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Made by
Sasha Namchuk
Maryna Huz‘
Ksenia Maitama
The Brummie accent, or more
formally the Birmingham accent,
is spoken by many people in
Birmingham in England and some
of its surrounding areas. It is
often erroneously used in
referring to all accents of the West
Midlands, as it is markedly
distinct from the traditional accent
of the adjacent Black Country but
modern-day population mobility
has tended to blur the distinction.

A peculiarity of the Brummie accent is the use of a downward

intonation at the end of most sentences. This means lowering
the pitch of the voice and allowing the sound simply to fade
In Brummie, the vowels are key to both
speaking and understanding the
 I is often replaced with ‘a’ in
 The regular vowel ‘I’ is often
replaced with ‘a’ in Brummie.
 The ‘u’ in words like ‘cup’ is often
lengthened to become ‘ʊ’ as in
 The ‘o’ and ‘a’ sounds in words such
as ‘go’ and ‘day’ often sound lazy
and drawly to the non-native.
 The ‘ar’ in words such as ‘star’
is also lazy and again sounds
 The ‘i’ in ‘pit’ becomes ‘ee’ in
Brummie, making the word
sound more like, but not quite
the same as ‘peat’.
 The letter o in such words as
come, love, son sounds like /ɒ/.
 Brummie employs a mild form of the
stereotypical Spanish 'r'.
 The letters ng often represent /ŋɡ/ where
RP has just /ŋ/ (e.g. singer as [siŋɡə]).
 H's are dropped wherever they occur,
except when emphasis is required. The
word 'Birmingham' therefore, has a silent
'h'. It also has a strong 'g', and the 'r' is
not pronounced at all.
 Also ‘T’ is omitted at the end of words
occasionally. For example ‘what’
becomes ‘wha’.
I didn't come here today to make a speech, but I will say this:
these children are now safe. In our care they will be safe
because we are from the same cold streets as they are and in
our care they won't be shipped away to the colonies or
separated from kin or made the work for men in the various
ways. They will grow up here at home, loves and Birmingham
because this is our city.
By order of the Peaky Blinders
Thank you for your attention

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