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Unidad Educativa Teodoro Gómez de la


Lenin Vásquez
3ro BGU “J”
Dra. Lucia Mendez
Follow the steps below:

environmental problems that already exists or might exist in the future.

ozone layer destruction

Global warming
Forest fires
Water pollution
Write a short introduction about your topic.

The ozone layer or ozonosphere is the area of ​the Earth's stratosphere

that contains a relatively high concentration of ozone.
This layer, which extends from approximately 15 km to 50 km of
altitude, gathers 90% of the ozone present in the atmosphere and
absorbs 97 to 99% of low-frequency ultraviolet radiation, this was
discovered by the physicists Charles Fabry and Henri Buisson in 1913.
write possible causes of the problems in a paragraph.

Human beings use products such as aerosols, strong

chemicals, we burn garbage and other things daily.
These actions damage this layer that is the only one that
can take care of us, for several years they have been
warning us, without taking great importance until these
hot days.
think of the effects (consequences) the problems in a paragraph. Read
what you have written and make any necessary changes.

Basically, the consequences of the hole in the ozone layer are

in the increased ultraviolet radiation, harmful to the health of
living beings. In men, the risks of skin cancer and cataract
problems in the eyes are the most obvious.
Not to mention the possibilities that meteorites or eaters will
hit the earth, as it is more discovered
Incorporate at least FIVE connector words listed below
in possible solutions.
If we stop using the great destructive products of this layer, we could hope to have a healthier life in
the future or for the following generations
If the big factories left or found a way to do their work differently, it would be a great harm less thus
letting the ozone layer recover by itself
If the damage that is caused daily to this layer is considerably reduced, it could recover little by little
until it becomes as it was at the beginning. if something like this happens, life for human beings
would be lengthened by a few years. In the same way, if we do not pay attention to scientific studies
and their way of countering this wear, we could secure a grave for each one of us.

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