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Using Discourse

Markers to
Signal Functions
of Statements
Linguistic Features that perform
Contact Function
– Words and phrases that connect a new statement
to a previous one.
– Example: pronouns that refer to the nouns
previously mentioned.
– Nouns that are repeated, including variants, and
their synonyms.
Linguistic Features that perform
Metalinguistic Function
– Words and phrases that leads to or introduces an
additional idea to the one already mentioned.
– Example: adverbial conjunctions (because, so
that, moreover)
– Phrases like as discussed, as previously
mentioned, in fact, in conclusion, etc.
Linguistic Features that perform
Modal Function
– Words and phrases that signal the writer or
speaker whether they are giving a fact,
supposition, opinion, asking a question,
persuading, being polite or emotional attitude.
– Example: in my opinion, I think, use of open and
close quotation marks, punctuation, etc.

– CAUSE and EFFECT in a sentence are

introduced by certain words called linguistic
– CAUSE – why it happened
– EFFECT – the result
– usually introduced by ‘because’. The clause before because is the
– Example:
Dante was exiled because the king disliked him.
Cristel came to school late because she slept late last night.

- Usually introduced by ‘so’ or ‘so that’. Usually

answers ‘for what’ or ‘for whom’.
Loisa reviewed well for the exam so that she
could get a perfect score.
Identify the function of the underlined clause as
used in the sentence. Write C if it is a Cause, E if
Effect, and P if Purpose.
____ 1. Carl went to school late because his alarm never went off.
____ 2. Mom took Sparkle our pet dog to the vet because he hurt his leg.
____ 3. Nana baked a cake for me because it is my birthday.
____ 4. Sue will use public transport next week instead of Grab so she could save more
____ 5. Joy finished learning the violin because she attends two hours of classes per day.
____ 6. Chloe did not attend the party so she could finish the presentation due today.
____ 7. Maria is working all weekend so that she can fully rest on weekdays.
____ 8. Because the jar is empty, Jordan got a new one from the cupboard.
____ 9. Tim broke his arm because he got into an accident.
____ 10. Riza went home after class immediately so she will not be stuck in

II. Make your own cause and effect or purpose sentence based from the
following scenarios.
1. Jim did not study, so_______________.
2. I did not attend my last class so that __________________.
3. Lia did not pass her project because _________________.
4. Hero got an A+ in their subject because ________________.
5. ________________________ because I lost my wallet.

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