HRM Problems: Prof. Mahmoud Alkhateeb

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HRM Problems

Prof. Mahmoud Alkhateeb

Professor of HRM
Internationally certified trainer (IBCT)
Presentation Agenda
• The nature of HRM problem
• HRM problems of Egyptian
• Diagnosing & solving HRM

‫الخطيــــــب‬ HRM 2
1- The Nature of HRM problem
A gap between what is and what
should be; the actual HRM practices
are not computable with scientific
models & theories.

HRM actual HRM scientific

GAP theories
Features of HRM problems
HRM problems are natural phenomena
For an HRM problem to exist, it should
be perceived via its negative impacts
To solev the problem, we need
A) Abilities (resources + authorities)
B) Management willingness

06/27/2021 HRPM Alkhateeb 4

Common HRM problems in Egypt
 1-The absence of the line mangers role
2- Lack of HR planning
3- Little utilization of HR information
4- Focus on rigid job description
5- Weak link between performance & pay
6- Absence of coordination between HRD &
line managers
7- Dominance of personnel Mgt. practices
8- Little concern of skill retention
9- Lack of LTR analysis 5
10- The spread of second job culture
11- Lack of selection interviewing competencies
12- The statuary Performance appraisal Managers
13- lack the skills of performance appraisal
14- The dominance of unscientific training practices
15- Allocating weak budgets for training
16- Little concern for other institutional learning
17- Unplanned employee transfer
18- Promotion is based on seniority not merit
19- Absence of training transfer
20- Wage determination based on certificates not
job evaluation
The absence HR role of line managers
Accurate problem defintion

Line managers do not

Participate in managing
gap Managers should
Participate in managing
their HRs their employee

what is what should be

Finding out problem reasons
Managers ignore joint responsibility principle
Traditional personnel management
Absence of top management control
Lack of management development
Dominance of isolated islands culture
Lack of coordination mechanisms between line
managers & HRD

Suggesting solution ideas
Making awareness for managers about their
role in managing their employees
Creating coordination mechanisms
between managers & HRD
Providing training programs for
Applying modern HRM concepts
Acting top management control

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Evaluating suggested ideas
1. Idea credits & discredits
2. Voting
3. Idea advocates
4. Adverse Brainstorming
5. Point rating method

‫اتخاذ قرار‬ ‫الخطيب‬

2004 ‫سبتمبر‬ 10
Rating point method
Listing ideas to be valued
Identifying evaluation criteria (quality-time-cost-
quantity-convenience - employee resistance
Suggesting the maximum number of points (100
Assigning a weight for each criterion according
to its importance
Measuring each idea against each criterion
Collecting the number of points gained by each
The idea which collects the largest sum of points
is selected as the best
‫اتخاذ قرار‬
2004 ‫سبتمبر‬
The result of idea evaluation
cost quality time performance .Conv Total
)40( ) 30( )10( ) 15( )5(

30 20 8 9 4 71
35 25 7 12 3 82
20 28 4 14 3 69
Modern HRM
20 22 3 13 2 70

Control 32 20 8 10 4 74
Result is 2nd idea is the best one
HRM Subjects
1. Chapter Two (Dubois & Rothwell)
2. 2 functions (competency-based)
3. 1 function from 4 (int. HRM)
4. Employee retention
5. Problems of HRM

Review & study HRM presentations

‫اتخاذ قرار‬ ‫الخطيب‬
2004 ‫سبتمبر‬ 13
‫شكرا لحضراتكم‬

‫إلى اللقاء‬
‫نشاط تدريبي‬
‫كل مجموعة تختار إحدى مـشكالت إدارة‬
‫الموارد البشرية من القائمة المـوزعة عليكـ ثم‪:‬‬
‫‪ -‬تشخيص المشكلة باستخدام نموذج الفجوة‬
‫‪‬بتحديد أسبابها‬
‫‪‬تقديم مقترحات حلها‬
‫‪‬تقييم المقترحات واختيار أفضل بديل‬

‫زمن النشاط‪ 20 :‬دقائق‬

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