Kel 6 Pngmbngan PGF English

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1. Anisah Ramadani (202001008)

2. Della Prasetyarini (202001033)
3. M. Sofyan Effendi (202001038)

Writing Skills Paragraph Development

A. Abstract

 Definition
 Paragraphs are an arrangement of the unity of a thought (Ribeiro et al., 2013). Meanwhile, paragraph
development is a form of developing topic sentences into explanatory sentences or developer
sentences. (Belakang, 2005)
 Paragraph is a unified form of language usage that expresses thoughts or topics and falls under the
level of discourse. Paragraphs have the potential to consist of several sentences. Each paragraph
contains a unity of topic, a unity of thoughts or ideas. Thus, each paragraph has the potential for one
topic sentence or main sentence and explanatory sentences. The main thought or main idea is the
control of a paragraph.
 Meanwhile, paragraph development includes two main issues, first, the ability to fully detail the main
ideas of paragraphs into subordinates 'ideas, and second, the ability to sort subordinates' ideas into an
orderly order. (Belakang, 2005)
B. Introduction

 Each sentence in the framework of a paragraph, rests on one subject. Paragraphs are part of an essay
or part of speech (subject matter) which consists of one main sentence and several explanatory
sentences. (Pax-6, 1996)
 A good paragraph has three conditions that must be considered, namely the elements of unity,
cohesiveness, and completeness. The element of paragraph unity implies the requirement that a
paragraph only has, i one topic, one main thought. The function of the paragraph in this case is to
develop the topic. Therefore, paragraph development cannot be done haphazardly, there should be no
elements that are completely unrelated to the topic, and do not support the topic. Deviation from
paragraph development will be difficult for readers, will result in paragraphs ineffective. So, ideally
one paragraph contains only one main idea of ​one topic. (Pax-6, 1996)
 Paragraph is the most basic unit in writing. The main function of paragraphs is to convey one main
idea, with a number of supporting ideas, as information to be conveyed to readers (Model et al., 2018)
 Paragraph development is usually done to detail carefully the main ideas contained in the topic
sentence. In these details, a number of information was collected according to a certain framework and
stages. By writing them in explanatory sentences, the information is conveyed in a logical manner,
woven in sequence, and linked in an orderly manner. (Belakang, 2005)
C. Discussion

 Paragraph development methods are the ways in which we develop a paragraph.

In carrying out paragraph development, it usually begins with changing the topic of the story into a
single, general sentence. Where this sentence still requires an explanation, this sentence is called the
main sentence. After the main sentence is used as the beginning of the paragraph, the next step is to
describe the sentences that correspond to the main sentence. This sentence is called an explanatory
 Types of paragraph development can be done in several ways, namely:
1. Climax and Anti-climax
The main idea is first specified with a subordinate idea which is considered the lowest position. Then
gradually with other ideas up to the idea of ​the highest position or importance.
Example: The shape of the tractor has developed from time to time accordingly
with technological advances that have been achieved by the human umet. At the time the steam engine was
in its heyday, there were tractors running on steam engines. When tanks became the center of people's
attention, tractors were also modeled like tanks. (Belakang, 2005).
2. Comparison and Controversy
In order to increase the clarity of an explanation, sometimes the writer tries to compare or contrast it. In
this case, the writer tries to show the similarities and differences between two things.
Example: Queen Elizabeth is not very interested in fashion, but always tries appear in public like what
the people expect. If you go out of town, I prefer to wear practical clothes. He loves hats and scarves.
Another case with Margaret Thatcher. Since becoming the leader of the conservative party, he has
softened his dressing style and hair. He buys clothes at once twice a year. He is more likely to shop at
places that are somewhat cheaper. He only wears a hat to weddings, to funerals, and to official
ceremonies such as parliament. (Belakang, 2005)
3. Analogy
usually used to compare something already commonly known with the unknown or less commonly
known. The point is to explain the lesser known.
Example: Philosophy can be likened to the marines who seize the coast for the landing of infantry troops.
This infantry troop is likened to a science of which there is knowledge. It is philosophy that wins a
foothold for scientific activity. (Belakang, 2005)
4. Examples
A generalization that is too general to give explanation to readers, sometimes requires concrete
examples. In this case the source of experience is very effective.
Example: In order to catch up with the village both in the field of development or in the field of
knowledge, various efforts have been made by the government. We have known ABRI to enter the
village (AMD) for a long time. The results were not bad, for example repairing roads, building bridges.
Positive results have also been enjoyed by the village concerned. (Belakang, 2005)
5. Cause and Effect
The sentence relationship in a paragraph can take the form of cause and effect. In this case cause can
function as primary thought, and effect as explanatory thought.
Example: Jalan Kebon Jati has recently returned to a traffic jam and chaotic. More than half of the way
vehicles are again confiscated by street vendors. To overcome this, the government will install a dividing
fence between the vehicle road and the sidewalk. This fence also serves as a boundary for the
installation of the street vendors' tents where they are allowed to trade. (Belakang, 2005)
6. General Specifically General
This method is most used in paragraph development, either from general to specific or vice versa from
specific to general. In general to specific form, the main idea is put at the beginning of the paragraph,
then followed by the details. Instead, from specific to general, starting with details and ending with a
topic sentence.
Example: One of the positions of Indonesian is as the national language. This position has been held
since the promulgation of the Youth Pledge on October 28, 1928. This position is made possible by the
fact that the Malay language which underlies Indonesian has been the lingua franca for centuries
throughout our homeland. This is further supported by the factor of the absence of "language
competition". (Belakang, 2005)
7. Classification
In paragraph development we sometimes group things that have in common. This grouping is usually
further broken down into smaller groups.
Example: In composing or writing, several are required . Abilities include abilities related to language
and development or presentation abilities. What includes language skills is the ability to apply spelling,
punctuation, vocabulary, diction, and sentences. Meanwhile, what is meant by development capabilities
is the ability organizing paragraphs, the ability to distinguish between subjects, sub-topics, and the
ability to divide subjects in a systematic order. . (Belakang, 2005)
8. Means of Definition
The way of definition is the development of a paragraph through disclosing the explanation or
meaning of a problem in question, as well as disclosing it from various points of view. The
words used in developing a paragraph by definition, among others, are, namely, that is.
Example: Paragraph is a part of an essay in which it consists of several sentences which are
always related to one another so that it becomes a complete unit forming one main thought. .
(Belakang, 2005)
D. Conclusion

 Based on the discussion, it was found that paragraph development covered two main
issues, namely first, it was carried out to detail carefully the main ideas contained in the
topic sentence. In this detail, a number of information is collected according to a certain
framework and stages.
 Belakang, L. (2005). Bab I. Sasmitodia, 1–5.
 Model, P., Mapping, M., Gambar, B., Meningkatkan, U., Belajar, H., & Paragraf, M. (2018).
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