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Yalqa Rizqi Azka

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Fleet Life Cycle Management
PT. PELNI and Ship operation

• Fleet life cycle management is about calculating the total

operating cost of a ship or vehicle. Life cycle management
is not only the initial price of the ship or vehicle, but also
the cost of fuel, insurance, permits, routine maintenance
and replacement of parts, not to mention any costs related
to management and downtime (productivity loss) during
NO Strategey Explanation
FLCM seeks to optimize high-level objectives across the
RAN fleet. It graphically represents the ideal mixes of Maximize surplus value. Minimize
downtime and maintenance (e.g.
availability, capability and affordability in a Venn diagram 1 Strategy 1 optimizing productivity-related costs,
displaying all desirable results from the interaction of these professionalism, modern image, employee
sets. retention).

Maximize the rate of return on each

expense (optimize each variable cost,
2 Strategy 2
professional image, flexibility, downtime
is important, but the schedule is adjustable

Minimize capital costs (usually focus on

optimizing a specific cost (such as
maintenance), avoid major expenditures,
3 Strategy 3
downtime is tolerable, driving
performance; image is not particularly
Asset Management
• Asset management balances costs, benefits, NO Asset Management
opportunities and risks against desired asset
performance, requiring forecasts to include all
relevant and influential factors within the operational
environment for practically all technical and business 1 Avaibility

2 Afordability

3 Capability
Asset Management Standard
• The scope of asset management includes strategy and
planning, asset management decision-making, life cycle
NO KIND Detail
delivery, asset information, organization and personnel,
and risk and review. 39 A separate auditable item is
defined within the defined scope of asset management. This International Standard provides an
There are two standardizations for asset management, overview of asset management and asset
ISO 55000 and PAS55. 1 ISO 55000
management systems (i.e. management
systems for the management of assets). It
also provides the context for ISO 55001 and
ISO 55002.

Provides detailed guidance and examples of

good practice in all facets of acquiring,
2 PAS 55
owning and ultimately disposing of physical
Asset Management

• Asset management balances costs, benefits, opportunities,

and risks based on expected asset performance, and
requires forecasts to include almost all relevant and
influencing factors of technical and business decisions in
the operating environment.
• Lemerande believes that the most relevant factors for
asset management can be summarized as: the simultaneous
realization of availability, capability and affordability, as
shown in the figure below.
ISO 55000
• ISO (the International Organization for Standardization)
is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). FUNDAMENTA
NO Explanation
• ISO 55000 provides an overview of asset management,
its principles and terminology, and the expected benefits Assets exist to provide value to the
1 Vallue
from adopting asset management. There are two kinds organization and its stakeholders.
of ISO 55000. ISO 55001 and ISO 55002.
Asset management translates the
organizational objectives into technical
2 Alignment
and financial decisions, plans and

Leadership and workplace culture are

3 Leadership
determinants of realization of value.

Asset management gives assurance that

4 Assurance
assets will fulfil their required purpose.
PAS 55
• The Publicly Available Specification (PAS) was first
released in 2004 to meet industry demand for asset
NO 2 Parts Detail
management standards. It applies to any organization
whose physical assets are the key or key factor in
achieving its business goals. The PAS is based on the
familiar BS ISO format, comparable to widely adopted Specification for the optimized management
1 First
standards such as BS EN ISO 14001 and BS OHSAS of physical assets;
18001, and is divided into two parts. As shown in the table

2 Second Guidelines for the application of PAS 55-1.

02 and Ship
• PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia or PT PELNI (Persero)
is a state-owned shipping company established on April
28, 1952, in accordance with Decree No. M2/1/2 of the
Minister of Transport of April 28, 1952. The company is
employed by providing customers with the best service in
reliable and professional maritime transportation services.
• PT PELNI operates a fleet of passenger ships, fast ferries
and freighters. Our company serves domestic tourist routes
and has visited more than 94 ports throughout the
archipelago. In the development process, PT PELNI not
only serves marine services.
• With the support of the government's marine toll collection
program, PT PELNI currently operates 8 (eight) marine
toll vessels, providing transportation/cargo container
services in the form of basic food and construction
materials for infrastructure development.
KM Nggapulu
• The current position of KM.NGGAPULU is at Indonesia
(coordinates 3.93155 S / 128.41653 E) reported 47 hours ago
No Name Size Unit by AIS. The vessel is en route to KAIMANA, sailing at a speed
of 16.1 knots and expected to arrive there on May 28, 17:00.
1 LOA 147 m • The vessel KM.NGGAPULU (IMO: 9226499, MMSI
525005047) is a Passenger Ship built in 2002 (19 years old)
2 B 23 m and currently sailing under the flag of Indonesia.

3 Berat 14 ton
4 Berat 4.6 ton
6 Vs 16.1 Knot

KM Nggapulu serve on the sea coast of around the Jakarta and Kaimana. Then, this is
in accordance with the waters in Indonesia. The Wave Height in around 0.1 – 2.5 m.
So the ships freeboard are around above 2 m. So this quite dangerous to the ship if
there is the wave which around 2.5 m.
Safety and Security (Crew)

According to the function of the ship, it is used for the transportation of goods, people
and vehicles. The ship is small but the maximum capacity of the ship is very high, and
the maximum crew is too much, which is quite dangerous for all passengers and crew,
so there should be some mitigation measures, such as adherence to principles,
dimensions and rules.
Safety and Security (Regulation)

 The government's regulations are now very old and terrible, so they should be
mitigated, such as evaluating regulations and providing a good working environment.
Regarding the poor management of corporate assets in Indonesia, we should alleviate
this situation by evaluating the asset management system.
Operating Cost
NO Category Explanation
Operating costs or operational costs, are the expenses
 which are related to the operation of a business, or to the Issued by the government of the ship's
operation of a device, component, piece of equipment or 1
Statutory flag state (flag state) or an independent
facility. They are the cost of resources used by an Certificates legal entity authorized by the ship's flag
organization just to maintain its existence.
"Rules and Regulations for Ship
2 Classification," which define how
seaworthy ships should be constructed.

Others that are not covered by the

statutory certificate or registration
3 category such as builder’s certificate,
deratting certificate, and inspection
Ship Summary
• Where is the ship?
Passenger Ship NGGAPULU is currently located at INDO -
Arafura Sea at position 5° 18' 22.14" S, 133° 18' 3.24" E as
reported by MarineTraffic Terrestrial Automatic Identification
System on 2021-06-27 17:22 UTC (21 hours, 16 minutes ago)
The wind in this area at that time blows
from Southeast direction at force 4 Beaufort.
• Where is this vessel going to?
The vessel departed from KAIMANA, ID on 2021-06-28 20:16
LT (UTC +9) and is currently sailing at 15.7
knots with Southeast direction
• What kind of ship is this?
NGGAPULU (IMO: 9226499) is a Passenger Ship that was
built in 2002 (19 years ago) and is sailing under the flag
of Indonesia.
It’s carrying capacity is 14739 Gross Tonnage and her current
draught is reported to be 6 meters. Her length overall (LOA) is
146.5 meters and her width is 23.4 meters.

• BSI British Standards, “Asset Management Part 1:
Specification for the optimized management of physical
assets” (2008) .
• International Standard ISO 5500”Asset Management –
Overview, principles and terminology” (2014)
• Raja Oloan Saut Gurning, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D, CMarTech,
ImarEST (2016). Sesi 7, Survey dan Inspeksi Kapal :
Keselamatan dan Inspeksi Kapal.

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