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- Forms of energy and characteristics - How energy is transformed – Sources of energy

- How we can protect our planet - Sustainable development

We use muscular energy to We use thermal energy to heat

move or cook

Electrical energy can be Sun produces light and

transformed into heat or light thermal energy
Forms of Energy
Thermal Sound Radiant
Related to the movement of atoms Made by vibrations travelling through In the form of electromagnetic
in an object or substance air, liquid or solid waves

Chemical Mechanical Nuclear

Stored in substances: food, Energy that produces movement Stored in the atomic structure of all
batteries… 2 types: Kinetic and potencial matter

Movement of changed particles

Energy transformation
Energy never disappears. It can be transformed from one type into another.

Chemical Light



Energy transformation
Energy never disappears. It can be transformed from one type into another.

Kinetic Movement

Thermal Heat
Energy transformation
Energy never disappears. It can be transformed from one type into another.

The energy in food Calories

Sources of energy
Natural sources: Renewable (Sun, Wind, water, plants and animals)

Renewable Unlimited (don´t run out)

Wind Movement of the wind (kinetic), turns a Hydroelectric Movement or falling water
turbine and produces electrical energy. collected in a reservoir, passes throught a
turbine and generates electricity.

Solar Solar panels transform the sun into electrical Biofuels Biofuels from plant and animal:
Biomass (solid) Bioliquid (liquid) Biogases (gas)

Burned in power stations to produce electricity

Sources of energy
Natural sources: Non-renewable: limited energy (petroleum, coal, gas)

Non-renewable limited
Petroleum Black liquid: oil, diesel fuel and petrol. Natural gas Is a mixture of gasses. It´s found
It´s found underground. underground.

Coal Black rock. It´s found underground Uranium Radioactive metal. It´s found in some
Protecting our planet
Non-renewable energy can run out (limited). They produce pollutant gases, acid rain, global warming

Global warming Extra carbon dioxide traps Acid rain Water dissolves polluting
the heat gases producing acids.
Protecting our planet
The three Rs: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle

Reduce Recycle
Less packaging Put the rubbish in the
correct bin
Use it again and again
Sustainable development
Growth of the population and the economy not ending in destruction of the environment

Green buildings Saving energy

• Used renewable energy sources Use it again and again
• Designed to save energy
• Have green roofs

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