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The educational use of video

Module 3
Management of Technological Resources
for the Teaching and Administration of
the English Language (Part II)

Professor: Martín Ulises Aparicio
Types of Videos
a) Informative (documental, report, new)
b) Argumentative (dramatization, testimonial,
fiction, animation)
c) Educational (training, disseminate information,
cultural, instructional)
d) Musical (party, concert, video clip)
Educational Video and the educational use of the video

• We have to distinguish the educational video

from the educational use of the video.

• The educational use of the video means to use a

methodology that allows us to make an
analytical, critical and conscious reading of
video graphic material that were made to
entertain, not necessarily framed to educational
¿What is an educational video?
• It is a video that has an intention,
treatment, a way to narrate, an orientation,
an informative or formative approach with
the purpose of motivate, dinamize,
support, or complement processes of
human development.
¿What is an educational video?
• The educational video is not an end to itself, it is
a working tool, an instrument o resource that
according to its proposes, it can accomplish an
effective function to help different people.
• The themes could be varied, depending of the
interests of people and places.
Types of Educational Videos

a) Scientific Videos : documentaries, research,

b) Didactic videos: related to teaching-learning

process. They are produced to support or
complement instruction.

c) Pedagogical Videos: philosophical point of

view of formative processes, educational theory
or approach.
Types of Educational Videos
d) Social Videos: themes that are interested to
social groups or society in general, to a specific
place or community.

e) Process Video: Videos that are products of

formative actions, it is elaborated during the
formative process.

g) Art Video: explore the possibilities of

technology to present new products,
manipulating images.
¿How to use it?
• Include the use of the video in the planning.
• Determine the right moment to be used.
• Check the equipment in advance.
• Elaborate a guide to analyze the video.
• Select videos that are related to an instructional content or values
that you want to discuss with the class.
• Encourage students to take notes, stop the video and make
questions, rechecked portions of the video, predict about the video,
and other activities.
• Elaborate a report after a discussion; debate about the content of
the video; conclude or recommend; do research or projects about
the video, and others.
• Analyze in details certain scenes or portions of the video.
Didactical Functions of the video
1.- Engage students in the topic: Motivate the
students in the theme of the video, provoke an
active answer, post a problem, stimulate the
participation or promote attitudes to investigate.
2.- Introduce a topic: a video can give a general
vision of a topic; help student to understand a
3.- Develop a topic: a video can support or
complement teachers’ explanations.
4.- Contrast ideas or approaches: a video can
help students understand a different point of view;
reveal difficult meanings of a topic.
5.- To close the discussion of a topic: A video can
help teachers to close the study of a topic.

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