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Read Chapters 6 to 8.

Choose the best question-word for these

questions, and then answer them.
• What / Why
1 . . . was Dick Towler doing in the stable at the hotel?
2 . . . couldn’t Black Beauty breathe when he woke up?
3 . . . did Jam es tie a scarf over Black Beauty’s eyes?
4 . . . did Joe Green do wrong after Black Beauty’s ride for
the doctor?
5 . . . was Joe heart-broken after this?
6 . . . did Joe shout at the m an with the brick-cart?
7 . . . did Lady Gray w ant York to do to her carriage
8 . . . made Ginger kick herself out of the carriage one
9 . . . did Black Beauty do when Lady Anne had an
Before you read Chapter 9 (The accident an d new m asters), what do you
think is going to happen? Circle Y (Yes) or N (No) for each of these

Black Beauty . . .
1. is badly injured when another horse kicks him. Y/N
2. falls and hurts his knees while carrying a drunk rider. Y/N
3. breaks a leg while jumping a ditch. Y/N
4. falls, and his rider is throw n off and killed. Y/N
5. is wrongly blamed for the accident. Y/N
6. is given away to a neighbour. Y/N
7. is bought by a man who hires out horses. Y/N
8. is sold to a farmer. Y/N

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