A Successful SAP Migration: Michael A. Moore Brach's Confections, Inc

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A Successful SAP

Michael A. Moore
Brach’s Confections, Inc.

Session Code: 904


A Successful SAP Migration

Michael Moore
Manager of Systems Administration
Brach’s Confections, Inc.
e-mail: michael.moore@brachs.com
About Brach’s

One of America's leading manufacturers of confections

and fruit snacks

Wholly-owned subsidiary of K. J. Jacobs A.G. based in

Zurich, Switzerland

Principal offices in Woodridge, Illinois and Chattanooga,


Implemented SAP in 1995

SAP Modules: FI, CO, SD, MM, PP, PA, HR

Add-on’s: BSI Tax Factory, Gentran EDI

About the speaker

Joined Brach’s in March 2000

Areas of responsibility include:

SAP hardware
SAN Storage infrastructure
SAP Basis
SAP Security
SAP Change Control
Informix database
Data center backup & recovery
Corporate disaster recovery
SAP Data Archive infrastructure
The challenge

Reduce SAP infrastructure expense by 50%

without negatively impacting end users and
maintaining a fixed cost structure for 36+
The options

Purchase exiting hardware

Replace with lower cost but similar hardware

Implement a heterogeneous SAP system

SAP Migration
Existing landscape

SAP R/3 release 4.6c (64-bit kernel)

420 Gig Informix 7.31 database

HP-UX 11.0

SAN was on separate lease

Purchase existing hardware

Existing hardware consisted of:

One HP V2250 12-way for SAP database and CI

Five HP K580 4-way’s for application servers
One HP K580 for SAMBA shares

We reviewed lease buyout, current system

utilization and on-going maintenance costs. It
was determined that this hardware model could
not sustain the company for an additional 36
Heterogeneous landscape

In order to meet the financial goals without

requiring a migration – a heterogeneous
environment was reviewed and tested:

The model:
- upgrade UNIX database/SAP CI hardware
- multiple MS Windows application servers
- additional application servers for DEV, QAT

Successful testing was completed

SAP Migration

Reviewed sizing estimates and costs from Dell, Compaq,

Sun and IBM

Costs were obtained for turnkey SAP migration, staff

training, and additional support during transition

Substantial savings could be gained by changing

hardware platforms even when migration costs were

DECISION: Investigate further ($$$)

Migration Concerns

Can we do it over a weekend?

Identify the Requirements/Impacts/Risks:

Non-SAP software available for target platform?
Will staff accept the change? Training?
Two Production outages required
Users available for testing?
Questionable performance on new h/w
How to ensure migration moves ALL data
Prove the concept

Test the export process for timing ($$).

The reality is the export should take longer
than the import – or something is wrong!

Work with new vendor to provide test hardware

If possible, test with similar hardware as
proposed and identical storage.
Sizing estimates

The SAP Standard Application benchmark uses

concurrent usage estimates to propose
hardware models. [http://service.sap.com/sizing]

IBM has the Insight tool which runs against the

current implementation to gather data points
every 5 minutes. Run this tool at peak times to
ensure proper sizing.
New system landscape

SAP R/3 4.6c (64-bit kernel)

Informix 7.31

IBM AIX 4.3.3

Existing SAN storage

Prepare for the migration - 1

SAP Certified Migration partner*

familiar with source and target platforms

Obtain SAP Migration toolkit and target platform

installation media and patches (service.sap.com/swcat)

Schedule the OS/DB Migration Service*

Submit SAP Migration Plan*

Create new SAP R/3 profiles for target platform

* - required for Production migration, requires Migrator’s Certificate number

Prepare for the migration - 2

Available disk space for export (15% of data in database)

Request Migration Keys (one for each system – DEV, QAT, PRD)

Prepare for printer definitions on new system (scripts)

Prepare for OS/DB backups on target system

SAP upgrades must be completed 6 weeks before


Once you receive hardware – request SAP license!

SAP Planning Guide

This is an important document that details the

migration project and responsibilities of the
customer, migration partner and SAP.

SAP support is obligated to fix the migration

tools. The certified migration partner is
responsible for delivering the knowledge
required to use the migration tools.
Project Plan

Sign R/3 Migration Services contract

Propose dates for GoingLive Migration Check

Prepare overall project plan with dates

SAP approves migration plan (5 days)

Setup remote access to target platform

Identify backup/restore mechanism for target platform

Must have Certified Migrator contracted to submit plan to

SAP – certified by SAP release that you are migrating.
SAP Migration Project Audit

SAP Remote service required by SAP for all migration


Identifies source and target environments, schedule and

certified consultant (they check against their records and
certifications are release dependent)

Customer proposes date for the Pre-Migration check

At a minimum two Production migrations are required –

one test two weeks prior to actual Go-Live migration

Each session will receive a Green, Yellow or Red light

Ready to begin

Migration Toolkit

Install Migration Toolkit for export

Apply patches

/usr/sap/put (migration tools and doc)

../DB/INF (*.EXT files)
../DATA (*.STR, *.TOC, *.nnn)
Programs and Command Files

R3SETUP- master program

CEDBMIG.R3S – R3SETUP migration control file
R3load- utility used to unload/load data (creates TOC, LOG and data
dump files)
R3ldctl- utility used to create R3load control files (DDLINF.TPL, *STR,
DDLINF.TPL – DDL for target database
SAP<TABART>.STR – table/index definitions from ABAP Dictionary
SAP<TABART>.cmd – command file ( DDL to use)
SAP<TABART>.ext – initial extent sizes (can change these)
SAP<TABART>.TOC – contents of the data dump file(s) [includes row
SPLITSTR.PL – command file to split STR files to increase performance
buildinf.pfl – size of the dbspaces to create during installation
Monitor the process

DBEXPORT.log.## - created for every run of


DBEXPORT.R3S.## - updated control file used for next run

SAP<TABART>.log – specific log for each set of tables

Database and Operating System Error logs

Database performance – monitor and tune

Pre-Export Checks

Ensure R/3 will not restart

All updates are completed
All users are logged off
Ensure no jobs are running or released
Release all remaining locks
Release all unconfirmed repairs
Ensure op mode switch will not occur
Set client 000 users
Stop R/3 and leave database running

SAP note 143059

Overview of the export process

Create R3LOAD control files (DDLINF.TPL,


Create templates for DB Sizes to be created on

target system (DBSIZE.TPL)

Create export command (*.CMD) files for each

data class

Begin database unload (process each file by

order of file creation)
Migration process - Export

Start export “R3SETUP –f DBEXPORT.R3S”


Split STR files manually

Restart export “R3SETUP –f DBEXPORT.R3S”

Data export will begin…


Key to R3load migration performance!!!

Determines order of export process

- NT: ordered by name
- UNIX: ordered by creation time stamp

Determines where tables are placed on target


Tables not in the ABAP Dictionary will not be

SAP Note 46272
Split STR files

Tool to use: SPLITSTR.PL

What? Control files for export/import process

Why split? To increase throughput

Example syntax:
splitstr.pl limit=500M –p <target_dir> -d <source_dir>

Requirements: Perl5 (http://www.perl.com)

SAP Note: 200444

Overview of the import process

Install database and R/3 software

Set migration key

Create database (DBSIZE.TPL)

Generate R3LOAD import command files

Start the data import …

Update statistics

Change database log mode to logging

Migration Process - Import

Already complete the installation up to the data import


Move exported data and command files to target system

- ftp binary mode
- no need for additional compression

Start the import forcing a stop after data loaded but

before update statistics

Manually perform a parallel update statistics

Restart R3SETUP –f CEDBMIG.R3S and run to completion

Post-Import Steps

Verify other filesystems are available (/usr/sap/trans)

Run transaction SICK
Run Transaction SPAD
Initialize CTS with the Database Copy option
Reset DDIC, SAP* and SAPR3 passwords
Verify kernel level, Support Package levels
Regenerate all programs and screens
Install SAP license
Update SAP printer configuration (if hostname changed)
TEMSE consistency check
Reschedule jobs
Reset Operation Modes
Maintain RFC destinations
Begin verification testing
Verification Testing

Complete a functional test with super users

similar to a post upgrade test

Check all bolt-on’s:

Barcode software interfaces (RFC)
BSI Tax Factory
Easy Archive
Document Management
Migration over

Black-out period for changes (1-2 weeks)

(exception: may need to relocate tables to different dbspaces)

Change control – new baseline

Schedule Post Migration GoingLive Check (4-6

weeks later)
Our Timeline

Summer 2001 – review hardware vendors and

arrange for test equipment
October 22-26th – vendor onsite to test export
Nov – Feb: data reduction efforts
March 14th order placed for IBM equipment
June 6-8th – first test DEV migration
June 28-30th – first Production migration
July 5th-7th – final DEV migration
July 12-14th – Production Go-Live
Improving performance - 1

Migration Tool parameters

initial number of parallel import/export processes equal
to 2.5 times CPU count

disk layout

O/S parameters: on HP-UX increase dbc_max_pct

Update statistics before export

Improving performance - 2

For the large tables remove ORDER_BY_PKEY from




We did this for GLPCA, ACCTIT, COEP and BSIS and

reduced the export time from 26.5 hours to 12.25 hours!

SAP Notes: 216777 and 118059

How to do this:
copy the DDLINF.TPL file to DDLINF2.TPL file
modify DDLINF2.TPL and remove the ORDER_BY_PKEY statement
modify the SAPxxx.cmd files to use the DDLINF2.TPL file
in CEDBEXP.R3S (???) in the section DBEXPR3LOADEXEC_IND_INF set the value
WRITE_FORCE=NO, otherwise the modified command files will be overwritten
Saving time when testing

Understand R3SETUP and control file

CEDBMIG.R3S is ordered by [labels]

Stop processing in R3S command file at a

desired point :

STATUS=Error – rerun a step

STATUS=OK – skip a step (i.e. Update Stats)

SAP Note: 118059

Problems encountered

R3ldctl had to be recompiled – number of TABART’s to account for.
NOTE: R3ldctl is also located in /sapmnt/<SID>/exe which is
in the PATH. If this file is changed, must replace in both places!

DBSIZE.TPL will not be created correctly if Informix Fragmented Tables are used.
Must be modified manually for size information.

Check and recheck permissions after completing the ftp (import directory = 755)

Number of raw devices allocated – R3SETUP changed to support >100 chunks

R3load could not account for more than 64 data classes

First import will fail.

Database space size will be insufficient. Import will be slow. Modify the
DBSIZE.TPL file to ensure dbspaces created on 2 Gig boundaries (chunks) and
modify ONCONFIG for improved load performance, increase TEMP space!!!
Avoid network issues – for all production migrations
work from the console

Target platform time synchronization

Duplicate keys when loading

Will need at least 4-6 weeks to debug Migration Toolkit

After export/import tools are fixed – do the migration at

least three times to tune the process

Provide super-users a stable system to test with

(including print)

Good thing: import is restartable!!

Data reduction/prevention

The less data there is to migrate the shorter the


Look in http://service.sap.com/data-archiving
for the Data Prevention Checklist for
opportunities to substantially eliminate data
from typically large tables (ACCTIT, GLPCA, …)
Vendor sizing web sites





SAP Documentation
SAP OS/DB Migration Service Remote Project Audit

Heterogeneous OS and DB Migration of R/3 Systems –

Planning Guide

SAP Installation Guide for target platform


82478 - overall note on R/3 migration
543715 – non-R/3 and incremental migrations
200444 – splitting STR files
16083 – standard jobs
16875 – TemSe cleanup
118059 – create separate unloads for large tables/ordering
Several additional notes for EBCDIC conversion

Closing and Questions

In summary, we met our goals of reducing

costs 50% while actually increasing
performance up to three-fold.

Reasons for success:

selected an experienced partner
had executive buy-in
postponed go-live date three weeks
Thank you for attending!
Please remember to complete
and return your evaluation form
following this session.

Session Code: 904

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