Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Facebook

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Applications of Artificial

Intelligence in Social Media

The application of AI in Facebook

• Deep Text

• Translation

• Photo image Search

• Control the content User

• Textual Analysis

• Facial Recognition
Deep Text

A tool by Facebook, Deep Text, analyze through the comments, posts, and
other data generated on Facebook to know how people use language, slangs,
abbreviations, exclamation marks, commas, etc. and understand the context.

Textual Analysis

Facebook uses a tool it developed itself called Deep Text to extract meaning

from words we post by learning to analyze them contextually. Neural
networks analyze the relationship between words to understand how their
meaning changes depending on other words around them.
Photo Image search

Using Facebook’s automatic image classifiers, you can imagine a scenario

where someone could search through all the photos that his or her friends
have shared to look for a particular one based on the image content instead of
relying on tags or surrounding text.

Control the content User

Facebook already uses algorithms to determine which content appears on your
News Feed. This has been a defining feature of the product since the
beginning, though the algorithms have changed over time. AI is responsible for
more than just guessing what content you’ll like. AI affects what you see when
you browse Facebook, based on your interests and what your network finds
Textual Analysis

Facebook uses a tool it developed itself called Deep Text to extract meaning from
words we post by learning to analyze them contextually. Neural networks analyze
the relationship between words to understand how their meaning changes
depending on other words around them.

Facial recognition 
Facebook uses a DL application called Deep Face to teach it to recognize people in
photos. It says that its most advanced image recognition tool is more successful
than humans in recognizing whether two different images are of the same person
or not – with Deep Face scoring a 97% success rate compared to humans with

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