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A hidden disaster.

By Subhashmin Moharana aka Fine aka India

Homelessness is defined as living in housing that is below the minimum
standard or lacks secure tenure. People can be categorized as homeless
if they are: living on the streets (primary homelessness); moving
between temporary shelters, including houses of friends, family and
emergency accommodation (secondary homelessness); living in private
boarding houses without a private bathroom or security of tenure
(tertiary homelessness).The legal definition of homeless varies from
country to country, or among different jurisdictions in the same country
or region
When compared to the general population, people who are homeless
experience higher rates of adverse physical and mental health
outcomes. Chronic disease severity, respiratory conditions, rates of
mental health illnesses and substance use are all often greater in
homeless populations than the general population. Homelessness is
also associated with a high risk of suicide attempts. People
experiencing homelessness have limited access to resources and are
often disengaged from health services, making them that much more
susceptible to extreme weather events (e.g., extreme cold or heat) and
ozone levels. These disparities often result in increased morbidity and
mortality in the homeless population.
Comparison of us and them.Why are they our responsibility
● We live under cosy shelters. ● They live like animals just under the sky.
● We live with family secured in safety. ● They have been thrown out from family
● We are sure that we will have food for or ran away from them due to domestic
next day. ● They don't have secured food for next
● We are not exposed and we can't even day.
tolerate the extreme climates. ● They live in the extremities of the
● In hot climate we live in our houses climate.
switching on our A/Cs . ● They tolerate the heat and pollution
● We wear high fashion clothes and a non caused by A/Cs.
● They wear ragged clothes that they can
branded dress gets thrown out of door.
find from any bin.
What can we do for a change
● Together if we contribute a small amount of money also we can build
houses for the homeless.
● There can be alternatives for them. Instead of creating houses for them
we can put them in school buildings after school hours and leave them
back in the streets in the school hours. The corporate offices can also
be used for them and in return they could clean the offices in the
● We can employ them in man labour works like women can be taught
stiching and given jobs at some safe shops for stiching clothes.
● Women can be used to do the sit-and-do jobs while men can be given the
delivery works, like food and service delivery works after training.

● Those people refusing to do anything must be mentally motivated to work

for their country and given proper care.
● Mentally retarded people must be admitted to mental asylums where they
would be taken good care of.
What problems occur due to homelessness in a countryand why we must take it as a
serious issue?

● A huge human resource of the country is wasted.

● Due to lack of education they populate the country.
● These people join terrorism or start stealing to earn their living.
● For them the entire innicent public is at risk of terrorists.
● They shun the government and so many votes go in vane.
● They feel bad and sometimes become drug addicts or mentally retarded or even
● They then become a liability for the state and people complain against them.
● They make the normal people insecure.
● Their children are forced into begging or some mean work like prostitution.A
huge nom of children, the future of the country are led into wrong paths.
Many people think we can do nothing for homeless people online. I know we can. If we start a
movement online then we can reach the people who can practically help them. How do we help
them infact?...
We can give them food maintaining social distance in these times of crisis.Some people suffering
from poverty have lost jobs,houses or even lives and much more.We can give them a very minimus
thing that is love and treat them well.Its not like we will steal from our houses and serve them or we
do something very big for them just for show.We just need to help them as much as we can .We need
to know that they are in a bigger trouble than us instead of feeling like we are the only ones in the
crisis and if we donate we will lose. No one loses by giving.The giver gets double of what he has
given.Sometimes even a kind talk to them elevates their minds.Sometimes materials are valueless
before love and care.Even if we can't give them a roof to sleep under or a food packet to eat from ,
we can just go out smile and talk to them to lighten their gloomy mood. We can't afford to loose
more lives by depression or hypertension.We have already lost many in this war.Lets be
compassionate and smile and shun hatred. We can come out and help them.We can save them.If we
believe in our dreams nothing is impossible.Each one us have dreams and voices to reach for it.We
can do everything that we can imagine.We just have to do it.

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