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Lesson 8:

organization in
the arts
✗ Refers to the “order” in a work of art. It refers to the ways elements
are arranged, combined, and configured to make a whole.
✗ Any organization or configuration must make sense and must be
✗ The arrangement of parts, the overall design, or plan of work must
make sense. Whatever the size or the medium, it should be an orderly
arrangement of parts which reflects a plan.

✗ A plan is the “skeleton” of the work of art. It is essential because it
holds the work together, but it is not yet interesting as such.
✗ The artist determines what the center of interest of the artwork will
be and composes the elements accordingly.
✗ The gaze of the viewer will then tend to linger over these points of
interest, elements are arranged with consideration of several factors
into harmonious whole which works together to produce the desired
statement – a phenomenon commonly referred to as UNITY.

✗ There are numerous approaches or “organizational
techniques” to achieving a sense of unity within an
artwork, depending on the goals of the artist. For example,
a work of art is said to be aesthetically pleasing to the eye if
the elements within the work are arranged in a balanced
compositional way.
✗ However, there are artists such as Salvador Dali whose
sole aim is to disrupt traditional composition and challenge
the viewer to rethink balance and design elements within
In the visual arts,
✗ Organization is governed by different principles of art
design that guide the artist in the making the art become
more beautiful and interesting to the observer.
✗ Through the combination of lines, colors and forms, an
artist can give the observer new, varied, and satisfying

Elements of art
The elements of art is the
building blocks used to create a
work of art. Students who can
identify the elements and
evaluate their role in the
composition of a work of art
will be better able to understand
an artist’s choices.

Elements of art
They will be equipped to
address whether a work of arti
is successful, and why. Here are
some fundamental elements of
art that are used by artists
working in various media:
distance, space, color,
perspective, line, shape, form
and texture.

Principles of design
✗ The design is the overall organizational visual structure
of the formal elements in a work of art. The principles
of art design are rules or guides to help one put these
elements together to achieve beauty.
✗ These principles include rhythm, emphasis, unity,
balance, proportion, movement, pattern and

Thank you ☺

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