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Executive Summary :Fragrance is a term which refers to any substance or mixture of substances
intended to convey a scent, or mask an odor. Fragrance can come from both natural sources
(plants, flowers) as well as synthetically manufactured fragrances commonly found in scented
household products. but it most often simply listed by the generic term “fragrance”
Fragrance Perfume is a fragrance business that intends to be based here in our country
,established for the purpose of catering to clients that are both domestic and foreign in
nature. We also intend to produce a variety of fragrances to cater to our teeming customers.
Asides our products, we intend to offer consultancy services and franchises as well.
Because perfumes have always existed for a very long time and this came about from the
desire of people to look good. Starting a perfume production business requires that you not
only know about the business but also be artistic as well. Even though one needs to have a
knowledge of science especially chemistry, you can still experiment mixing several scented
essential oils and having a good nose to sniff out fragrances that are likely to make clients
fall for.
Starting this business requires several researches into the kind of bottle you want to use for
your business, and what shape and sizes they should come in. This would mean getting in
touch with wholesalers of these kinds of bottles and knowing how many bottles you can
purchase at a minimum and how much it is likely to cost you.
The perfume industry is one that looks a bit saturated with only few perfumes and brand names making it to
the top in the industry. As a result of this fact, we intend to ensure that we constantly engage in research and
development that will see to the growth of not only for our fragrance line but for the company as a whole.
We know that to remain afloat we must produce rare fragrances that will intrigue the senses of our customers
and set us apart from other perfume production companies.
Marketing Executive
:Ensures that awareness for the company brand is increased
:Places adverts in relevant media so as to increase orders for companies products and services
:Develops and implements a marketing budget
The opportunities in this field are numerous. The internet is one of the opportunities we intend to explore for
our perfume business and to use in penetrating the market. There is also boundless opportunity in the
business aspect, as important personalities and celebrities are looking to create a fragrance line as a venture
. Execution
for themselves.
•Responsible for sourcing for, screening and then employing the right hands to assigned tasks
•Ensures that there is safety in the workplace for workers
•Handles the compensation and benefits for workers
•Provide necessary training and development tools for employees
are an international company reputed for manufacturing amazing fragrances. We create one of a kind fragrances that are
admired and appreciated by some of the leading brands on the market. We manufacture natural and designer fragrances for
perfumes, and Established and upcoming brands have relied on us for getting their business noticed.
Setting up a standard perfume production company can be capital and labor intensive, especially as equipment
for researching fragrances, and making these perfumes have to be bought. Also, getting inventory and paying
employees that will help run the company till it makes enough money to start paying off itself is another factor
that eats into the start-up capital.

Financial Plan
•Total fee for incorporation and handling of other legal affairs – 5,000
•Cost of acquiring licenses and permits to run the business – 5,000
•Installation expenses for the machines –1,000
•Leasing and renovation of facility for at least a year – 20,000
•Packaging machine (labeling machine, packing machine) – 5,000
•Start-up inventory (raw materials) – 5,000
•Operational cost for the first six months (employee salaries, utility bill payment) – 40,000
Insurance (general liability, equipment and property insurance, workers’ compensation) – 3,000
•Storage and packaging materials – 3,000
•Cost of hiring business and marketing consultants –5,000
•Other start-up expenses (phone, computer, printers, furniture) – , 20,000
•Cost of purchase of perfume distribution truck – 10,000
1.Establish your sales cycle
When you create your marketing budget breakdown, you want to establish your sales funnel your sales funnel is a critical
component of your marketing budget because it determines when you’re going to spend your money.
Your sales funnel is the process your audience goes through to become a paying customer. A typical sales funnel will have four
•Awareness: At this stage, your audience becomes aware that they have a problem and starts looking for solutions.
•Consideration: At the consideration stage, your audience starts to look at the options available to them.
•Decision: When a lead reaches the decision stage, they start to narrow their focus on companies that provide the best solution
or product for their needs.
•Action: Once a lead reaches the action stage, they choose your business and become a customer.
2. Know your outside costs
If you want to know how to prepare a marketing budget, start by establishing your external costs. You need to know how much
everything costs your company, so you know how
much you can allocate for marketing.
So, what are outside costs you need to consider?
-Operational costs (creating products, shipping them)
-Costs for employing staff
-Costs for running your business (electricity, water)
-And more
You must consider these costs when creating your marketing budget plan.
Not only does it determine what services you can invest in, but it also helps you set a baseline for your return on investment
3. Determine your business’s goals
Every guide on how to create a marketing budget will say that you must establish your business’s goals — and it’s true! You
need to know what you want to achieve, so you can set a budget that allows you to achieve those goals.
You can set goals that focus on:
Earning more sales
•Increasing leads
•Earning more subscribers
•Increasing brand awareness
•And more
When you set your business’s goals, make sure they’re specific and smart If you want to know how to prepare a marketing
budget properly, start by adding your overall business goals so you can invest in the right marketing methods to help you reach
your goals.
4. Get an idea of what strategies you want to use
An essential component of preparing a 2021 marketing budget is choosing your strategies. You don’t need to be 100% sure about
the strategies you want to use, but you should have an idea of which strategies seem to be the best fit for your business.
Social media marketing: Social media marketing enables you to connect with your audience one-on-one and deliver informative
content to them. This strategy allows you to build relationships with leads and nurture them into customers
Social media advertising:If you invest in social media advertising, you’ll focus on creating Compelling and copy targeted at
specific leads. These ads appear seamlessly in their newsfeed, allowing you to build brand recognition and earn more leads.
Email marketing: Email marketing enables you to nurture leads towards conversion by sending them tailored content that fits
their interests. You can send promotional emails, exclusive deals, abandoned cart reminders, and more
Content marketing: content marketing enables you to drive more leads to your page by sharing valuable information with
your audience. Whether it’s blog posts or videos, you can share your knowledge with your audience and establish yourself
as an authority in your field.
5. Research strategy prices
Whether you’re going to run your campaigns on your own, hire a freelancer, or hire a digital marketing company you need to know
how much it costs.
Digital marketing company: If you hire a digital marketing company, you’ll get everything you need, from tools to people.
Unless you’re doing a one-off project, you’ll pay per month to keep a digital marketing company on retainer.
In-house: If you decide to stick to your in-house team, the cost will come in the form of salaries and materials you need to
execute your campaigns. You may still need to hire outside help or invest in tools that enable you to manage your campaigns.

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