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CRM Training
 Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is software that enables a
company to organize, Optimize and strategize customer relations
 How it helps to Sales Rep, Managers and Top mgmt. ??
How CRM Works (Sales)
 The Lead is generated in CRM (Reference,cold calling,E-
mail,Upselling/Cross selling,Exhibitions,Sales websites)
 Sales Rep will communicate with customer to understand the needs
 Once the customers needs are understood and if it matches with our product
line, Lead is to be converted into opportunity in CRM (Opportunity for us to

Cost is communicated to customer
 Negotiation is done
 Deal is Won/Lost and same is updated in CRM
 We at precious are using NJCRM developed by ENJAY

It is locally developed CRM considering needs of Indian sales practises
 Our CRM dashboard is divided in 3 vertical parts for sales activities IE Open,
Periodic and Result
 The Open segment represents all sales activities that can be done today.

It shows Total leads / Opportunities / Tickets that are in process and in which stage at
any given point of time.

The periodic segment represents all activites that can be done/already done in given
period of time.

It helps to summarize the activites done and helps you to have a review.

Result segment shows the direct result of leads / opportunities converted
How to create Lead in NJ
1.Click on

2.Click on

3.Fill in the
(marked as *

4.Click on
Stages on closing deal in CRM
 Click on three dots below your login name and logo once lead is converted
 Click on convert lead
 Enter details

As deal progresses, Click on Edit and keep on updating.
 Following stages may required/may not required updation
 Assigned, Qualification done, Qualification given, Trial/Demo, Negotiation/Review, ON Hold, Closed
won/Closed lost
Periodic segment
 Periodic segment is used for self assessment as well as manager’s review
for performance of team.
 Timeline could be changed by clicking on dates mentioned below periodic

All leads/Opportunities could be reviewed easily.
Result Segment
• Result segment represents overview of the final result.
• We could know total leads that were converted to opportunities & How much
were dead
• We could also know how much opportunities were converted to business and
opportunities lost.
• How much tickets were closed during that timeframe is also represented in
this segment.

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