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Rev i e w

Fill in the blanks with the correct pronoun.

Choose from the list in the box.

He S h e It
This is Jackie.
____ is my
My name is
Brian. ___ am 7
years old.
These are Mj, Cindy,
Kim, Sally, Jack and
Nicky. ___ go to the
same school together.
This is Mico.
___ is my brother.
The New Neighbors
Mr. Robles: Hi, there! Are you
our new neighbors? I am
Dexter Robles.
Mr. Reyes: Hi, Dexter. Ye, we are.
We just moved in yesterday.
Do you live nearby? My name
is Rudy Reyes.
Mr. Robles: Yes, we just live
next door. This is my son,
Lloyd. He goes to school nearby.
Lloyd: Hi, Mr. Reyes. You have a
beautiful house.
Mr. Reyes: Thank you, Lloyd. By
the way, this is my daughter,
Kelly. She also goes to the
same school you go to.
Kelly: Hi, Mr. Robles and Lloyd,
would like to come in.
Mr. Robles: No, thank you. But we
would like to invite you for dinner.
You can bring your mother along,
so she can also meet my wife. I
am sure, they will like each other.
Mr. Reyes: That is a good idea. We
will be there!
What is the title of the dialogue?
What are the personal pronouns
used in the dialogue?
We Can Do It
Create a dialogue using personal
Group 1 Introducing a new friend to a
group of friends.
Group 2 Buying in the supermarket.
Group 3 Introducing your cousin in
your friends birthday party.
I Can Do It

Complete the sentence with the

personal pronouns I, You or We.
Ana, are ___ a
___ am a Filipino. Yes, __ am. How
May parents are
about ____?
both Filipinos.

Then you and I are

Yes, what shall Filipinos. ___ have a
___ do? duty to our country.
Evaluation: Write the pronouns I,
She, He, They, You, We and It on
the blanks.
1. _____ is a teddy bear.

2. ____ are twins.

3. _____ is from Baguio.

4. ____ are

5. ____ is an athlete.

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