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Personal Pronouns 27thMay2021

Subject Objective Possesive Possesive

Pronouns Pronouns Adjectives Pronouns

I me my mine
You you your yours
He him his his
She her her hers
We us our ours
They them their theirs

I You He She We They

1 )I’m watering the plants.
2 )You are a boy.
3 )He’s making a cake.
4) She loves the winter.
5 )We’re going to the park.
6) They’re making a snowman.

me you him her us them

1 Helen asked me to get some milk.
2 I need you to be here at 10 a.m.
3 That’s him.That’s the man I was talking
4 She didn’t like the way he spoke to her.
5 My sister’s coming to visit us in September
6 Can you tell them to be quiet?
I’m trying to work.

my your his her our their

1 I am wearing jeans. My jeans are blue.
2 You are wearing socks.Your socks are white.
3 Tom is wearing a belt.His belt is brown.
4 Ann and I are wearing caps.Our caps are
green and yellow.
5 Jill and Bill are wearing coats.Their coats are

mine yours his hers ours theirs

1 That dress belongs to me. It is mine.
2 Does the purse belong to you? Is it yours?
3 Mike has a beach ball. It’s his.
4 Anna has got a dog. It’s hers
5 We have got a bike. It’s ours.
6 Meg and Anna share a car. It is theirs.
Write a possessive pronoun to complete the
her hers my mine theirs
theirs his him your yours

1 ________shirt is on my bed.
2 The girl lost _______backpack.
3 That dress belongs to me. It’s ____________.
4 Did you see __________
him ride his bike ?
5 Where is ______paper
your ? You need to bring it to me.
6 Bill has a beach ball It’s _________.
7 Bill and Fred lost _______puppy.
8 Does the purse belong to you ? Is it ________? yours
9 Joe can’t find _________new
his basketball .
10 Meg and Anna share a bike. It’s ____________.
Section C :
6. Hit a bee
6. Hit a bee hive 击中蜂窝
Write a story based on the pictures below. You may use the words
given to help you. Write your story between 80 to 100 words.

volleyball 排球 fun 玩乐 hit 击中

beehive 蜂窝 chased 追 attack 攻击
ran 跑 pond 池塘 away 离开
escape 逃跑    
Who 谁
Where 哪里
When 几时
What 什么
Why 为什么
How 怎样
volleyball 排球 fun 玩乐 hit 击中

beehive 蜂窝 chased 追 attack 攻击

ran 跑 pond 池塘 away 离开

Who 谁 escape
-Tom and his
逃跑   bees, the bees 蜜蜂 
friends, a swarm of
Where 哪里 -under a big 大 tree, on the tree, into the pond 池塘
When 几时 -One evening
What 什么 -playing volleyball
-threw 丢 the ball too high 太高
-hit a beehive 蜂窝
-flew 飞( fly ) out from the beehive
-chased 追 after the boys
-ran (跑 run ) to the pond
-jumped into the pond
-flew away
Why 为什么
-lucky 幸运 to escape from the bees
How 怎样
-taken aback 吓了一跳
-out of the blue 出乎意料
-happily / had fun
Subject 主语(人 Verb 动词 Compliment 补充说明
物 / 东西 / 事件)
1 Tom and his were playing volleyball under a big tree.
2 They had fun playing together.
3 They did not that there was a beehive on the
notice 察觉 tree.
4 Out of the blue, threw the ball too high.
突然 Tom
5 The ball hit the beehive.
6 A swarm of bees flew out from the beehive.
7 The bees chased after the boys.
8 They were taken aback 吃了一惊 when they
saw the bees.
9 They ran as fast 快 as lightning 闪电 .
10 They ran to a pond nearby 靠近 .
11 They jumped into the pond.
12 The bees flew away.
One evening, Tom and his friends were playing
volleyball under a big tree. They had fun
playing together. They did not notice that
there was a beehive on the tree.
Out of the blue, Tom threw the ball too
high and it hit the beehive. A swarm of bees
flew out from the beehive and chased after
the boys. They were taken aback when they
saw the bees. They ran as fast as lightning.
They ran to a pond nearby and jumped
into the pond. Finally, the bees flew away.
They were lucky to escape from the bees.
(97 words)

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