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Morphology and Histology of

Vermiform Appendix

Presented by
Kamal kandel
Human biology
Kathmandu university
School of medical science
• Narrow worm like
tubular diverticulum
• Suspended by a
peritoneal fold

• Average length is 9 cm
• Diameter is about 5mm
Presenting parts

• Base
• Body
• Tip
• Lies in the right iliac fossa
• Position often compared to those of the hour hand
• Parabolic
• Retrocaecal
• Splenic
• Promontoric
• Pelvic
• midinguinal
Structure of appendix
Blood supply
Nerve supply

• Sympathetic nerves
• Parasympathetic nerves
Lymphatic Drainage
• Most of the lymphatics pass directly to the
ileocolic nodes,but a few of them pass directly
through the appendicular nodes situated in
the meso-appendix.
Histology of appendix
Applied anatomy
• Appendicitis
• Psoas test in appendicitis
• Obturator test in appendicitis
• Appendicectomy
• Pain caused by appendicitis is first felt in the
region of the umbilicus.This is refered pain.
• McBurney’s point is the site of maximum
tenderness in appendicitis.
• BD Chaurasia’s,Human Anatomy,5th edition
• Inderbir Singh ,Human Embryology,8th edition
• Inderbir Singh,Human Histology,6th edition
• A.K Datta,Human Anatomy,5th edition

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