Manifest Destiny Vocabulary Power Point

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Adams-Onis Treaty

Spanish Florida
- Throughout the 1810’s the US encroached on Spanish Florida
- Runaway slaves and Native Americans escaped to Florida,
the two groups united- known as “Seminoles”
Fighting Begins
- Seminoles and Americans in GA fought along the FL border
- 1818: Andrew Jackson sent to stop the Seminole raids, he
quickly took St. Marks and Pensacola
- The Spanish knew they couldn’t hold Florida
- Adams-Onis Treaty signed in 1819: Spain gave up Florida
Missouri Compromise
Free vs. Slave States
- In 1819 Missouri territory asked to be added to the Union as a state
- South want it to be admitted as a slave state (meaning slavery is legal)
- Some members of Congress wanted it to be a free state
- In the Union at the time the number of free states = slave states meaning their
influence in Congress was equal
The Compromise
- Missouri entered the Union as a slave state
- Maine entered as a free state- keeping the balance of power equal
- Line drawn along the southern Missouri border: slavery allowed below it but
not above it
Monroe Doctrine
Get out of our Hemisphere!
- President Monroe worried about increased European
- interest in the Americas
- In 1823 Monroe issued the Monroe Doctrine: the US would not get involved in
European affairs BUT Americas now closed to European colonization
- Set the tone for American foreign policy for a long time after this
Oregon Country
Britain Was There First, so what?
- Spain and Russia also claimed the land
- Spain lost its land w/ the Adams-Onis Treaty
- In 1825 President John Quincy Adams made
- agreement w/ Britain: joint occupation of Oregon
Mountain Men
- Fur traders were 1st people from US to live in territory
- Helped trace east-to-west routes used to settle the
- West
Fifty-Four Forty or Fight
- Americans wanted all of Oregon
- When elected James Polk made compromise with Britain
- Joint occupation split at 49 degrees North latitude

Oregon Trail
Whitman Massacre Prairie Schooner
- Marcus and Narcissa Whitman some of first settlers along Oregon trail
- Ran mission to care for and convert Cayuse natives
- 1847 measle outbreak killed Cayuse children
- Cayuse blamed Whitmans, killed them and 11 others in response
Massacre was Shocking but didn’t stop the Oregon Trail
- Settlers were emigrants because left the US to go to Oregon (not officially
part of the US yet)
- 2,000 dangerous miles
- Carried all belongings in prairie schooners
- (canvas-covered wagons)
John O’Sullivan
…that claim is by the right of our manifest destiny to
overspread and to possess the whole of the continent
which Providence has given us for the development of the
great experiment of liberty and federated self-government
entrusted to us.”

“New York Morning News” on December 27, 1845

From Sea to Shining Sea
Manifest Destiny
- Coined by newspaper editor
John O’Sullivan
- Fixation of Americans
throughout the early 1800s
- Mission of the US to spread
freedom by settling the entire
continent, all the way to the
Pacific Ocean
1. Compare and contrast
the left side and right side 4. Who is the woman in
of the painting. the center? What is she
doing? What is she
holding? What might
2. Which direction is
she symbolize?
everyone moving? What
does this represent?
5. What is the meaning
or message of this
3. One group of people
look back in this painting.
Who is it, and why are
they looking back?
James K. Polk
Election of 1844
- Democratic nominee
- Ran under slogan “Fifty-Four Forty
- or Fight” (referring to Oregon)
- Polk supported Manifest Destiny
- expansion
- Won in 1844: 11th president of US
- Henry Clay ran with the Whig party
- Did not take strong position about Oregon
- or expansion
- Not supported by most of Whig party
Presidential Recap
1. George Washington
2. John Adams*
3. Thomas Jefferson
4. James Madison
5. James Monroe
6. John Quincy Adams*
7. Andrew Jackson
8. Martin Van Buren*
9. William Henry Harrison*
10. John Tyler*
11. James K. Polk*
Florida Territory
New Land
- In 1821 US gains FL from Spain in Adams-Onis
- Treaty
- Cotton and tobacco plantations spread into
- N. FL and the panhandle
Territory → Statehood
- 1824: 8,000 ppl in FL → 1837: 48,000 ppl in FL (slaves half of population)
- In 1839: FL writes 1st Constitution: governor for 4 yrs, elected assembly, public
schools, slavery allowed
- Congress postpones statehood: CAN’T UPSET BALANCE OF POWER
- 1845: John Tyler signs FL into statehood
- FL: slave state, Iowa: free state, balance of power equal
1821 Mexico independent from Spain
- Mexico offered land to anyone who settled
- Soon Americans outnumbered Tejanos (Mexicans who lived in Texas)
- Texans wanted to break from Mexico
- Mexican general Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna led force to
- stop Texans
- 1836: 180 Texans vs. thousands of Mexican troops at Alamo
- Santa Anna used cannons to crash through the walls and
- killed the defenders
- “Remember the Alamo” now the Texan rallying cry
Annexation of Texas
Texan Independence and Statehood
- Texas leaders met at Washington-on-the-Brazos
- Created the independent Republic of Texas picked
- Sam Houston as commander-in-chief
- Houston and army attacked Santa Anna at San Jacinto
- May 14th, 1836 Santa Anna signed treaty recognizing independence
- Texas now independent republic
- 1836: Sam Houston chosen as president, sent delegation to DC
- North wants expansion into Oregon, South wants expansion to Texas
- James K. Polk wanted both!! (bc Manifest Destiny)
- After Polk’s victory, Texas became state in 1845
Sante Fe Trail
New Mexico Territory (Spanish→ Mexican → American)
- All land between California and New Mexico
- Americans welcomed to New Mexico territory to boost Mexican eco
- 1821: William Becknell traveled to old Spanish settlement Sante Fe, established Sante Fe
Trail which became busy trade route (we like trade)
California Territory
- Settled by Spanish missionaries and explorers
- John C. Fremont traveled to CA and wrote about environment, people started to follow
(we like good land and good weather)
Hi we want that: NM and CA became part of Manifest Destiny vision for Americans
Mexican-American War More on next slide

Heatin’ Up
- Polk wanted NM and California but US and
- Mexico fighting over border
- Mexico says border is Nueces River, US says
- border is Rio Grande
- Offered Mexico $30 million for land if they
- accept Rio Grande as border
- Mexico won’t agree
Who fired first?
- To pressure Mexico, Polk sent General Zachary Taylor into disputed territory
- Mexico views this as an invasion, US hopes Mexico will fire first AND they do
- May 13, 1846: US declares war on Mexico
Mexican-American War
Polk’s War Plan WORKS (Continued- last slide)

1. Drive Mexican forces out of Texas

- By 1847 Zachary Taylor accomplished this
1. Take control of New Mexico and California
- Gen. Stephen Kearny captured Sante Fe
- Gen. John C. Fremont led uprising in California to declare independence
- US warships sailed into San Francisco and San Diego capturing republic for US
1. Capture Mexico City
- Gen. Winfield Scott fought way to Mexico City- there in 1847
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
- Mexico gives up NM and CA, Rio Grande is US/Mexico border
- US owed Mexico $15 million
California Gold Rush
- 1848: Gold discovered at Sutter’s Mill
- Forty-Niners: people who arrived to CA in 1849, 80% were looking for gold
- Most 49-ers didn’t get rich, although US gold supply doubles
- Under Guadalupe-Hidalgo: Californos (Mexicans living in California before taken by
US) got to keep land
- But Law of Land passed in 1851 said they had to prove that land was theirs
- Many Californios lost land to white settlers
California → state!
- Gold rush brought farming, shipping, and trade
- 1849 CA applied for statehood as FREE state
- But balance of power in Congress??? Compromise worked out in 1850
Mormon Church
- Founder of church: Joseph Smith, said received visions to write Book of Mormon
- Goal: idealistic community to accept Christ when he came to Earth
- Some teachings unpopular: ex. Man can have more than one wife
- Mormons forced to leave NY, tried Illinois but Joseph Smith killed by mob
- 1846: 12,000 Mormons go to Utah w/Brigham Young, reach Salt Lake City in 1847
- Mormons use irrigation to farm and sold supplies to 49ers
- 1848 US gets Salt Lake from Mexican War, Mormons want statehood but not granted
until 1896 bc opposition to church
More presidents :)
11. James K. Polk (1845-1849)
12. Zachary Taylor (1849-1850) **Whig curse**
13. Millard Fillmore (Taylor’s VP) (1850-1853)
14. Franklin Pierce (1853-1857)
Gadsden Purchase
Didn’t we do war over this?
- Still lasting tension after Mexican-American War
- Fighting continues over portions of modern day Arizona and parts of NM
- Mexico mad because Natives were raiding their land
- Guadalupe-Hidalgo said US had to stop Native attacks
- Franklin Pierce sent James Gadsden to negotiate
- US paid Mexico $10 million
- Established modern-day US southern border
- Land allowed US to build Southern transcontinental railroad
Transcontinental Railroad
Manifest Destiny- check!
- Now US extended to Pacific Ocean- needed way to get to all of land
We Meet in the Middle
- Central Pacific Railroad and Union Pacific Railroad started on either side of
US in 1862
- In 1869 the two sides met in Utah uniting the US

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