Topic 5 - Air Conditioning Systems and Psychometric Analysis

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Topic 5: Fundamentals of Air-Conditioning


 Air Conditioning Principles and Systems by Edward

G. Pita – Chapter 1

Mechanical Engineering Dept. CEME NUST 1

Fundamentals of Air-Conditioning Systems

 Treatment of air so as to simultaneously control its temperature, moisture
content, cleanliness, odor and circulation, as required by occupants, a
process, or products in the space .

 Process that heats, cools, cleans, and circulates air and control its moisture
content on a continuous basis.

oTemperature: Air temperature is controlled by heating or cooling of the air

o Humidity:
Air humidity, the water vapor content of the air, is controlled by adding or
removing water vapor from the air (Humidification or Dehumidification)

o Cleanliness: Air cleanliness, or air quality, is controlled by either filtration, or by

ventilation → introduction of outside air into the space which dilutes the concentration
of contaminants
o Motion: Air motion refers to air velocity and to where the air is distributed. It is
controlled by appropriate air distributing equipment

Mechanical Engineering Dept. CEME NUST 2

Fundamentals of Air-Conditioning Systems

Components of Air Conditioning Systems

 Heating Source that adds heat to a fluid (air,

water, or steam)
 Cooling Source that removes heat from a fluid (air
or water)

 Distribution System (network of ducts or piping) to

carry the fluid to the rooms to be heated or cooled
 Equipment (fans or pumps) for moving the air or

 Devices (e.g., radiators) for transferring heat

between the fluid and the room

Mechanical Engineering Dept. CEME NUST 3

Fundamentals of Air-Conditioning Systems

All-Water (Hydronic) Air Conditioning Systems

 Space is equipped with a Terminal Unit supplied with hot and/or cold water by
pipes (water loop)
 Pipes transfer energy between the central plant (refrigeration and heating
equipment) and the terminals
 All the energy needed to cool a space is carried by water

Hydronic Heating System

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Fundamentals of Air-Conditioning Systems

All-Water (Hydronic) Air Conditioning Systems

Hydronic Cooling System

Hydronic Heating and

Cooling System

Mechanical Engineering Dept. CEME NUST 5

Fundamentals of Air-Conditioning Systems

ALL-AIR Air Conditioning Systems

 All-air systems uses air to heat or cool rooms

 Added capability of controlling humidity and furnishing outdoor ventilation,

which hydronic systems cannot do…

Mechanical Engineering Dept. CEME NUST 6

Fundamentals of Air-Conditioning Systems

Air-Water Combination Systems

 Combination Air-water Systems distribute both chilled and/or hot water and
conditioned air from a central system to the individual rooms

 One type uses fan-coil units as the room terminal units → through which
Chilled or hot water is circulated from the central plant → Ventilation air is
distributed separately from an Air Handling Unit to each room

 Another type of Air-water System uses room terminal units called induction
units → It receives chilled or hot water from the central plant, as well as the
ventilation air from a central Air Handling Unit

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Fundamentals of Air-Conditioning Systems

Commonly used systems

Unitary or Packaged Air Conditioning System

 Uses equipment where all or most of the

Split Type Air Conditioner Unit
basic components have been assembled in
the factory

Window Type Air Conditioner Unit

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Fundamentals of Air-Conditioning Systems

Commonly used systems

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Fundamentals of Air-Conditioning Systems

Commonly used systems

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Fundamentals of Air-Conditioning Systems

Commonly used systems

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Fundamentals of Air-Conditioning Systems

Air-Water Combination Systems

Central Air-Conditioning Systems

 Uses equipment centrally

located in mechanical
equipment rooms

 Each piece of equipment is

installed separately and
connected on the job, rather
than manufactured as a

Mechanical Engineering Dept. CEME NUST 12

Fundamentals of Air-Conditioning Systems

Human Comfort
Body Heat Loss

 Human body creates heat when it metabolizes (oxidizes) food

 Factor that determines whether one feels hot or cold is the rate of body heat

 Rate of body heat loss is affected by five conditions:

1. Air temperature
2. Air humidity
3. Air motion
4. Temperature of surrounding objects
5. Clothing

Mechanical Engineering Dept. CEME NUST 13

Fundamentals of Air-Conditioning Systems

Human Comfort
 System designer and operator can control comfort primarily by adjusting three
of these conditions:
o Temperature,
o Humidity, and
o Air Motion
 Indoor Air Temperature may be raised to decrease body heat loss (winter) or
lowered to increase body heat loss (summer) by convection

 Humidity may be raised to decrease body heat loss (winter) and lowered to
increase body heat loss (summer) by evaporation

 Air Motion may be raised to increase body heat loss (summer) and lowered to
decrease body heat loss (winter) by convection

Mechanical Engineering Dept. CEME NUST 14

Fundamentals of Air-Conditioning Systems

Human Comfort
Comfort Standards

 Recommended indoor air conditions for comfort, published in ASHRAE

Standard 55-1992



Mechanical Engineering Dept. CEME NUST 15

Fundamentals of Air-Conditioning Systems

Human Comfort

 Shaded regions are called the Comfort

 Figure shows the regions of Air
Temperature and Relative Humidity where
at least 80 % of the occupants will find the
environment comfortable
 Comfort Zones apply only to sedentary or
slightly active persons
 Comfort Zones apply only to:
o Summer Clothing of light slacks and
a short sleeve shirt, or equivalent (0.5
o Winter Clothing of heavy slacks, long 16oC 21oC 27oC 32oC
sleeve shirt, and sweater or jacket, or
equivalent (0.9 cIo)
Mechanical Engineering Dept. CEME NUST 16
Fundamentals of Air-Conditioning Systems

Human Comfort

o to Air Motion in the occupied zone not

exceeding 30 feet per minute (FPM) in
winter and 50 FPM in summer

Recommended Energy Conserving Indoor Air

Design Conditions for Human Comfort
 more specific conditions have been recommended
Air Temperature Relative Maximum Air Clothing
(DB) Humidity (RH) Velocity Insulation
C % FPM clo

Winter 20-22 25-30 30 0.9

Summer 24-26 50-55 50 0.5
Mechanical Engineering Dept. CEME NUST 17
Topic 5:

 Air Conditioning Principles and Systems by Edward

G. Pita (Chapter-7 till 7.16)
 Refrigeration & Air-Conditioning by Stoecker (Ch-3)

Mechanical Engineering Dept. CEME NUST 18


 Atmospheric air makes up the environment in almost every type of air
conditioning system

 Atmospheric air that surrounds us is a mixture of dry air and water vapor,
called Moist Air

 Atmospheric air is a mixture of many Gases plus Water Vapor and a number of

 Pollutants have to be filtered out before processing the air. Hence, what we
process is essentially a mixture of various gases that constitute air and water

 Psychrometry or Psychrometrics is the study of the properties of mixtures of

air and water vapor

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Properties of Air

 Dry Bulb Temperature (DB): Temperature of the air, as sensed

by a thermometer, freely exposed to the air but shielded
from radiation and moisture

 Wet Bulb Temperature (WB): temperature

sensed by a thermometer whose bulb is
wrapped with a water-soaked wick, in rapidly
moving air

o If the surrounding air is very dry, the moisture will

evaporate quickly, causing the WB to drop lower

o If surrounding air is very wet (high relative humidity), rate of

evaporation will be very low and the WB reading will be closer to
the DB reading
o WB can never be higher than the DB

Mechanical Engineering Dept. CEME NUST 20


Properties of Air

 Humidity Ratio or specific humidity (W): also called the Moisture Content →
Weight of water vapor per pound of dry air, in Ib/lb dry air, or grains/lb dry air
7000 gr = 1 lb

 Relative Humidity (RH): Ratio of the actual water vapor pressure in the air to the
vapor pressure if the air were saturated at that dry bulb temperature

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Properties of Air

 Dew Point Temperature (DP): Temperature at which

water vapor in the air would begin to condense if
the air were cooled, at constant pressure

o Air can be dehumidified by passing it over a surface

that is below the dew point temperature of the air;
moisture will collect on the cold surface

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Properties of Air

 Specific Volume (v): volume of air per unit weight of dry air, in ft3/lb dry air

 Specific Enthalpy (h): heat content (enthalpy) of air per unit weight, in BTU/lb
dry air

 Saturated Air: condition when air contains the maximum amount of water vapor
that it can hold
oMaximum quantity of water vapor that air can hold depends on the Air Temperature

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Determining Air Properties

Ideal Gas Laws

 Both dry air and water vapor in atmospheric air behave as ideal gases

paV = maRaT = 53.3 maT

pwV =mwRwT=85.7mwT
pa = partial pressure of dry air in the mixture. Ib/ft2
pw = partial pressure of water vapor in the mixture, Ib/ft2
ma = weight of dry air, Ib
mw = weight of water vapor, Ib
Ra, Rw = gas constants for air and water vapor. ft Ib/lb R
V = volume of mixture, ft3
T = temperature of mixture, R

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Determining Air Properties

Humidity Ratio
 definition of Humidity Ratio:
W = humidity ratio, lb water vapor/lb dry air
mw = weight of water vapor, lb
ma = weight of dry air, Ib 𝒑𝒘 𝑽 𝒑𝒘 𝑽
𝒎𝒘 = 𝒎𝒘 =
𝟖𝟓.𝟕𝑻 𝟖𝟓.𝟕𝑻
Rearranging the ideal gas law: 𝒎𝒂 =
𝒑𝒂 𝑽
𝒎𝒂 =
𝒑𝒂 𝑽

𝒎𝒘 𝒑𝒘 𝟓𝟑.𝟑𝑻 𝟓𝟑.𝟑𝑻

𝑾 = = 𝟎.𝟔𝟐𝟐
𝒎𝒂 𝒑𝒂

Example 1

The partial pressure of the water vapor in the air is 0.20 psia on a day when the
barometric (atmospheric) pressure is 14.69 psi. Find the humidity ratio

 From the laws of partial pressures,

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Determining Air Properties

Relative Humidity

 Ratio between the Actual Partial Pressure of water vapor in the air to the
Saturation Pressure of water vapor at the same temperature
𝑹𝑯= ⨯𝟏𝟎𝟎

Example 2
What is the relative humidity and humidity ratio of air at 80 F DB and 50 F DP? The
barometric pressure is 14.7 psi.
  Table A.3 to find the saturation pressure and partial pressure of the water
vapor, at 80 F Pws = 0.507 psia and at 50 F Pw = 0.178 psia
Using, x 100 = x 100 = 35%
Using Equation

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Determining Air Properties

Dew Point Temperature

 Temperature at which the water vapor in the air would condense if the air were
cooled at constant pressure
 Water vapor in air exists in the superheated state and the moist air containing
moisture in such a form (i.e. superheated state) is said to be Unsaturated Air

 As Unsaturated Air is cooled at constant pressure, moisture (or superheated

steam) becomes Dry Saturated Steam

 Further cooling of air (lowering of the temperature) results in the moisture

separating out as particles of liquid water

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Determining Air Properties

Enthalpy (Heat Content)

 The enthalpy of atmospheric air is the sum of the individual enthalpies of the
dry air and water vapor.
 This includes the sensible heat of the dry air and the sensible and latent heat of
the water vapor.
 Using approximate values of specific heats of air and water vapor of 0.24 and
0.45 BTU/lb-F, and a latent heat value of 1061 BTU/lb for water
h = enthalpy of moist air, BTU/lb d.a.
h = 0.24t + W(1061 + 0.45t) t = dry bulb temperature of air, oF
W = humidity ratio, Ib w./lb d.a.
Example 3
Find the specific enthalpy of the air in Example 2

 t = 80F; W = 0.0076 .
Using h = 0.24t + W(1061 + 0.45t) = 0.24 x 80 + 0.0076 (1061 + 0.45 x 80)
= 27.54 BTU/lbd.a.
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Psychrometric Chart
 Properties of atmospheric air can be represented in tables or graphical form →
called the Psychrometric Chart

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Locating the Air-Condition on the Chart

 Any condition of air is represented by a point on the Psychrometric Chart

 Once the condition is located, any other properties can be read from the chart

Lines of constant dry bulb temperature Lines of constant humidity ratio (W) on
(DB) on the psychrometric chart the psychrometric chart

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Locating the Air-Condition on the Chart

Lines of constant relative humidity (RH) Lines of constant specific volume (v) on
on the psychrometric chart the psychrometric chart

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Locating the Air-Condition on the Chart

Lines of constant wet bulb temperature Lines of constant enthalpy
(WB) on the psychrometric chart

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Psychrometric Chart

Relative humidity Lines

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Locating the Air-Condition on the Chart

Example 4
The weather report reads 90 F DB and 40% RH. What is the WB?

WB= 71.2 oF

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Condensation on Surfaces

 Moisture on the glass is condensed from the room air when the glass
temperature is lower than the Room Air Dew Point

 Air contacting the glass is cooled below its Dew Point

→ at which air is saturated with water vapor when cooled to that

→ When cooled further, it can hold even less water vapor-some is

 Condensation should be avoided because the water will stain or damage

surfaces, and reduce the visibility through glass

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Condensation on Surfaces
Example 6
A room with single-glazed windows is at 70 F DB. If the outside
temperature is 30 F, what is the maximum RH that should be maintained
in the room to avoid condensation on the windows?
RH of 23% would be the
maximum RH that
should be maintained
to avoid condensation
on the windows

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Process Lines on the Psychrometric Chart

 Change of the condition of the entering air to a new condition is called a
 Showing these processes on the Psychrometric Chart is very helpful in
selecting equipment and in analyzing problems

1 - Sensible Heat Changes

 Heat is added or removed from the air and the
DB temperature changes → but there is no
change in water vapor content

 Heat is added or removed from the air and the

DB temperature changes → but there is no
change in water vapor content
process 1-2 → Sensible Heating
process 1-3 → Sensible Cooling

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Process Lines on the Psychrometric Chart

2 - Latent Heat Changes (Humidification and Dehumidification)

 Adding water vapor to the air is called Humidification

 Removal of water vapor from the air is called Dehumidification

Process 1-4 → Humidification, results in an

increase in humidity ratio and
Enthalpy of the air increases due to
the enthalpy of the water vapor
added → Latent Heat Change
Process 1-5 → Dehumidification, removal of
water vapor results in a decrease in

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Process Lines on the Psychrometric Chart

3 - Combination Sensible Heat and Latent Heat Change

Process 1-6 → Sensible heating and humidification

Process 1-7 → Sensible heating and dehumidification

Process 1-8 → Sensible cooling and humidification

Process 1-9 → Sensible cooling and dehumidification

 Generally, DB, W, and enthalpy all change

 Sensible and Latent Heat Equations with the aid of the

Psychrometric Chart to determine the amount of heat
and water vapor to be added or removed in the
conditioning equipment and to determine the changes
in properties

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Sensible Heat Change Process Calculations (Sensible Heating and Cooling)

 Sensible Heat Equation applied to moist air is:
Qs = (0.24 ma ⨯ TC) + (0.45 mw ⨯ TC)

Qs = sensible heat added to or removed from air, BTUlhr

ma = weight of air, Ib/hr
mw = weight of water vapor, Ib/hr
TC = t2 – t1 = temperature change, oF (Specific heats of 0.24 for air and 0.45 for
water vapor are used)
First term expresses the enthalpy change of the Dry Air and the second term expresses
the Enthalpy Change of the water vapor.
Second Term is often small enough so that it can be neglected

Qs = 0.45 mw ⨯ TC

Example 7
An electric resistance heater is to be installed in a duct to heat 400 Ib/hr of air from 60-90 F.
What is the required capacity of the heater?

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Sensible Heat Change Process Calculations (Sensible Heating and Cooling)

Example 8
An electric resistance heater is to be installed in a duct to heat 400 Ib/hr of air from 60-90 F.
The air entering the heater has RH of 65 % (In Previous Example). How much error was there
in neglecting the term in the sensible heat equation that included the enthalpy change of the
water vapor?
Example 9
Solve above example using the Psychrometric Chart.

Sensible Heat
Change ⇒ W = 0

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Sensible Heat Change Process Calculations (Sensible Heating and Cooling)

Example 9

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Sensible Heat Change Process Calculations (Sensible Heating and Cooling)

 The relation between air flow rate expressed in Ib/hr and air flow rate expressed as ft 3/min,
using standard air conditions, is:

ma (lb/hr) = CFM (ft3/min) ⨯ 60 min/1hr ⨯ 1 lb/13.3 ft3

⇒ ma = 4.5 ⨯ CFM

 Substituting this in the sensible heat equation and also assuming a typical average
moisture content of air of 0.01 Ib w./lb d.a. for air conditioning processes:

Qs = 0.24ma ⨯ TC + 0.45mw ⨯ TC Qs= 1.1 ⨯ CFM ⨯ TC = 1.1 ⨯ CFM⨯ (t2-t1)

 This convenient form of the sensible heat equation is commonly used for Moist Air
Calculations In Air-Conditioning

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Latent Heat Change Process Calculations (Humidifying and Dehumidifying)

 Amount of water vapor added to or removed from air in a humidifying or dehumidifying
process is:
mw = water vapor added or removed, lb w./hr
mw = ma (W2 – W1) ma = air flow rate, Ib/hr
W2 – W1 = change in humidity ratio, lb w./lb d.a.

mw = 4.5 ⨯ CFM (W2 – W1) (ma = 4.5 ⨯ CFM)

𝑪𝑭𝑴ሺ𝑾′𝟐 −𝑾′𝟏ሻ
𝒎𝒘 =
if the humidity ratio is given in gr w./lb d.a., dividing by 7000 gr/lb ⇒ 𝟏𝟓𝟓𝟔

Latent Heat Change

 Evaporation of water requires heat
 latent heat of vaporization of water at typical air conditioning temperatures is
approximately 1055 BTU/lb
𝑪𝑭𝑴ሺ𝑾′𝟐 − 𝑾′𝟏ሻ
𝑸𝒍 = 𝟏𝟎𝟓𝟓 × 𝒎𝒘 = 𝟏𝟎𝟓𝟓 × = 𝟎.𝟔𝟖 × 𝑪𝑭𝑴ሺ𝑾′𝟐 − 𝑾′𝟏 ሻ
Ql = latent heat change, BTU/hr
W2’ – W1' = humidity ratio change, gr w./lb d.a.

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Latent Heat Change Process Calculations (Humidifying and Dehumidifying)

Example 10
A water humidifier in a warm air heating duct handling 3000 CFM increases the moisture
content of the air from 30 to 60 gr w./lb d.a. Find the amount of heat required for the
humidifier, if the air is at 90 F, by using the psychrometric chart.

Mechanical Engineering Dept. CEME NUST 45


Combined Sensible and Latent Process Calculations

 In many air conditioning system processes, air undergoes both sensible and
latent heat changes:
Cooling and Dehumidification Process

 Air conditioning for human comfort usually requires a process where both sensible and
latent heat are removed from air-that is, the air is cooled and dehumidified:
Qt = Qs + QL
= 𝟎.𝟔𝟖 × 𝑪𝑭𝑴ሺ𝑾′𝟐 − 𝑾′𝟏 ሻ
Qs= 1.1 ⨯ CFM ⨯ TC = 1.1 ⨯ CFM⨯ (t2-t1) Ql

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Combined Sensible and Latent Process Calculations

Example 11
An air conditioning unit has a cooling coil that cools and dehumidifies 20,000 CFM of air
from 82 F DB and 50% RH to 64 F DB and 61 F WB. Find the sensible, latent, and total
capacity of the cooling coil and the amount of moisture condensed.

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Combined Sensible and Latent Process Calculations

Example 11
An air conditioning unit has a cooling coil that cools and dehumidifies 20,000 CFM of air
from 82 F DB and 50% RH to 64 F DB and 61 F WB. Find the sensible, latent, and total
capacity of the cooling coil and the amount of moisture condensed.

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Evaporative Cooling Process

 Cooling and humidification process is called Evaporative Cooling
 Some of the water evaporates, increasing the water vapor content of the air
 Un-evaporated water is re-circulated continuously,
and no external heat is added to the process

 DB leaving is lower than that entering, even though

no external cooling source is used

 Evaporation of the water required heat, because there

is no external heat source → heat must be obtained
from the air → Lowering Its Temperature

 There is no heat added to or removed from the air-water vapor mixture, Evaporative
Cooling process is a Constant Enthalpy Process

 There is simply an exchange of heat within the mixture

 Sensible Heat decreases and Latent Heat increases by the same amount

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Evaporative Cooling Process

 on Psychrometric Chart: Evaporative Cooling Process is a line of

Constant Enthalpy Content

 Evaporative Cooling is a constant WB process

o WB thermometers will give same reading of the air stream

entering and leaving the evaporative cooling unit

 If Evaporative Cooling Process can produce air at

temperatures low enough for sufficient cooling of
spaces (at least as low as 60-65 F DB), ⇒ no
refrigeration equipment would be needed, including its
operating costs
 Evaporative Cooling Process is practical for air conditioning only in very Dry Climates

 For Humid Climate, e.g. 90 FDB and 74 F WB: Evaporative Cooling can produce only 74 F
DB even with complete saturation

⇒o Not only DB is not low enough for sufficient cooling, but high humidity of the
supply air would result in extremely uncomfortable Humidity conditions
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Evaporative Cooling Process

 For Hot and Humid Climate, e.g. 90 F DB and 74 F WB

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Evaporative Cooling Process

 For Dry Climate, e.g. 94 F DB and 10 % RH (60 F WB): Evaporative Cooling can produce
air at 66 F DB suitable for air-conditioning

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Air Mixing Process

 Air mixing process is one where two streams of air are mixed to form a third stream
 This process occurs when mixing outside air with return air from rooms
 If conditions of the two airstreams that are to be mixed are known, conditions after mixing
can be found

 Conservation of Energy Principle: Sensible Heat Content of the air before and after mixing
is the same
ሺ𝒎𝟏 × 𝑫𝑩𝟏 ሻ+ ሺ𝒎𝟐 × 𝑫𝑩𝟐ሻ
m3 ⨯ DB3 = (m1⨯ DB1) + (m2 ⨯ DB2) ⇒ 𝑫𝑩𝟑 =

In terms of CFM: If Sp. Volumes of unmixed streams

are not widely different
ሺ𝑪𝑭𝑴𝟏 × 𝑫𝑩𝟏 ሻ+ ሺ𝑪𝑭𝑴𝟐 × 𝑫𝑩𝟐ሻ
𝑫𝑩𝟑 =

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Air Mixing Process

 Conservation of Mass: Water Vapor content before and after mixing is same,
ሺ𝒎𝟏 × 𝑾𝟏ሻ+ ሺ𝒎𝟐 × 𝑾𝟐ሻ
𝑾𝟑 =
𝒎𝟑 In terms of CFM:

Example 12

Outside air and return air as shown in Figure are mixed. Find the mixed air DB
and WB

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Air Mixing Process

From psychrometric chart
W1' = 90 and W2' = 65 gr w./lb d.a.
  ❑′ ( 𝟏𝟎𝟎𝟎 × 𝟗𝟎 )+(𝟐𝟎𝟎𝟎 × 𝟔𝟓)
𝑾 𝟑 =
  73.33 gr w./lbd.a

At 80 F DB, and 73.33 gr w./lb d.a.,

the WB = 66 F

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Air Mixing Process

 Mixing Process can also be solved graphically on the psychrometric chart:
o mixed air condition will lie along a straight line connecting the two conditions of the
unmixed airstreams
o location of the mixed air condition on this mixing line will be inversely proportional to
the quantities of the unmixed airstreams to the total
Example 13
Solve previous Example graphically, using the Psychrometric Chart

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Air Mixing Process

Example 13
Solve previous Example graphically, using the Psychrometric Chart

Any proportional distance on the DB scale is the same as that on the mixing line
The total distance on the DB scale is 90 - 75 = 15 spaces. The one-third distance
from point 2 is 75 + 1/3 x 15 = 80 on the DB scale
For point 3 on Psychrometric Chart: DB3 = 80 F, WB3 = 66 F
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Psychrometric Analysis of the Air Conditioning System

Determining Supply Air Conditions

 Room Total Cooling Load (RTCL): rate at which heat must be extracted from a
room to offset these heat gains
o Room Sensible Cooling Load (RSCL)
o Room Latent Cooling Load (RLCL)
 Heat Extraction, or Cooling Effect, is provided by supplying air to the room at a
temperature and humidity low enough to absorb the heat gains

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Psychrometric Analysis of the Air Conditioning System

Determining Supply Air Conditions

 Usual practice to apply the RSCL Eq. first to determine the supply air CFMs and
ts, and then apply the RLCL Eq. to determine the supply air humidity ratio W s'
 RSCL is known from the cooling load calculations
 tR and WR' are selected in the comfort zone

This still leaves two unknowns, CFMs and ts

One of these is chosen according to

"Good Practice“ (such as costs and job
conditions), and the remaining is
calculated from the equation

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Psychrometric Analysis of the Air Conditioning System

Determining Supply Air Conditions – contd--
Example 14
A Hair Salon Shop has a sensible cooling load of 55,000 BTU/hr and latent cooling
load of 22,000 BTUlhr. The room conditions are to be maintained at 78 F DB and
50% RH. If 2000 CFM of supply air is furnished, determine the required supply air
DB and WB.

⇒ Mechanical Engineering Dept. CEME NUST 60


Psychrometric Analysis of the Air Conditioning System

Sensible Heat Ratio
 Supply air conditions would change for different CFMs

 If all three satisfactory supply air conditions are plotted on

the psychrometric chart
→ All of the points lie on a straight line
→ line also passes through Room air condition R

Mechanical Engineering Dept. CEME NUST 61


Psychrometric Analysis of the Air Conditioning System

Sensible Heat Ratio – contd--
 Any supply air condition that will satisfactorily remove the proper proportion of room
sensible and latent heat gains will be on this line;
 any supply air condition that is not on this line will not be satisfactory
 for air supply at either A or B, ratio of sensible to total heat removal, h /h , is s t
same for both → It will be true for any other point on line RA

⇒ ⇒ = Room Sensible Heat Factor

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Psychrometric Analysis of the Air Conditioning System

Sensible Heat Ratio – contd--
 A scale around the right and top edges of the chart gives SHR values
 There is an index point in the middle of the chart at the 78°F DB and 65°F WB

 Sensible Heat Ratio line can be drawn

by aligning the appropriate SHR value
on the scale with the index point

Mechanical Engineering Dept. CEME NUST 63


Psychrometric Analysis of the Air Conditioning System

Sensible Heat Ratio – contd--
 room design conditions (A) are 78°F DB and 65°F WB, and If sensible heat ratio
is calculated as 0.80

 SHR line is found by aligning the index

point with the 0.80 marking on the
sensible-heat-ratio scale and drawing
a line from the index point to the
saturation curve

Mechanical Engineering Dept. CEME NUST 64


Psychrometric Analysis of the Air Conditioning System

Sensible Heat Ratio – contd--
Supply air with any combination of dry-bulb and wet-bulb temperatures that falls
on this line will be able to absorb the room's sensible and latent heat in the
correct proportions needed to maintain the desired room conditions (A = 78°F DB,
65°F WB)

Mechanical Engineering Dept. CEME NUST 65


Psychrometric Analysis of the Air Conditioning System

Sensible Heat Ratio – contd--
Example 15
A burger Shop has a sensible cooling load of 45,000 BTU/hr and a latent cooling
load of 15,000 BTU/hr. The shop is maintained at 77 F DB and 45% RH. Draw the
RSHR line.

Mechanical Engineering Dept. CEME NUST 66


Psychrometric Analysis of the Air Conditioning System

Coil Process Line
 A line drawn on the psychrometric chart representing the changes in conditions
of the air as it passes over the cooling and dehumidifying coil
 CoilProcess Line is defined as the straight line drawn between the air
conditions entering and leaving the coil

 capacity of a coil is defined as the sensible, latent,

and total heat that it removes from the air it is

Mechanical Engineering Dept. CEME NUST 67


Psychrometric Analysis of the Air Conditioning System

Example 16
A cooling coil handles 24,000 CFM of air entering at 86 F DB and 73 F WB. The air
leaves the coil at 59 F DB and 56 F WB. Determine the coil capacity.


Mechanical Engineering Dept. CEME NUST 68


Psychrometric Analysis of the Air Conditioning System

The Complete Psychrometric Analysis

The following design data has been established for the High Life Insurance
Company office building:
• RSCL = 740,000 BTUIhr, RLCL = 150,000 BTUlhr
• Outside design conditions-94 F DB, 75 F WB
• Inside design conditions-78 F DB, 50% RH
• Outside air required is 6730 CFM
• Supply air temperature difference is 20 F

A. Supply air CFM
B. Supply air conditions
C. Conditions entering cooling coil
D. Cooling coil sensible, latent, and total load

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Psychrometric Analysis of the Air Conditioning System

The Complete Psychrometric Analysis

Mechanical Engineering Dept. CEME NUST 70


Psychrometric Analysis of the Air Conditioning System

The Complete Psychrometric Analysis

Supply Air CFM

Supply Air Conditions

The intersection of the RSHR line and

58 F DB line determines the remaining
supply air condition WB3 = 56.3 F

Mechanical Engineering Dept. CEME NUST 71


Psychrometric Analysis of the Air Conditioning System

The Complete Psychrometric Analysis

Cooling Coil Entry Conditions

Draw the mixing line 1-7 on the chart. The

intersection of this line with the 81.2 F DB
line will locate point 2, the condition
entering the coil. Read WB2 = 67.2 F.

Mechanical Engineering Dept. CEME NUST 72


Psychrometric Analysis of the Air Conditioning System

The Complete Psychrometric Analysis

Cooling Coil Loads

Using Eqs.

Mechanical Engineering Dept. CEME NUST 73


Psychrometric Analysis of the Air Conditioning System

The Complete Psychrometric Analysis

Cooling Coil Loads


Mechanical Engineering Dept. CEME NUST 74

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