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Assessing Affective Traits

The Different Learning Targets

An affective assessment
is any method
used to discover
how a student feels about themselves,
their perception of their self-image,
what influences
their behavior in their
community, in the classroom, and in their home.

(Wood 1996)
An affective assessment can:
enhance the existing behavior management program.
be a powerful tool for opening and enhancing the
channels of communication between the teacher and
the class, the teacher and specific students, or
between groups of students.
help students learn to appropriately interact with
each other.

(Wood 1996)
An affective assessment can:
improve a student’s self-
help students learn
everyone’s ideas are
help students realize that
everyone is important.
help teachers to see the
worth of all students.

(Yasutake, Tanis (1995)

In school, the Affective field
is comprised of:
Social Relations
Classroom Environment
Attitude Target
as indicating action, feeling, or mood

Positive attitudes Negative attitudes

toward: toward:
learning cheating
school drug use
subject areas violence
teachers skipping school
working with others dropping out
Values refer to acceptable principles or
Choosing which values to promote in the schools
can be controversial. Values which are
acceptable include:
A reason for doing something or behaving in some way
Motivation is the extent to which students are involved in
trying to learn
Motivation = (Expectancy) x (Value)
Expectancy – The student’s self-perception of his/her
capacity to perform successfully
Value – The student’s perception of the importance of the
2 types of Motivation
 Intrinsic - The student finds the material interesting, challenging
or enjoyable. Not dependent on it’s associations or consequences.
Learning is enjoyable and oriented toward mastery of the material
 Extrinsic - Motivation which comes from outside. The student
learns in order to receive reward or avoid punishment. Learning
is less enjoyable and performance oriented.
The whole inner picture that somebody has of himself
or herself, including a complete evaluation of such traits
as competence, worth, and attractiveness.

Relating to the way people in groups behave and
The surrounding influences in the
Even though it can’t be measured,
each classroom has a unique
Students prefer a warm feeling in the
A positive climate promotes learning
Thank you :]
Reference :

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