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Spanish 101

Spanish for the new


• The course is designed for beginners with no experience, the

lessons begins with the roots of the Spanish language, the proper
pronunciation of consonant and vowel sounds, as the lesson
progress you will be introduced to a variety of fundamental
grammar topics.
• Over the duration of the course, you will learn more than a
thousand of the most commonly used words in Spanish, in terms of
grammar, you will learn how to form present tense of all verbs, as
well as the present progressive construction, which is used to talk
about something happening at the present.

Hola! Como esta usted?

Bien, Gracias. Y tu?

Estoy bien.

There are three ways to

introduce yourself in Spanish.

• Hola • Hello • Bienvenidos • Welcome • Hasta • See you soon


• Que tal? • How’s it • Adios • Good bye • Buenos dias • Good morning

• Como estas? • How are you? • Hasta Luego • See you later • Buenas • Good
tardes afternoon

• Bien, • Fine, Thanks. • Hasta Manana • See you • Buenas • Goodevening,

Gracias. Y tu? And you? tomorrow noches good night
Repaso general/General review

A. Learning a new language

• Never feel frustrated, always look at the positive when facing, confusing,
annoying situation when learning. It’s where everyone starts to learn a new
language. Think of learning Spanish as solving a puzzle or better yet a
interesting challenge.
• As beginner one of the tricks to learn new words are almost similar in two
languages. Spanish and English shares many cognates words.
El curso Course Importante Important

Los Estados Unidos United States La lengua Language

El aspecto Aspect Profesor Professor
Introductorio Introductory Mucho Much
La vocal/Vowels
• It is easier to pronounce words in
Spanish Vowel Pronunciation Example words
Spanish than it is in English, this is
because when you look at a letter in a Ah Nada, Cama,
Spanish you know exactly how to Agua, Encantada
pronounce the sound of that letter. e Eh Leche, Edad,
• The challenge in pronouncing Spanish
is that there are sounds that don’t i Ee Chica, Salir,
exist in English, and may be difficult Bonita,
to pronounce at first. o Oh Yo, Hola, Color,
Loco, Bonito
• Each of the five vowels a, e, i, o, u
makes just one sound in Spanish, a u oo Futuro, Grupo,
short sound that stays the same from Uno, Ayuda
the beginning to end.
La vocal/Vowels
Repaso general/General review

B. Best approach
• If you really want to be proficient in Spanish, there are certain
methods that would help you achieve this goal, watch video
lessons, and engage with course materials as will. Of course in
order to progress with your language skills, you need to have the
right mental attitude towards practicing.
• If you are able to involve someone else with you studies, you are
encouraged to do so. Languages are meant for social interaction.
So take the course with a friend or seek out opportunities to speak
with someone who already knows the language.

Alfredo Dominguez y Completa las siguientes frases con la expression

Celestina Fuente se acaban apriopiada. / Complete the following sentences
de mudar con su familia al with the appropriate expression.
vecindario Villa Topaz y 1. Esteban: Hola, ___________ estan?
estan saludando y 2. Alfredo: _________, Gracias!
conociendo a sus vecinos. /
Alfredo Dominguez and 3. Esteban: como __________?
Celestina Fuente have just 4. Alfredo: ______________ Carlos. Y usted?
moved with their family to 5. Esteban: ____________ Esteban, y ella es mi
the neighborhood Villa esposa, Luisa.
Topaz and are greeting and 6. Alfredo: ____________ gusto! Ella es mi esposa,
getting to know their Celestina.
neighbors. 7. Celestina:______________!
8. Luisa: __________________!

• Traduce las siguientes

expresiones. / Translate the
following expressions.
1. _________
2. _________
3. ________
4. __________
5. ___________
6. _________
7. _________
8. __________

Escoge una respuesta apropiada en cada sitacion / Highlight the corresponding

answer on every sitation. 3. Buenas Tardes. Que
1. Hola! Como estas? 2. Le presento a Luisa. 4. Hasta Manana

a) Igualmente a) Mas o Menos. a) Igualmente. a) Regular.

b) Bien, Gracias. Y tu? b) Bien, Gracias. b) Muy bien. Y usted? b) Encatado.

c) Hasta luego c) Mucho gusto. c) Nos vemos. c) Hasta pronto.

Repaso general/General review

C. Geogrpahy of the Spanish-speaking world

• Spanish is spoken in Europe, North America, Central America, The Caribbean, South
America, And Afrcia.
 Europe: Spain.
North America: Mexico
Central America: Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama.
The Caribbean: Cuba, The Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico.
South America: Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, Chile,
Uruguay, Argentina.
Africa: Equatorial Guinea.
El sustantivo/noun

• All nouns in Spanish have a

gender, meaning that they are
either masculine or feminine.
Most nouns that end in –o are
masculine, while most that
end in –a are feminine. Beyond
gender, nouns also have a
number, meaning they are
either singular or plural.
Articulos definidos/Definite Articles

• While “the” is the only El - Masculine singular Los - Masculine plural

definite article in English, El libro - The book Los celulares - The cellphones

in Spanish there are four forms El vaso - The glass

El camino - The road
Los libros - The books
Los colores - The colors
of the definite article:
El profesor - The professor Los niños - The boys
el (masculine singular)
la feminine singular) El marcador - The marker, score
La - Feminine singular
Los gatos - The cats
Las - Feminine Plural
los (masculine plural) La casa - The house Las casas - The houses

las (feminine plural). La mesa - The table Las puertas - The doors

La blusa - The blouse Las manzanas - The apples

La niña - The girl Las letras - The letters

La profesora - The professor Las blusas - The blouses

Repaso general/General review

• Making nouns plural

The three rules for making a
noun plural in Spanish are as
1. If a noun ends in a vowel, add
–s : la silla [chair] –las sillas
2. If a noun ends in a consonant
other than -z, add –es: el
papel [paer] – los papeles
3. If a noun ends in a -z, change
the -z to -c and add –es: el
lapiz [pencil] – los lapices
Repaso general/General review

E. Knowing the Gender of a noun

• You know already that nouns ending in –a are
mostly feminine. Words ending in the suffixes –
ion, -ad and –tud are also almost always
• Similar like –o, nouns ending in –r and –l are also
usually masculine.
• Words ening in –ista look feminine because they
end in –a. but these words can either be both
for example, el futbolista [male soccer player]
and la futbolista [female soccer player].
• While –ma also look feminine because of the –a
ending, but many of there words are actually
masculine, including el sistema [system] and el
problema [problem].
Repaso general/General review

Escucha y repite./Listen and repeat.

Repaso general/General review

• Feminine nouns beginning with the sound –a in a stressed syllable

use el rather than la as their definite article. El agua [water], is
indeed an example of a feminine noun, but it uses el rather la as
its definite article.

• Specific words that seem to be one gender but are the other
include el dia [day] and el mapa [ map], which are masculine,
and la mano [hand], which is feminine.
Agrega el articulo definido apropiado a cada sustantivo./Add
the appropriate definite article to each noun.

1. universidad 4. Lapices 7. mapas

2. libros 5. Sistema 8. educacion

3. dia 6. cuadernos 9. actidud


Agrega el articulo definido apropiado a

cada sustantivo./Add the appropriate
La familia Gonzalez Fallas definite article to each noun.
desempaca las cajas que 1. Televisor 6. Alfombra
tienen las cosas que
necesitan en su nueva 2. Mesas 7. Cuadernos
casa./ The Gonzalez Fallas
family is unpacking the 3. Lamparas(la 8. Mapas
boxes that have the things mps)
they need in their new 4. Papeles 9. Libros
5. computadora 10. mesas
Repaso general/General review

F. Improving your ability

• The best way to improve your spoken Spanish is to speak more.
Like I mentioned earlier English and Spanish share many cognates
to the point that they spell the same way like: normal, hotel,
usual. Other cognates spelled similar, but not the as the words in
English: Activo, responsible, excelente. Your comprehension of
Spanish will improve if you listen for cognates when conversing
and look for them when reading.
Pronombre personal/ personal pronoun

• For this topic let us first focus on

the “Nominativo sujeto” on the
right table.
• The singular subject pronouns in
Spanish are yo –I, tu
-you[informal], usted –
you[formal], el –he, ella –she.
• The plural subject pronouns are
nosotros –we[masculine], nosotras
–we[feminine], vosotros –
you[masculine], vosotras –
you[feminine], ustedes –you[plural
formal], ellos –they[masculine],
ella –they[feminine]
Repaso general/General review

• The informal, singular way to say

“you” is tu, while the formal
singular wat to say “you” is usted.
This go respectively for the plural
vosotros/as and ustedes.
• The pronouns nosotros, vosotros and
ellos are used when referring to a
group of all men or a mixed of men
and women. Even a group of many
women and just one man would be
referred to with these masculine
• The pronouns nosotras, vosotras,
and ellas are used only when every
member of the group is female.

• For most students who are just starting to learn Spanish, the most
challenging thing to understand, are the verbs in Spanish. This
mostly due Spanish conjugation acts differently from English
• There are many Spanish verbs like “ser” and “estar” that is
distincts in meaning that don’t exist in English.
• All Spanish verbs infinitive forms ending either in –ar, -er, or –ir,
meaning to say the three kinds of verbs in Spanish, verbs that ends
in –ar, -er, and –ir.
Verbo “ser”/verb “to be”

• The infinitive form meaning “to

be,” has the following six form
in the present tense: soy, eres,
es, somos, sois, son.
• Uses of the verb “ser” are the
1. Identify a person of thing
2. To talk about one’s profession,
origin or nationality.
3. To describe inherent
characteristics of something or
Repaso general/General review

Escucha y repite./Listen and repeat.


Agrega la conjugacion correcta del verbo “ser”./Add the correct conjugation

of the “ser.”

1. Carlos ________ mi esposo [my husband]. 6. Yo _________ la madre [mother] de Pablo

y Marisol.
2. Pablo _________ mi hijo [son]. 7. Nosotros ___________ la familia Gonzalez
3. Marisol _________ mi hija [daughter]. 8. Carlos __________ el padre [father] de
Pablo y Marisol.
4. Pablo y Marisol __________ mis hijos 9. De donde _________ usted y Luis?
5. Yo ________ la esposa [wife] de Carlos. 10. _______ de Barcelona.

Que pronombres personales necesitas para hablar de….?/ What subject

pronouns do you need to talk about…?

Ex. Mis amigos y yo Nosotros 3. Una amiga de Elena 7. Elena _______.


Ex. Mis Vecinas Ellas. 4. Elena y su familia 8. Pablo _________.


1. El Ex-novio de Elena 5. Los amigos de Pablo 9. Los hermanos [siblings]

_____. ________. de Elena __________.

2. Los Ex-novios de Marisol y 6. Las amigas de Elena 10. La hermana [sister] de

Elena _______. ________. Elena ________.
Repaso general/General review

G. Conjugating Verbs in Spanish

• As discussed previously there are three
Spanish verbs, which ends in –ar, -er, and
• The infinitive form of the verb has two
parts: the stem of the word (which is
everything before the ending) and the
ending itself (which is either –ar, -er, or –
• Please see video on the side to explain
the two part forms of the verbs as well as
a bit description about Regular and
Repaso general/General review

Practice on your own


Completa las frases siguientes con la conjugacion del verbo en presente. /

Complete the following sentences with the present tense conjugation of the verb.

Todos los dias [ever day], yo 1. _______ (Tomar) café con mi esposo [my
husband] Luis. Mi esposo y yo 2. _______ (llegar) al trabajo [at work] a las 8:00
de la manana. Mis colegas [my colleagues] 3. _______ (llegar) a las 8:50. Nosotros
4. _________ (tomar) café a las 10:50. En mi trabajo, yo 5. _________ (escuchar)
a muchas personas que [that] 6. _________ (hablar) en las reunions [meetings].
Yo a veces [at times] 7. _______ (hablar) Tambien [also], pero generalmente
[generally] yo 8. ________ (tomar) las notas [notes] importantes de las reunions.
Mi asistente [My assistant] Tambien 9. ________ (toma) notas en las reunions.
Todos loas dias, mi asistente y yo 10. _______ (llamar) a muchas personas.
Repaso general/General review

• Here’s another video for

your learning references
about conjugating Spanish
regular verbs / hay otra
video para su referencia de
aprendizaje sobre
conjugaciones de verbos
• Please listen and practice. /
profavor escucha y practica.

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