Discussion About Solar System

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●The Solar System is the gravitationally bound

system of the Sun and the objects that orbit it,
either directly or indirectly.Of the objects that
orbit the Sun directly, the largest are the eight
planets, with the remainder being smaller objects,
the dwarf planets and small Solar System bodies.
Of the objects that orbit the Sun indirectly—the
natural satellites—two are larger than the
smallest planet, Mercury.
The solar system is made up of
the sun and everything that
orbits around it, including
planets, moons, asteroids,
comets and meteoroids. It
extends from the sun, called
Sol by the ancient Romans, and
goes past the four inner
planets, through the Asteroid
Belt to the four gas giants and
on to the disk-shaped Kuiper
Belt and far beyond to the
teardrop-shaped heliopause.
Scientists estimate that the
edge of the solar system is
about 9 billion miles (15 billion SOURCE:https://www.space.com/56-our-solar-system-facts-formation-and-discovery.html

kilometers) from the sun.

Beyond the heliopause lies the
giant, spherical Oort Cloud,
●That More than 150 moons orbit worlds in our
solar system. Known as natural satellites, they
orbit planets, dwarf planets, asteroids, and
other debris. Among the planets, moons are more
common in the outer reaches of the solar
system. Mercury and Venus are moon-free, Mars
has two small moons, and Earth has just one.

●1: Solar System is 4.6 Billion Years Old

●The solar system is 4.6 billion years old and 99.86% of its
mass is contained in our Sun, a rotating yellow dwarf
star whose powerful gravity causes numerous objects to
revolve around it in nearly circular orbits including
the planets, moons, comets, asteroids, meteoroids, dust
and gas.

For millennia, astronomers have

followed points of light that seemed
to move among the stars. The ancient
Greeks named them planets, meaning
"wanderers." Mercury, Venus, Mars,
Jupiter and Saturn were known in
antiquity, and the invention of the
telescope added the Asteroid Belt,
Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and many of
these worlds' moons. The dawn of the
space age saw dozens of probes
launched to explore our system, an
adventure that continues today. Only
●2: Sunlight Takes Around 8 Minutes To Reach Earth

●The Earth is located 93 million miles (150 million kms) away from the
Sun, a distance known to astronomers as an astronomical units or
AU. Traveling at the speed of light (186,282 miles per second), sunlight
is able to cross this vast distance in around 8 minutes 20 seconds.

●3: Solar System 2 Light-years Across

●The size of a solar system is determined by how far its sun’s gravity
overpowers other objects in the region, which in the case of the Sun
extends to the Oort Cloud, a reservoir of cometary material
located between 5,000 and 50,000 AU away. That boundary would
give the solar system a diameter of around 2 light-years across.
The sun is by far the largest object
in our solar system, containing 99.8
percent of the solar system's mass.
It sheds most of the heat and light
that makes life possible on Earth
and possibly elsewhere. Planets
orbit the sun in oval-shaped paths
called ellipses, with the sun
slightly off-center of each ellipse.
NASA has a fleet of spacecraft
observing the sun to learn more
about its composition, and to make
better predictions about solar
●4: Planets Are Made of Rock or Gas
●The 8 planets in our solar system are divided into the inner planets of
Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars, which are basically made of rock
and metal; and the outer planets of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and
Neptune, which are made of hydrogen, helium and other gases.
Despite being referred to as gas giants, intense heat and pressure
towards their centres cause their gases to compress into liquid
metal or rock.
●5: Most Asteroids Found Between Mars and Jupiter
●Asteroids are usually rocky or metallic in nature and in our solar
system most can be found orbiting the Sun between Mars and Jupiter in
an area known as the asteroid belt (2.7 AU). It is believed that in the
early evolution of the solar system, this region once contained
enough material to form a planet but Jupiter’s intense gravity
stopped the materials from successfully coalescing into a planet.
●6: The Closer To The Sun, The Hotter The Planet
●In general, the closer the planet is to the Sun the hotter is its
average temperature. The average temperature of Mercury is a
blistering +427 Celsius, but the planet Neptune’s average
temperature is a chilly -200 Celsius. Howeer, Venus (460c) is
actually hotter than Mercury thanks to its thick carbon dioxide
atmosphere which creates a greenhouse effect, while Mercury has a
very thin atmosphere and so cannot trap the Sun’s heat very easily.
●7: One Year Different On Each Planet
●The closer the planet is to the Sun, the quicker is its annual orbit
around our star. Whereas the Earth takes one year to revolve
around the Sun, for instance, Mercury would complete its orbit in
88 days, while distant Neptune would complete its annual trek in 165
● 9: Nearest Star To Earth is Proxima Centauri

●Outside of our own solar system, the nearest star to Earth is a red dwarf star called
Proxima Centauri (4.24 light-years), followed by Barnard’s Star in the constellation of
Ophiuchus (6 light-years). The brightest star in the night sky, Sirius (-1.46 magnitude) in
the constellation of Canis Major, is the 5th closest star to Earth at a distance of 8.6
light years.

●10: There Are 100 Billion Solar Systems In Milky Way Galaxy

● In ancient times, the solar system was considered to represent the entire universe and
the planets were believed to be ‘wandering stars‘ orbiting the Earth along with the Sun
and stars. With the advent of the scientific revolution beginning in 1543, the Earth was
later included in the list of planets but until recently astronomers still knew of only
one solar system in the universe. Within the last 17 years or so, however, over 4,000
planets orbiting distant stars have been found and scientists now estimate that
there may be as many as 100 billion solar systems in our own Milky Way galaxy,

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