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Learning objectives
Learning Objectives
After completion the lesson on Biodiversity , the students should be able to
1. define biodiversity
2. differentiate the categories of biodiversity
3. give the importance of biodiversity
4. identify the cause of loss of biodiversity
5. give some examples of endangered species and explain the reasons for the
conservations of species
6. explain the causes of extinction
7. cite program in the government to save endangered plants and animals
Biodiversity is the amount of variety of life on Earth. It is the number
of different species of plants, animals and microorganism. It includes
organisms from earth ‘s vastly different ecosystems including
deserts, rainforests, coral reefs, grassland, tundra, taiga and polar ice
refers to the variety of species within a region or community.
measured used is through taxonomic diversity

What causes species diversity

the composition of species in a given ecosystem is the result of long lasting
evolution,( temperature range, availability of of food or light ) enabling
the species t reproduce and thus maintain its populations

it is the sum total of genetic
It refers to the varied habitats, biotic communities and ecological processes
in the biosphere as well as the tremendous diversity within ecosystems in
terms of habitat differences and the variety of ecological processes.
. Some of examples of ecosystems that are rich in diversity are Deserts,
Forests, Large marine ecosystems, Rainforests, Tundra, Coral reefs
it is the sum total of genetic information, contained in the genes information,
contained in the genes of individual organisms that inhabit the earth .

What causes genetic diversity

Genetic variation can be caused by mutation( which can create entirely new alleles
in a population ] random mating, random fertilization, and recombination between
homologous chromosomes during meiosis ( which reshuffles alleles within an
organisms offspring}

Cite the importance of the following in biodiversity:

a. Species diversity
b. Ecosystem diversity
c. Genetic diversity
Importance of Biodiversity
1. As to ecosystem . Healthy ecosystem and rich biodiversity
> Increase ecosystem productivity, each species in an ecosystem has a specific niche a role to play
> Support a large number of plant species , therefore a greater variety of crops
> Protect fresh water resources
> Promotes soil formation and protection
> Provides for nutrient storage and recycling
> Aid in breaking down pollutants
> Contribute to climate stability
> Provide more food resources, medicinal resources and pharmaceutical drugs
> Offer environments for creation an tourism

What is the importance of Biodiversity in terms of the ff

a. Human health
b. society
Why biodiversity decreases
* Habitat destruction
* Overexploitation
* introduced and invasive species
* Hybridization, genetic pollution, erosion and food security
* Climate change
* Human overpopulation
Activity 3
Among the causes of Biodiversity depletion, what do you consider may
contributes most from them ? Why?
Classification of plants and animals according
to the number of their living kind
1. Endangered(E) are those animals and plants have a few number of living in
their kind.
2. Rare(R) these are the animals and plants that are almost extinct and are hard
to find.
3. Critically endangered these are animals and plants that are very hard to find
due to that they are highly for extinction
4. Threatened (T) are species and subspecies of wildlife whose populations
throughout the islands where, they are found have suffered high degree of
depletions to the point of having their numbers reduced to the minimum,below
which subspecies will totally become extinct.
5. Vulnerable(V) Species and subspecies of wildlife whose populations are still
sizeable but are under threat from serious adverse factors through their range
and are believed likely to move to the endangered category in the near future.
6. Indeterminate (I) species and subspecies of wildlife whose populations are
suspected of belonging yo either one of the E,V and R categories .
7. Insufficiently known(K) species and subspecies of wildlife that are suspected
but not definitely known to belong to any of the above categories because of
the lack of information.
Causes of Extinction
1. Population risk – random variations in population rates can cause a species in
low abundance to become extinct .
Example : a blue whales swim over vast areas but encountered difficulty in
finding mates this reduced their population.
2. Environmental risk-population size can be affected by changes in the
environment that occur. This involves variation in the physical or biological
environment, including changes in predator, prey, symbiotic or competitor
3. Natural catastrophe- sudden change in the environment like Fires, major
storms, earthquakes, flood , changes in currents and upwelling and others
4. Genetic risk – detrimental change in genetic characteristics. Genetic changes
can occur in small populations from reduced genetic variations, genetic drift and
mutation. In a small population, only some of the possible inherited
characteristics will be found.

What do you think may actually caused the extinction of species?

Endangered Species in the
1. Philippine Eagle (Pithecophaga jefferyi) the National Bird declared by Presidential
Proclamation no. 615 in 1995 replacing Maya by President Fidel Ramos. This Eagle is
considered as the largest and most powerful eagle in the world but also rarest and most
critically endangered species. This is the fact that it gives birth to only ne chick every 2-
3years means that is is highly susceptible to habitat loss. The life span is of 60 years. To date,
there are only 67 Philippies eagle left in the entire country. A law is passed them, prohibiting
the hunting of the eagle penalizing violations with stiff penalties
2. The Green Sea Turtle (Chelonia mydas), called as pawikan colored brown, grow about 4
feet and more than 400 lbs named after thee , green fats in its body , a herbivores. The
Green turtle is the largest shelled sea turtle, the most threatened . The decline of their
populations is attributed to human fro decorative purposes or as delicacies because of its
high prize, polluiton, coastal development and the difficulty of coming up International laws
for its protection . The pawikan mostly found in Tawitawi
3. Dugong ( Dugong dugong) as the sea cow, sea grass, 350kgs, length of 3.5 meters, found in
warm, shallow , coastal waters and can eat 3kgs of sea grass daily. Today they can be only
found in Palawan, Southern Mindanao and Sulu. They are highly vulnerable to entagleemnt
on fish nets due to their size, weight and shape Their population decline because of the
widespread destruction of their habitat due to dredging, pollution and conversion to
fishponds. Dugong can only thrive in clean water, its presence is an indicator of healthy oean
4. Tamaraw( Bubalus mindororensis)the largest endangered land animal rowin the country,
with horns which grow upward about 14 to 20 inches in V form, its bulk body and short legs
give it a squat appearance while its agility and srong legs allow it to push through dense
jungle and climb steep mountains. The decrease of their population is due to encroachment
and disturbance caused by humans. The DENR declared Ocotber 10, a Special month for the
conservation and praotection of Tamaraw
5. Spotted Deer( Cervus alfredi) the Spotted Deer is small, measured 80 cm tall at the shoulder,
now found in remote forested regions in Panay, Negros, Leyte and Samar. Today the spotted deer is
the rarest mammals in the world due to clearing for agriculture, ba praacices from legitimate
logging operations.
6. Negros Fruit Dove ( Columbidae : Ptilinopus aracanus) this is classified as critical. The habitat is
the Mid-Mountain forest of Mt Kanloan. The threats are intensive hunting and habitat destruction.
7. Philippine Pond Turtle ( Testudines-Emidydae : Haoaemys leytensis) This commonly known as
Pagong . This is classified as rare. This is found in Southern Leyte, Taytay and Northern Palawan
This is semi-aquatic to terrestrial.
8. Golden –crowned Flying Fox(Chiroptera-Pteropodidae:Acerodonjubatus) the common nma is
Paniki found in lowland forest, mangrove. The decline is caused by habitat destruction and
heavy hunting

Among the endangered species mentioned what would you like to save
most ? Why?
Endangered Flora
Several plants found only in the Philippines are endangered of disappearing may caused by the f
Human mismanagement on biological resources such as
deforestation, trade, and excessive extraction
According to DENR ‘s report the country has about 12,000 species of plants, more than 8.000
flowering plants , the rests are ferns, mosses , hipaticae, liverworts, fungi and algae
Endangered plants are divided into three(3) categories
1. Immediate endangered species
2. Vulnerable
3. potentially threatened species
This includes almaciga, takotob, igem, palasan, lambio, kamagong, due to continued
destructions of wild stocks for commercial stocks
The rare species are the mono, ungang , lacuabi and katbalonga, the Almaciga and kalantos
are near extinction.
Other species near extinction are batikuling, dungon, ipil, mangkono, sangilo, supa, tindalo,
yakal, kaliot, Mindoro pine, dao and narra.
Benefits from the following endangered plants
Almaciga, expensive woods in the Philippine used for engineering equipment, ruler, panel
boards, general construction, piano and guitar bodies, packaging dairy and agricultural products.
Supa highly valued in furniture, cabinet work , flooring, tool handles
Waling waling an orhid plant
Reasons for the Conservation of

Endangered Species
Some reasons for the conserving can be classified as
1. Utilitarian justification – it is based on the fact that many wild life might be useful and it is
imprudent to destroy them before they can be tested to test their uses. The first is the need
is to conserve wild strains of grains and other crops. Using the wild to new hybrid strains
may developed as disease resistant, chemical compounds come from wild animals. Digitalis
drug for heart ailments come from purple foxglove. Well-known medicines for anticancer
drugs came from well-known medicines from tropical fungi. Many species provide pollution
2. Ecological justification is necessary to maintain the functions of ecosystem and the
biosphere. Trees remove certain pollutants in the air,bacteria fix nitrogen in the air
3. Aesthetic justification , biological diversity adds to the quality of life, providing some of the
most beautiful and appealing aspects of our existence.
4. Moral justification is based on the belief that species have a moral right to
exist, independent of our need for them.
5. Cultural justification – diversity in forests and wildlife provides food , shelter,
tools , materials for clothing and medicine.

Among the mentioned reasons for conserving endangered species

what should be the best justification to conserve them?
Government program to conserve biodiversity
This was implemented in an effort to save and protect the remaining old growth Forests of the Philippines and
preserve its biodiversity. It imposes total logging ban in old growth forests and took effect last January 1, 1992
2. Protected Areas an Wildlife Management.
The passage of NIPAS Act of 1992 or the Act of Providing for the establishment and management of protected
areas. Forest Land Management Agreement(FLMA) gives reforestation contractors the privilege to manage and
protect the areas they reforested
3. Community Forest Program
Kagubatang Pamayanan aimed to arrest forest destruction, gradual restoration of forest cover in denuded
areas and the same providing some means of livelihood for upland dwellers
The program is an alternative to kaingin farming.

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