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Tableau Software - Awareness session

Project Management Academy

Jean-Paul Cavalier

• Round table presentation

• How to use TEAMS during the training
• Data Visualisation in a nutshell
• Tableau in a nutshell
• Example of Tableau dashboard in AXA IM
• Let's practice

“We help people see and understand data.”
How many nines are there?
How many nines are there?
“Anscombe’s Quartet”

Source: Wikipedia
Interactive Data Visualization : Why?
Visuals vs Tables
 Visuals are processed faster by the brain
 Visuals are committed to long-term memory easier than text
 Visuals can tell a full story rapidly
 Visuals can reveal patterns, trends, changes, and correlations
 Visuals can help simplify complex information

 Filter: show me something conditionally
 Abstract/Drill: show me more or less details
 Explore: show me something else
 Reconfigure: show me a different arrangement
 Encode: show me a different representation
 Connect: show me related items
 Select: mark something as interesting

Categories of Tableau Deliverables in AXA IM

 Operational reporting to Management/Stakeholders (MI/KPI)
 Ready-made ad-hoc reporting to Clients
 Ready-made Data Extracts
 Risk Analysis
So Tableau?
2021 Gartner's Magic Quadrant for Business
Intelligence and Analytics Platforms
Tableau in the quadrant of leaders

Discover and share the richness of your data

Tableau Prep / Tableau Desktop / Tableau Server - Architecture
Some Interesting links, Examples and Use Cases
Access to Tableau Server (open to all)

Example of Tableau use cases in AXA IM

MIs/KPIs on team activities: Product Engineering weekly report / Operational Excellence MI
MIs/KPIs on operational activities: Robotics Process Automation Dashboard
Financial AXA IM MIs/KPIs: Finance AUD-NNM-NNR dashboard
Ready-made reporting to clients: Inflation fund PPT template
Ready-made data extracts: Portfolio Characteristics
Risk Analysis: AWF Global Multicredit

Tableau Public
Different ways to present KPIs in Tableau:
Choose the right chart to make your point:!/vizhome/VisualVocabulary/VisualVocabulary

Le SharePoint de la Tableau User Community (TUC):

Let’s practice (directly on Tableau Server / no licence needed)
Access to Tableau Server (open to all)

Data source we will use today

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