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Approximating the Duration of Death

Approximating the Duration of Death

1. Presence of Rigor Mortis

in warm countries, rigor mortis sets in from 3-6 hrs
after death.

It is fully developed in the body after 12 hrs.

It may last from 18 – 36 hrs and its disappearance

is concomitant with the onset of putrefaction.
2. Presence of Post-mortem lividity

usually develops 3-6 hrs after death.

3. Onset of Decomposition

In tropical areas, decomposition is early and the average

time is 24-48hrs after death.
4. Stage of Decomposition
the approximate time of death may be inferred from the
degree of decomposition.

5. Entomology of the Cadaver

to approximate the time of death, the presence of flies in the
cadaver is sometimes used.
6. Stage of digestion in the stomach

it normally takes 3-4 hrs for the stomach to

evacuate its contents after a meal.
The approximate time of death may be deduced
from the amount of food in the stomach in relation
to his last meal.
7. Presence of live fleas in the clothing (drowning
a flea can survive for approximately 24hrs submerged in
water. Fleas recovered, usually from the clothing of the
victim, is observed if it still living to approximate the time
when said was submerged in water.
8. Amount of urine in the bladder

the amount of urine in the urinary bladder may indicate the

time of death when taken into consideration, he was last
seen voiding his urine

9. State of the clothings

a circumstantial proof of the time of death is the apparel of

the deceased
10. Post-mortem clotting and decoagulation of blood

blood clots inside the blood vessels in 6-8hrs after death.

12. Presence or absence of soft tissues in skeletal

under ordinary conditions, the soft tissues of the body may
disappear 1-2yrs after burial.
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