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OCM MFG Execution

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/ Agenda

Review resources and routings

View/create discrete job

Release discrete job

Component issue

Job move transactions

Outside processing

Job Completion

Job closure

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/ View/create discrete job

View/create discrete job

 Standard/non-standard job
 Job header data
 View/update material requirement
 View/update operations
 Attachments

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/ Job release

Job release
 Analyze shortages
 Release job
 Print documents

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/ Component issue

Component issue
 Component pick release
 Direct material issue
 Shortage issue (MFG254)

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/ Move and resource transactions

Move and resource transactions

 WIP move
 Time entry
 WIP scrap

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/ Outside processing

Outside processing
 OSP resource and items
 Requisition creation
 purchase order creation
 Receipt

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/ Job completion

Job completion
 Check pending actions (MFG114)
 Complete quantities to stock

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/ Job close

Job Close
 Complete no-charge
 Check remaining WIP value (MFG013)
 Close job

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