Formulation of Frooti Campaign

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Formulation of Frooti Campaign

• Selecting Target Audience: The potential buyer of the

product, since it affects decisions related to what, how, when,
and where message will be said,
as well as who will say it.
– Youth

• Determining the Communication Objective: Identifying the

purpose of the communication process.
– Repositioning of Frooti.
– Increasing the Market Share.
– Highlighting the advantages of Frooti over cola drinks.
– Infuse fresh life into the brand.
• Design the Communication
– Message Strategy : Management looks for appeals, themes or ideas that will
help to create points of difference than others.
• Buyers expect a reward from using a product
• Frooti portrayed the cool youth image which gave ego satisfaction to users
– Creative strategy
• Communication effectiveness depends on how a message is being expressed,
as well as on the content of the message itself.
• Frooti used a transformational appeal which elaborated on a non product
related benefit which was a cool youth image
– Message Source
• Messages delivered by attractive or popular sources can achieve higher
attention and recall, which is why advertiser often use celebrities as
• Three characteristics of a effective spokesperson is expertise, likability,
• Digen Verma was chosen as the brand ambassador and the advertisers
wanted to portray the same characteristics in the fictional character

• AIDA framework guides message design

– Attention : Frooti launched the media campaign
through various modes
– Interest : A mysterious character Digen verma was
– Desire : Positioned as youth refreshing youth drink
– Action : Evoked action amongst youth to try out
the product
Choosing Media
• Personal Communication Channels
• It includes face – to – face interaction, phone,
• Word of mouth communication
• Frooti managed to create word of mouth
publicity once the Digen Verma ad campaign was
• The ad campaign created a lot of curiosity
amongst the target audience.
Non Personal Communication Channel
• This communication is targeted at a large
audience collectively.
• Includes outdoor media, T.V ads, newspaper,
• Frooti used this channel extensively.
• Banners and hoarding were put up at all over the
big cities and towns.
• Multiple ads were aired on television throughout
the day.
• Newspapers and movie theatres were also used
for promotions

• Establishing Budget: Includes the budget of

the campaign.
– Decided to do it on a shoes string budget.
– Only 3 Crore budget

• Collecting Feedback:
– Recognition, recall, and behavioral measures
are assessed.
– Forms a part of measuring results.
– Includes comparing actual performance with
planned performance.

• Turned out to be successful campaign both in

terms of popularity and sales figures.

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