era which
must be faced by farmer in developing country. It is
used to protect and arrange domestic agriculture
Table 4. Modern variety adoption of five main plants in six Indian
states and the corelation with result
Crop Amount of Adoption level Correlation
district (%) with
Rice 143 64 0,24**
Wheat 133 58 0,04
Pearl Millet 134 46 0,22**
Sorghum 160 33 0,24**
Corn 141 31 0,09

Source: Baihaki, 1999, ** = significant difference

Agriculture can promote biodiversity:
a. Delivery of ecosystem services
b. Incentives
c. Ecological knowledge
Agriculture can reduce biodiversity:
a.Crop production (modern practices, monocultures)
b. Livestock production (intensive/landless)
Harapan pengembangan bioteknologi
Peningkatan kesehatan
Peningkatan kemantapan persediaan pangan, melalui
pengembangan praktek pertanian berkelanjutan
Peningkatan penyediaan air bersih
Proses pengolahan bahan mentah yang lebih efisien
Penghutanan kembali
Penanggulangan limbah berbahaya dan beracun
melalui bioremidiasi
Pelepasan GMO harus melalui tahapan:
Penelaahan dan analisis resiko, memperhatikan:
a. Ciri organisme
b. Cara-cara organisme dimanfatkan
c. Karateristik daerah dan organisme lain di daerah
Minimalisasi tingkat resiko
Sustainable agricultural practices and methods
Mixed farming system
Organic agriculture
Integrated Pest Management
Organic Fertilizer such as legumes
Crop rotation
Recycling crop and animal wastes
No Till or Minimum Tillage Agriculture
Inter or multi-cropping
Cover crop
Food sovereignty for
nation sovereignty must
be planed to be actual. It is
the time for Indonesia to
go forward and be
supported on self ability

KUIS :Buat soal dan jawaban
Jenis Pertanyaan Nilai
Sebutkan/tuliskan/berikan definisi/apa 50-60
yang dimaksud/apa yang diketahui
Terangkan/Jelaskan/Uraikan 61-70
Jelaskan dan beri contoh penerapan 71- 75
Jelaskan dan bandingkan 2 prinsip dan 76-82
Menuliskan teori atau kutipan buku 83-88

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