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Title; project proposal

for E.M.T
Engineering PLC
office interior design
1.Executive Summery
This proposal is for the designing and decoration of
the open space, on the 9th floor of Mulu Towers, as
an office set up for E.M.T Engineering PLC Company.
Our company consists of a qualified and creative team
to design an efficient and eye-pleasing workspace,
which will take our business forward into the new era.
The main requirements are as follows:
•Impressive Reception Area
•Improvement in the working condition of the staff
•An attractive Client Meeting Area
•Addition of more desks
•A Pantry, serving as a relaxing area in between work
2. Introduction
Established in 2009, E.M.T Engineering PLC is a
locally registered company located in Addis Ababa,
which obtained Investment Registration License from
the Ethiopian Investment Agency. E.M.T Engineering
PLC is registered as Grade 1 General Consultant (GC
1) by Ministry of Urban Development & Construction
on a capacity which enables it to perform any
consultant task including Road and Building works.
3. Background Project
Our interior designers will improve the visual
appearance of the space which will maximize the
operational efficiency of the business. We will involve
our company throughout the designing process.
Plan and Strategize
Reception Area
Client Meeting Area
4. Problem / Need Statement
Professional services – and management
consultancy in particular – demands an
extraordinarily high emotional resilience as well
as academic intellect and technical skill.

Mastering the interpersonal psychology of the job

has always been a crucial determinant of
success, but these days more so than ever.
5. SWOT ANALYSIS FOR E.M.T Engineering

 Strengths
We believe that the quality of our relationships shape
our results and the experience that we are committed
to delivering through every engagement.
We have an appetite for challenge and thrive on the
adventure of innovative design.
We add to that a firm grasp on the detailed execution
that it takes to bring a vision to life.
 Weakness
Relying on one industry for clients will be financial
ruin for construction businesses.
If they decide to work with only one type of client,
and the client’s business dies out, the construction
company is left with nothing. Because when client
work dries up, so does construction work.
 Opportunities
Construction companies should always be on the
lookout for more clients.
They shouldn’t leave this up to fate. Instead, 
they should create the opportunities themselves.
Like by adding new divisions in the company. Or
expanding current divisions to allow for the
increased workload.
Keep an eye out for developing trends. This is one of
the easiest ways to create more sustainable work.
If you’re noticing public transportation options are
expanding in a region, it may mean more people are
moving. And where are those people going to move?
In the homes built by construction companies, of
 Threats
 Can’t stop a decline caused by a decreasing
economy. This is the situation when the economy
declines. Or when people aren’t able to make the
same purchases they once did. Changes in
buying behaviors can happen quickly, especially if
the economy or politics are involved. A budding
industry can be made obsolete in only a few
years time.
Without proper differentiation of clients and
services, construction companies can be made
just as dead.
6. 0 Objective/Purpose of the project
6.1 General objective of the project
•Impressive Reception Area
•Improvement in the working condition of the staff
•An attractive Client Meeting Area
•Adds functionality to the place
•Cost savings
•For safety purpose
6.2 Specific objectives of the project
•A properly designed office increases value
•Good interior design creates a great first impression
•Good interior design affects the mood of the office
and the people
•Good interior design easy to maintain
•High aesthetic quality
•Fits the occupant’s life style
The most basic objectives are client satisfaction.
Understanding the expectations and requirements of
our clients.
 Determining how well our company and its
competitors are satisfying these expectation and
Client satisfaction plays significant role in the
achievement of organizational objectives.
7. The Goal of the project proposal
•To be competent with other company like us, for
client satisfaction to achieve our organizational
•To build trust in our client
•Create refreshed area for staff member
8. The project out put
•Creates a great first impression
•Increase value and attain client trust
•Investors will get a picture of what kind of company
we have and how it works
Think of interior design in our office as an ID that will
also become part of our business marketing.
9. Activities to be implemented
• Strategic Planning and Programming
• Concept Development
• Design Development
• Construction Documentation
• Construction Administration
10. Management of the Project
Empower our team; take our project management
skills to the next level
Concept to launch in record time, Agile
functionality ,Connect issues to code
For effective project administration the owner will
establish a project office which will be
accountable to project leading team.
11. Stakeholder of the project
•The client
•The main contractor
•People employed in any capacity in the project
•The end users
•Professional bodies
•Business owners
•Lobby groups
12. Budget to implement the project per activities
and its distribution.
Material Prices: Material prices, especially in today's
current market, fluctuate up and down. The estimator
must both understand and anticipate the frequency
and extent of the price variations and the timing of
the buying cycle. Material prices may be affected by:
•purchase at a peak or slack time of the year for the
•material availability
•the size of the order
•the delivery timeframe requirement
•physical requirements for delivery, such as distance,
road size, or site access
•payment terms and history on previous purchases
•sole-source items
•Exchange rates (if the material will be imported.)
Total Expected Fund half million ETB
The M&E plan for the has been developed by the
consultant in close collaboration with the project
proposal for E.M.T Engineering PLC office interior
design during collaborative and participatory work
Guidance and technical comments were provided by
the Lead Technical Officer and budget holder of the
E.M.T Engineering and will be provided if necessary by
the external body.
1.2 M&E of Project Performance
Monitoring focuses on the management and
supervision of project activities, seeking to improve
efficiency and overall effectiveness of project
It is a continuous process to collect information on
actual implementation of project activities compared
to those scheduled in the annual work plans, including
the delivery of quality outputs in a timely manner, to
identify problems and constraints (technical, human
resource, and financial), to make clear
recommendations for corrective actions, and identify
lessons learned and best practices for scaling up, etc.
The monitoring and evaluation plan for E.M.T
Engineering interior design will serve two functions:
first, periodic assessment of project implementation
and performance of activities (M&E of Project
Performance), and second, evaluation of their results
in terms of relevance, effectiveness and impact.
The M&E system of the project will provide answers
on the progress and impact made by the project
coordinate and their partners in achieving the
project’s outputs and outcomes.
Project Performance: Performance evaluation will
assess the project’s success in achieving the outputs
with the inputs provided and activities conducted.
The project will be monitored project manager (PM),
and by the Project Steering Committee through
weekly reports, monthly reports, and technical
Project Impact: Evaluation of the project’s
success in achieving its outcomes will be
monitored continuously throughout the project.
The Mid-Term Evaluation will determine progress
being made towards achievement of outcomes and
will provide constructive recommendations to address
key problems identified. It will:
 review the effectiveness, efficiency and timeliness
of project implementation;
 analyze effectiveness of implementation and
partnership arrangements;
 identify issues requiring decisions and remedial
Final Evaluation will take place three weeks prior to
completion of the project and will focus on the same
issues as the Mid-Term Evaluation.
In addition, the final evaluation will review project
impact, results and whether the project has achieved
the outcomes and the development and
environmental objectives.
The M&E of project performance focuses on the
record of information related to the project
implementation process (inputs), activities and
outputs. A minimum data collection is required to
enable the project management and stakeholders:
i) To track at regular time intervals the activities
achieved (compare planned/versus achieved) and
assess effects of both external factors and internal
project operations;
ii) To assess results (outputs), lessons learnt, and
solutions to keep project on track.
E.M.T Engineering office will follow two main phases
of implementation. Initial activity (week 1) will be to
establish techniques of coordination.

Indicators provide parameters against which to assess
project performance and achievement in terms of
quantity (how many/how much?), time (when?),
target group (who?) and quality (how good?).
Indicators can be quantitative, semi-quantitative
(scale, ranking), or qualitative (perceptions, opinions,
Day-to-day monitoring of implementation progress
will be the responsibility of the Project Managers and
Project Coordinator based on the project’s weekly
work plan and outputs’ indicators.
There are a series of reports to monitor project
Monthly Progress Reports
Monthly activities and milestones by facilitate timely
Monthly Project Implementation Reports
Monthly project progress reports will provide:
a) An account of actual implementation of project
activities compared to those scheduled in the annual
work plan, and the achievement of outputs and
progress towards achieving the project outcomes.
b) An identification of any problems and constraints
(technical, human, financial, etc.) encountered in
project implementation and the reasons for these
c) Clear recommendations for corrective actions in
addressing key problems resulting in lack of progress
in achieving results;
The Project Logical Framework (in the project
document) provides performance and impact
indicators for guiding project implementation.
Through a process of working with the Project
Coordinator and Project Managers over a two week
these indicators have been reviewed and revised and
their means of verification (assessment methods)
specified to complete the M&E matrix.
The project M&E is based on the project document
and indicators in the log-frame.
It has two main components:
project performance, and project impact.
Project performance requires the monitoring of
activities and outputs, and it’s closely related with
project execution and planned activities versus
achieved (and budget).

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