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(A Quasi Experimental Research at Eight
Grade Students of SMPN 10 Kaur in
Academic year 2019/2020)
A. Background
According to Abbas writing is the ability to express ideas, opinions
and feelings to other parties through written language.
Based on curriculum and syllabus for eighth grade junior high school
that must be thaught in school is to struggle and make various text in the
form of descriptive, narrative, procedure and report.
In the learning process of writing, teacher and students have
difficulties. Hermawan state that the problems are: (1) Students
experience delays in expressing their thoughts or ideas with the use of
language that is good and right, (2) students have difficulty writing, (3)
Conditions classroom are also factors in students for succes of learning.
Based on the pre-observation have many problems in the teaching
and learning process between teacher and students in SMPN 10 kaur,
problems influenced by several factors: The first problems that occur in
teacher, based on the real interview to students the way of teacher teach
who monotouns make students not focus on the material delivered by the
teacher so that triggers a lack of control classroom that causes students to
feel bored when learning.
The Second problems is that occur with students. During the
interview real looking at the results of the students writing assessment
the teacher said that students were less structured in writing descriptive
text due the lack of students' ability to express ideas and connect
paragraphs and write spelling in sentences in accordance with the rules
of writing correct grammar are still very limited. The next problems is
that students' vocabulary is still very limited, making it difficult for
students to convey ideas and difficulties in writing.
In this case the researcher used brain sketching technique to help
solve teacher and students problems in the teaching and learning process
of writing. Gundy state that brain sketching is a technique that can help
teachers in teaching to make the teaching process interactive and fun.
Which can stimulate students creativity and their imagination, the brain
sketching technique is an idea generation technique based on sketches.
The advantages Brain Sketching Technique is: (1). Students passive turn
to active,(2). Produce more ideas for students in writing,(3) help teachers
B. Identification of the problems
Identification of the problems are:
teaching technique that is done by the teacher in teaching writing is
not right, lack of students ability to convey ideas and connect between
paragraphs and writing spelling in sentence that are still very limited,
students vocabulary is still very limited.
C. Limitation of the Problem
Students writing ability in writing descriptive text at eight grade
students’of SMPN 10 Kaur .
D. Research problems
Is there a significant difference on students writing ability in
descriptive text between the students who were taught using Brain
Sketching Technique and that of those who were not?
E. Objective of the research
To find out whether or not there was a significant difference in
writing descriptive text between the students who were taugh using
Brain Sketching Technique and that of those who were not.
F. Significance of the research
(1) Show the advantages of using Brain Sketching Tehnique in
improving students ability in writing descriptive text,(2) be
useful for English teacher to improve their knowladge about
teaching writing technique effectively, (3) offer findings on
which strategy is applied more fruitfully.
G. The Keys of Term
CHAPTER II: Literature Review
A. Concept of writing
1. Definition of writing ability
2. The importance of writing
3. The characteristics of good writing
4. The purpose of writing
5. The criteria of writing assessement
6. The process of writing
B. Concept of descriptive text
7. Definition of descriptive text
8. The generic structure of descriptive text
9. The kinds of descriptive text
10. The purpose of descriptive text
C. Brain sketching technique
1. Definition brain sketching technique
brain sketching is an idea generation technique, based on brain
writing, that uses sketching as the primary means of recording ideas.
Brain sketching is a technique that can help teacher in teaching to
make the teaching process interactive and fun.

E. Hypotheses

Ha: there was a significant difference in writing descriptive text

between the students who are taught using Brain Sketching
technique and those who are not.
HO: there was no significant difference in writing descriptive text
between the students who are taught using Brain Sketching
technique and those who are not.
Chapter III: Research Methodology
A. Research design
In conducting the research, this research was be using Quasi Experimental
Research, In this research design using Nonequivalent groups Pretest-Posttest
Design because two groups of experimental and control.

group pretest- A → O 1 → X → O2
posttest- design: B → O3 → O4
where: A : the experimental class
B : the control class
O1 : pretest for the experimental class
O2 : posttest for the experimental class
O3 : pretest for the control class
O4 : posttest for the control class
X : the treatment
B. Population and sample
1. Population
Population of this research is 97 students of eight grade students of
SMPN 10 Kaur. Classes VIII A, VIII B, VIII C, and VIII D.
2. Sample
The researcher took two classes that were divided into two class,
where 25 students class VIII.A and 25 students class VIII B.
C. Technique collecting the data
2. Pre-test
This test is given to the experimental and control class. In the process
of testing students write descriptive text topics, researcher provide five
different themes and students choose one of these themes.
2. Treatment
In this research the researcher giving fifth times to treatment with
Brain Sketching Technique.
3. Post-test
Post-test was being conducted after students receive different
treatments , this test is to know that the results of students writing ability
D. Research instrument
1.Writing test
in writing test the topic of the pre-test was the same as the post-test, namely
writing descriptive text. When doing a descriptive text writing test students do the
test within 45 minutes.
2. Fields note
Field notes are used to record events related to teacher and students activities
during the learning process, as well outside of learning activities.
3. Documentations
E.Technique for analyzing data
This research using t-test formula with SPSS (statistical package for Social
Science) version 22.0
4. Computed the frequency and rate percentage of students scores.
5. Normality of score pre-test and post-test experimental and control class.
6. Test of homogenity
7. Analysis scoring Test of using T-test with SPSS Version 22.
F. Research procedures in brainn sketching technique
1. Pre-activities(20 minutes)
2. Whilest activities(50 minutes)
3. Post-activities(20 minutes)
A. Results
The data were the scores of students’ writing ability test which
was taken from pre-test and post-test given to both experimental
and control class.
1. The result of Writing Ability Descriptive Text
a. The percentage of the students pre-test and post-test in the
experimental class .
Pre-test Posttest

Score F % F %
Interval (Students (Percentage) (Students) (Percentage

) )

85 – 100 Excellent - - 2 8

75 – 84 Good - - 13 52

60 – 74 Average 1 4 9 36

40 – 59 Poor 17 68 1 4

0 – 39 Very Poor 7 28 - -
b. The percentage of Students Pre-test scores and Posttest
scores in the Control Class
Pre-test Posttest

Score F % F %
Interval (Students) (Percentage) (Students) (Percentage

85 – 100 Excellent - - - -

75 – 84 Good - - 5 20

60 – 74 Average 3 12 17 68

40 – 59 Poor 16 64 3 12

0 – 39 Very Poor 6 24 - -

the pre-test in the control class, there was student in excellent

category is 0 (0%), good category 0(0.%), average category is 3
(12.0%), poor category 16(64.0%), and very poor category is 6
(24.0%). While in posttest, there was student were in excellent
category is 0 (0.0%), good category is 5 (20.0%), average category is
17(68.0%), poor category is 3(12,0%), and student were in very poor
category is 0(0,0%).
2. Normality test
a. The result of normality of pre-test experiment class.

significance value of the experiment class pre-test score is 0,188.

It means that is was higher than the level of significance of (0,05).
b. The normality test of the data pre-test in control class.

b. The normality test of the data pre-test in control class

The significance value of the control class pre-test is 0.200, it

means that is was higher than the level of significance of 0,05. it can
be conclude data distributed normality.
C. The normality test of the data posttest in Experiment Class

The significance value of the experiment class posttest score is

0,200. It means that is was higher than the level of significance of
(0,05). It can be concluded that the data were distributed normality.
d. The normality test of the data posttest in Control Class

The significance value of the control class posttest score is

(0,157). It means that is was higher than the level of significance of
(0,05). So, it can be concluded that the data were distributed normality.
3. Homogenity of Variance Test
a. Homogenity of Pre-Test
To analyze the homogeneity of variances experimental class
and control class pre-test score, the researcher use Bartlett in SPSS
22.0. Based on the output above, it is known that Because P Value
(sig.) = 0.394 > 0.05, then Ho is rejected. So it can be concluded
that the variance on the pretest score of each group of data is the
same (homogeneous).

b. Homogenity of Post-test
P Value (sig.) = 0.394 > 0.05, then Ho is rejected. So it can be concluded
that the variance on the pretest score of each group of data is the same
4. Statistically Analysis
this test using T-test with the help of SPSS version 22.0 to look for the
Impact of Brain Sketching technique in the Experimental class and without not
using brain sketching technique in control class.
a. Difference Test Pretest Scores
A pretest score difference test was performed to find out whether the writing
descriptive text of the experimental class and control class students was the same
or different before treatment.
Based on the table above, P value (sig.) = 0.500 > 0.05. This means that H 0 is
accepted and Ha is rejected, so it can be concluded that the average pretest score
of the experimental class and control class students is same. It can conclude that
the writing of descriptive text in the experimental class and control class students
is same before given treatment.
b. Post-Test Scores Difference Test
Posttest score difference test was conducted to determine whether of the
writing descriptive text of the experimental class students and the control class
students were the same or different after being given treatment (in the form of
brain sketching technique to writing descriptive text).
In the determination of the independent sample T-test
stated that if a significant value (2 tailed) < 0.05 then Ho is
rejected and Ha is accepted, because P value (sig.) = 0.002 < 0.05.
This means that Ha is accepted, so it can be concluded that the
average post-test scores of the experimental class students and
control class students are not the same (different).
The purpose of this research is to determine differences in descriptive teks
students between students who are taught using the brain sketching technique and
students who are not using brain sketching technique.
Gundy states that Brain Sketching technique is a technique based on
brainwriting, that uses sketching as the primary means of recording ideas. That can
help teachers to make the teaching process interactive and fun and improving of the
writing students. Which can stimulate students' creativity and their imagination.
The results of this research showed that there was an increase in descriptive
writing skills in the experimental class after being treatment with a brain sketching
technique. In the experimental class, the mean score at the pre-test is 46.00 and the
mean score at the post-test test is 75.36. This means that the average value of the
pre-test and post-test increased by 29.36. Thus, it can be seen that there is a
significant increase in the mean value of descriptive writing ability tests between
before and after being treatment the experimental class.
The mean scores value of the control class at the beginning of the pre-test is
47.76 and obtained an mean scores of post-test is 69,12. This means an increase in
the average value pre-test and post-test test in the control class is 21,36. The
difference score students is experimental class is 29. 36 and control is 21. 36.
Then, there is impact of brain sketching technique on students ability in
Experimentla class.
and by using T-test it can be conclude that the results of the
pre-test showed not have significant effect on students ability,
Because results of SPSS is 500 > 0. 05 that is Ho is accepted and Ha
is rejected..
in the results of Post-test in using SPSS the post-test scores write
descriptive the experimental class is then calculated using the T-test
formula for sample because P value (sig.) = 0.002 < 0.05. It means
that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted it can be concluded that the
average post test scores of experimental class students and control
class students are not the same (different).
Then. The theory Brain Sketching technique by Van Gundy was
able to improve students’ writing ability and makes students more
active in conveying and explaining their ideas through sketches
provided by researcher when conducting research that students'
imagination and thinking abilities increase because sketching can
stimulate students' creativity and their imagination in thinking.
In the hypotheses Ha is there was a significant difference in
writing descriptive text between the students who are taught using
brain sketching technique and those who are not of the research is
accepted, this means that there are significant differences in post test
scores between experimental class students and control class
students. there are significant differences in posttest scores between
experimental class students and control class students, it can be
concluded that there is a significant influence the impact of Brain
Sketching technique on students ability in writing descriptive text,
this means that Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected.
A. Conclussion
the results of interval mean scores pre-test and post-test in the control class is
21,36. The difference score students post-test experimental class is 29. 36 Then,
there is impact of brain sketching technique on students ability in Experimental
by using T-test it can be conclude that the results of the pre-test showed not
have significant effect on students ability, Because results of SPSS is 500 > 0. 05
that is Ho is accepted and Ha is rejected..
in the results of Post-test in using SPSS the post-test scores write descriptive
the experimental class is then calculated using the T-test formula for sample
because P value (sig.) = 0.002 < 0.05. It means that Ho is rejected and Ha is
then the conclussion of this research is there was significant difference
impact in writing descriptive text between the students who are taught using brain
sketching technique and those who are not. And this research is Ha is accepted
and Ho is rejected.
B. Suggestion
1. It is suggested to the teacher to use Brain-Sketching Technique
as an alternative way in learning and teaching English, because
it can make the students’ more interesting in learning English.
2. It is suggested to the next researchers using the Brain sketching
Technique in teaching English because this Technique is
effectively to improve and the impact of students skill in
learning process especially in writing descriptive text.
3. The English teacher is supposed to give more motivation to the
students in order to the students to be more excited in English
learning since many students regard that English is difficult
subject to learn.
4. It is suggested for the headmaster in order to persuade the
teachers to use this technique, because it is very effective
technique to be applied for the teacher in teaching and
delivering the material.
Thank You
warohmatullahi wabarokatuh

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