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RHEA (202002)
BINY (202005)
• S. Radhakrishnan was born on September 5, 1888, in
an Orthodox Telugu Brahmin Family in the small
town of Madras.
• His parents were very poor. But he learnt many things
from his father about Religion & Philosophy. He
obtained his M.A. degree in Philosophy at the age of
21 in 1909. He earned a very high reputation as a
teacher of the most difficult problems of philosophy.
• When he was working as a Professor of Philosophy in
the University of Mysore, he wrote his two important 1918
• ‘The Reign of Religion in Contemporary Philosophy’
made him famous in the world of Philosophy.
• In 1923, he produced the first volume of his book ‘Indian
Philosophy’. This book includes the surveys of the
Philosophy of Vedas and the Upanisads, Bhagavadgita,
Realism of the Jainsim. Idealism of the Buddha and
Buddhistic Philosophy.
• In 1927, he produced the second volume of this book
wherein he has described the six systems of Nyaya
(U;k;), Vaisheshikha (oS’ksf”kd), Samkhya Yoga
(lka[; ;ksx), Mimansa (ehekalk), Vedanta
(osnkUrk), Vaishnava (oS”.ko), Shaiva (‘kSo),
and Shakti (‘kfDr) systems of theism.
• In 1926, Radhakrishnan delivered a series of lectures on Philosophy at
the Manchester College of Oxford. These lectures were published under
the title ‘The Hindu View of Life’. This book was translated in many
Indian and Foreign languages. This book made him very famous.
• In 1929 he delivered in two series of lectures, which were later published
with titles ‘East & West in Religion’ and The Ideal view of Life’. In the
latter book he has given his original contribution to the Religious
Thoughts of present age.
• In 1939, S. Radhakrishnan accepted the Vice-Chancellorship of Banaras
Hindu University……
• S. Radhakrishnan has been invited by various countries of the world to lecture on
topics concerning Religion, Culture & Philosophy.
• In the Independent India he was appointed the Ambassador to the U.S.S.R (Union of
Soviet Socialist Republics).
• He was made the Chairman of the University of Commission appointed in 1948 to
examine the working of the various Universities and suggest remedies for reforms.
• In 1962, the nation honored him by electing him as the President of India.
• He held this highest office till 1967, when he retired to devote his time to
Philosophical pursuits.
• At the age of 87 years, he left the world on April 17, 1975 for his heavenly abode.


• S. Radhakrishnan was a great Philosopher, Religious Thinker, Great Educationist,
Writer, Orator, Human Rights Activists & Modern Thinker.
• He not only theorized the Educational Principles but also practiced those principles
in his teaching.
• S. Radhakrishnan has given views on almost all aspects of Education. He defined
Education as the instrument for Social, Economic & Cultural change. The
importance of Education is not only in knowledge and skill, but it is to help us to
live with others.
• Through Education, he wants to establish a classless society, in order to bring
equality between man and man. He wants that Education should develop Universal
• The most important aim of education is to help us to see other world, the invisible
& intangible world beyond space and time.
• We need Education of the whole man i.e. Physical, Vital, Mental, Intellectual &
• S. Radhakrishnan has given great important to Spiritual Education. He thinks that the
education which does not inculcate spiritual feelings in students is not true and detrimental
to the progress of mankind.
• A satisfactory system of Education aims at a balanced growth of the individual & insists
on knowledge & wisdom. He believed that for the balanced development of the students
with both scientific and spiritual knowledge, a well-planned Curriculum is needed.
• Radhakrishnan did not follow any one system of thought, but open to various viewpoints
presented by different philosophers. He surveyed Indian Philosophy. He has given a touch
of Reorientation & Reconstruction to the traditional Indian thought. He clearly &
comparatively explained in detail all the Indian Philosophical Schools.


• Education in Depth:- According to Radhakrishnan, whatever subjects students try to
study, they should penetrate into and find out the roots of it. He said Jnana (Kku-
knowledge) without Viveka (foosd-Discrimination of good from bad—actions,
people, self, real) is nothing, without discrimination, without a sense of right & wrong;
we may be called educated but our life will be degraded and unilluminated.
• Development of Personality:- A satisfactory system of Education aims at a balanced
growth of the individual and insists on knowledge and wisdom. It should train the
intellect and furthermore, wisdom can gained by the study of literature, philosophy and
religion that interpret the higher laws of the universe. It should develop personality, form
character, cultivate social, moral and spiritual values.
• Development of Self-Expression:- Educations aims at teaching Self-Expression. This is
possible only through the master of language. No Education is complete without the
development of intuition. The ancient Upanishads identify intuition with wisdom and
education. Intuition, cannot be achieved by study of books alone, it requires guidance of
teachers of higher learning.
• Development of Man-Making:- According to Radhakrishnan, The fate of nation
depends upon character. We want to build a great nation, we should educate more &
more young men & women is such a way that they may have strength of character.
• Development of Self:- According to Radhakrishnan, the aim of education is to train
the mind, he said, ‘the real aim of education is to help man to know the inner essence.
True Education does not aim at any diploma or degree, rather it is in self-
• Preservation, Enrichment & Transmission of Culture:- Radhakrishnan defines
culture as the transformation of one’s being to produce sweetness of temper, sanity of
mind and strength of spirit. He said, man created his culture at a great cost of time and
labor. Education has to play an important role to preserve, enrich, transmit and modify
the culture of a country.
Radhakrishnan has defined his concept of Curriculum in his University Education
Commission report in 1949. he wants that student should study a number of subjects such
– Philosophy – Natural Science
– Literature – Human Science
In the Curriculum for Women, he wants to
include subjects particularly useful for
– Science – Civics
their specific duties in life such as—
– Ethics
– Home Science
– Politics
– Cooking
– Theology
– Fine Arts
– Geography
– Ethics
– History
– Religion
– Agriculture
– Economics


Secondary Higher

Types of

• Moral Education:- Moral Character has been given the most important place in
Indian Culture. Radhakrishnan wanted to make Moral Education a compulsory part of
Education at Primary & Secondary Levels. Without it the Educational Institutions
cannot fulfill their objectives of education. Moral Education is the Education of will.
Therefore, whatever is done for the achievement of Vocational Goal, Education
cannot be complete without Moral Instruction. This has become even more important
in the face of the fact that Morality is the only reliable instrument for saving the world
from the catastrophe of future World War.
• Religious Education:- Radhakrishnan supports Religion Education. Religion
Education for him, however, is not the instruction of a particular Religion. It is a
means for developing spiritual intuition because, ‘the aim of religion is spiritual’.
Religious Education is a means for propagation of ideal of world brotherhood.
Religious Education will provide freedom & spiritual progress to the educand.
• Secondary Education:- Radhakrishnan said that, on Secondary stage, the student
should be provided a multisided curriculum including Sciences, Humanities &
Languages. The Curriculum should be modified according to the needs of the country
because the primary aim of education is to meet the needs of the nation & to create
National Unity.
– National Unity may be created by teaching of History.
– Teaching of Mathematics is necessary as it is on the Primary Stage as well.
– Agriculture and Industrial Arts & Crafts should be taught so that the students may
be capable of earning their livelihood.
In India few people go the institutions of Higher Education due to Poverty & other
Therefore, presuming that most of the students drop out after the Secondary Stage, so
they should be taught something of everything & also some useful craft to enable them
to earn their livelihood.
• Higher Education:- The most significant contribution made by Radhakrishnan to
Indian Education has been in the area of Higher Education. This contribution was made
through the University Education Commission Report. According to this report the
objectives of the Universities:-
– To seek & cultivate new knowledge, to engage vigorously and fearlessly in the
pursuit of truth & to interpret old knowledge & benefit in the light of new needs &
– To provide the right kind of leadership in all walks of life, to identify gifted youth &
help them develop their potential to the full of cultivating physical fitness,
developing the powers of the mind & cultivating right interests, attitude & moral
intellectual values.
– To provide society with competent men & women trained in agriculture, arts,
medicine, science and technology and various other progressions, who will also be
cultivated individuals, imbued with a sense of social purpose.
– To endeavor to promote equally & social justice & to reduce social & cultural
differences through transmission of education.
– To foster the attitude & values needed for developing the good life in the Teachers &
students and through them to Society.
– To provide part-time & correspondence courses & extension programmes of various
kinds so as to provide varied education facilities for a widening clientele.
• Radhakrishnan made important recommendations, the most important are from the
point of Philosophy of Education. These are the recommendations concerning the role
of University System in India.
– To inculcate & promote basics Human Values;
– To preserve & foster our great cultural traditions;
– To enrich the Indian language & promote their use as important means of
communication, national development & unity;
– To promote a rational outlook & scientific temper; To promote the development of
the total personality of the students to inculcate in them a commitment to society
through involvement in National Objectives & Programmes for their realization;
– To promote the development of Science & Technology and of an indigenous
capability to apply if effectively with special emphasis on national problems; and
above all.
– To contribute to the improvement of the entire Educational system so as to help the


• Value of Mother Tongue:- Almost all the contemporary Indian Philosopher of
Education have recommended Mother Tongue as the proper Medium of Education.
Radhakrishnan raised his voice against making English as the Medium of Instruction.
Its biggest disadvantage is the formation of a class of educated Persons that is cut off
from the ordinary national at least from linguistic point of view. Such Educated person
do not represent Indian Culture since the imbibed Western Culture through the Medium
of English Literature. The most natural medium of instruction for a child is his mother
tongue. (Regional Languages)
• Value of Sanskrit:- Alongwith Regional Languages Radhakrishnan also laid emphasis
upon the study of Sanskrit since it is the repository of Indian Culture. It is the language
Indian Scriptures & lays down Indian Philosophy of life. It is the medium through
which the unity of nation may be preserved along with Regional Language & Sanskrit.
• Hindi—a National Language:- Radhakrishnan has accepted Hindi as an all India
language. He accepted the three-language formula in which the child is taught the
Mother Tongue, the National Language—Hindi and the International Language—
English. However, Radhakrishnan was against forcibly imposing Hindi on the people of
South India.
According to him, every State should make efforts for thr growth of Regional
Languages along with National Language. Even on the question of script, he admitted
the rights of Regional Languages. He pointed out that Devanagari Script should not be
forcibly imposed upon others.
• According to Radhakrishnan, ‘the type of education which we may give to our youth,
depends on the fact that what type of teachers we get.’
• Honorable Place:- In Radhakrishnan’s Philosophy of Education, the teacher has been
given a very honorable place in keeping with the Ancient Indian Philosophy of
• Freedom:- He recommends absolute freedom to the teachers in Universities to follow
such methods of teaching, which they may deem, fit for their purpose.
• Devotee Teachers:- The teachers should have a devotion to teaching besides their
knowledge and scholarships. Because most of the predicament of he present system of
Education are due to failure of some teachers devotion. In order to develop character in
the educand the educator should himself/herself develop his/her own character.
• Teachers should be inquisitive:- Great teachers in India have always preserved its
culture, though, many of them also travelled far and wide to know about other culture.
Thus teacher should be inquisitive. He/She should take interest on expansion of
• Radhakrishnan’s view on methods of teaching are varied & flexible.
• He prescribes different methods for teaching different subjects. In his method
of teaching, there are the Idealistic, Naturalistic and Pragmatic
• Self Discovery being the aim of all education, he prescribes Meditation as
the method. He says, ‘Meditation is the way to Self-Discovery’.
• He also emphasizes the conversation, debate and exchange of opinions &
thoughts with friends with whom one can speak and listen easily,
sympathetically & without fear. He prescribes Seminar & Discussions.
• He also emphasizes the need for Self-Direction as an effective method of
learning. He says, ‘we must not destroy the light & power of self-direction.’
• He also stresses the method of close association with Nature & Society.
• University Education Commission:- Radhakrishnan had the longest & the most
intimate experience of both College & University Education, Indian & Western.
Therefore, it is natural that his Philosophy of Education is most Pragmatic.
– As the Chairman of the University Education was instrumental in planning
the present Higher Education in India.
– Many of his recommendations have to be still worked out such as the idea of
autonomous colleges.
– His recommendations were thorough & multisided & based upon
Philosophical foundations.
• Sound Foundation of Education:- Radhakrishnan Philosophy of Education is
bases upon sound psychological & sociological foundations. He has rightly
considered every aspect of Human Personality to be valuable for development.
–He aimed at the building up of integral scriptural human through education.
–He laid emphasis upon democratic values & therefore asked for inculcation
of liberty, equality & fraternity both among teachers and students.
• Integral Approach:- Radhakrishnan’s approach to aims and ideals, means
curriculum, school administration etc. show an integral approach.
–He gave place to every subject in syllabi of Education at different stages.
• Dr. S. Radhakrishnan was not only a Philosopher, but also a writer of repute, a
scholar, an orator, original thinker, an Educationist, a Spiritualist & a
creative genius.
• He made his original contributions in all diverse fields of life.
• According to Radhakrishnan, Education is an instrument of Social, Economic
& Cultural change and should aim at a balanced growth of the individual.
• Dr. S. Radhakrishnan wished for World Democracy, his mortal frame is no
more present but his prophetic messages for India as well as for the whole
world make him immortal.

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