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To inform readers,listeners, or viewers about events of

the day which are considered newsworthy or important.

Text Organization
It mainly consists of three parts: newsworthy events,
background events, and sources.

Language Features

It tells the event in a summary. It is about the country/city/place

where the events took place. Then, the information on the who,
when and the actual location of the events is presented.

It elaborates what happened, explains what caused the incident.

This part is the body of the news item which tells in
chronological order the events that took place. There may be
general comments on the events and quotes from people
involved in the events.

The events start to end. Comments from the public, like the
witnesses, the police or the experts are usually included.
Language Features
Information on the use of headlines
The use of an action verbs

Ex : hit, attack, curb

The use of saying verbs

Ex : said, added, claimed

The use of passive sentences

Ex : Aceh was hit by a Tsunami in 2004

The use of adverbs in passive sentences

Ex : The victims were badly injured.

Man Jailed for Striking RI Maid
Newsworthy SINGAPORE : A supervisor was jailed for two months for repeately Passive
Event striking his Indonesian maid on the head and back with a television Sentence
remote control, news reports said on Thursday.

Muhamad Shafiq Woon Abdulah admitted in a Singapore court he

physically abused the woman on severalmoccasions between June and
Event 1 October 2002, The Strait Times said.
Event 2
The magistrate’s court hear that Shafiq, 31, began striking Winarti, 22 Verbs
Event 3 about a month after she started working for him.

He hit her on the bed with the TV set’s remote control because he was
unhappy with her work. On one occasion, he punched her on the back
after accusing her of daydreaming.
Sources Verbs
S.S.Dhillon, Shafiq’s lawyer said his client lost his ‘better senses’ when
he saw his daughter’s face covered as she lay in bed.

He said his client thought the maid had put the child in danger. -DPA
Newspaper Headlines
Headlines in newspaper are printed in large letters to catch the reader’s
eye. They use as few words as possible and are called ‘Phrase
Headlines’. Grammar words like articles (a, an, the) and auxiliary
verbs (is, are, were, was, may, must, can, etc.) are often left out.

Examples :
 Torrential Rain in Most Areas
 Women Barred from Jobs
 Price Curbs Boost Exports
 Rewards for Tracing Suspects

Some headlines use the present tense although the event happened
days before. Why? Because the writer wants to give the subject a sense
of freshness and importance, making it more interesting to read.
Newspaper Headlines

For passive sentences, use past Agreement is signed today.

participle Headline : Agreement signed today.
Past participle

For future event, use to-infinitive The President will open the ASEAN summit.
Headline : President to open ASEAN summit.
To infinitive

For an event which is taking place now, English Teachers are having a TEFLIN
use present participle seminar.
Headline : English teachers having TEFLIN
Present participle

For a sentence using ‘is, are’, omit them People are free to choose their leader.
Headline: People free to choose leader.
Write the normal of the following
1. Plane shot down over Mediterranean = A
plane was shot down over the
2. Election won by surprise candidate =
3. Pop star mobbed by fans at the airport =
4. Local residents afraid of eruption =
5. Police investigating suspect =
6. Kris Dayanti succesful in concert =
7. Miss World visiting orphanage =
8. President to inspect damaged roads =
Newspaper Language
Newspaper language is not the same as
the ordinary English. They prefer words
that are usually shorter and distintive.
Newspaper Meaning Newspaper Meaning Newspaper Meaning
words words words

Aid Help Drama Tense situation Pledge Promise

Axe Cut,remove Drive Campaign, effort Ploy Clever activity
Back Support Graft Corruption Poll Election/survey

Bar Exclude,forbid Gems Jewels Probe Investigation

Bid Attempt Go-ahead Approval Quit Leave, resign
Blast Explosion Hit Attack badly Riddle Mystery
Blaze Fire Key Vital, important Strife Conflict
Boost Encourage Link Connection Talks Discussions
Boss, Head Manager, director Move Step forward Threat Danger
Clash Dispute Ordeal Painful experience Vow Promise
Curb Limit Oust Push out Wed Marry
Cut Reduction Plea Request
Explain what the following headlines
mean in ordinary English
1. PM to curb spending = The Prime
Minister will limit public spending
2. Bomb blasts central London =
3. PM pledges backing for Europe =
4. Tsunami hit Aceh =
5. President heads peace moves =

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