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Bahasa Inggris
Dosen : Inten Noor Imania, M.Pd.,

 Simple Sentence

 Compound Sentence

 Complex Sentence

 Compound-Complex Sentence

 A simple sentence contains a subject and verb.

 It expresses a single complete thought.

 A simple sentence is a single independent clause.

Example :
  I hate him
(Saya benci dia)
 We read the book 
(Kami membaca buku)
  She came late this morning
(Dia datang terlambat pagi tadi)

 A compound sentence contains two independent clauses.

 Coordinate Conjunctions (for, and, nor, but, or, and yet, so) join these independent


 The conjunction used can impact the meaning of the sentence.

Example :
 Maria moves to Yogyakarta for she gets a new job there.

(Maria berpindah ke Yogyakarta karena dia mendapatkan pekerjaan baru disana).

 Andi comes to my birthday party, and he gives me all lot of surprises.

(Andi datang pada pesta ulang tahunku, dan dia memberiku banyak kejutan).
 I do not like chocolate, nor do I like coffee.

(Saya tidak menyukai coklat begitu pula dengan kopi).

 She is not clever, but she is diligent to make notes.

(Dia tidak pintar tetapi dia rajin membuat catatan).

 She must study hard, or she will field this examination.
(Dia harus belajar dengan giat atau dia akan gagal dalah ujian ini).
 I love her, yet she just friend for me.
(Saya mencintainya meskipun begitu dia hanyalah teman untukku)
 Bayu get a bad score, so he will remedial it.
(Bayu mendapat nilai jelek jadi dia akan mengulang nya).

 A complex sentence is an independent clause joined by one or more dependent clauses.

 A subordinate conjunction begins the dependent clauses.

 A dependent clause that begins a sentence must be followed by comma.

 A dependent clause has a subject and a verb, but it does not make sense on its own.
Subordinate Conjuctions
afterhow until that
although if unless so that
as in as much   as if even if
in order that when as long as because
at least whenever as much as though
now that whereas soon while
wherever as though since before
while because so that even though
Example :
 I will wait for Lusi until she comes.

(Saya akan menunggu Lusi sampai dia datang.)

Dependent Clause : until she comes

Independent Clause :  I will wait for Lusi

Subordinate Conjunction : until

 After you finish cooking for dinner, you can call me.

(Setelah kamu selesai memasak untuk makan malam, kamu bisa menelepon saya)

Dependent Clause :  After you finish cooking for dinner

Independent Clause :  you can call me

Subordinate Conjunction : after

 While I am cooking, Linda is busy preparing for the table.
(Di saat saya sedang memasak, Linda sedang sibuk menata meja.)
Dependent Clause : While I am cooking
Independent Clause :  Linda is busy preparing for the table
Subordinate Conjunction :  While

 A compound-complex sentence is a sentence that has at least two independent clauses

and at least one dependent clause.

 The same subordinating conjunctions are used to introduce the dependent clauses.

 The same coordinating conjunctions (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so) are used for joining

the independent clauses.

Example :
 Because you were late, we could not watch the movie from the beginning; and I need to re-watch it again.
(Karena kamu telat, kita tidak bisa menonton film itu dari awal, dan saya perlu
menontonnya ulang.)
Dependent Clause: Because you were late
Independent Clause (1): we could not watch the movie from the beginning
Coordinate Conjunction: and
Independent Clause (2): I need to re-watch it again
 I feel that I am not a possesive girlfriend, but my boyfriend thinks so.
(Saya merasa saya bukanlah seorang pacar yang posesif, namun kekasihku berpikir demikian.)
Independent Clause (1): I feel
Dependent Clause: that I am not a possessive girlfriend
Coordinate Conjunction: But
Independent Clause (2) : my boyfriend thinks so
 I will be late for the gathering for I need to fetch my children after the school is over.
(Saya akan terlambat ke pertemuan itu karena saya harus menjemput anak-anak saya setelah
kelas mereka selesai.)
Independent Clause (1): I will be late for the gathering
Coordinate Conjunction: for
Independent Clause (2): I need to fetch my children
Dependent Clause: after the school is over

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