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Human Facial Reorganization For Security And

Surveillance Using CNN

Submitted By :
Kashireddy Anil Kumar Reddy 17N31A1262
Mohammed Haji Baba 17N31A1296
Nandhigama Jeevan Reddy 17N31A12B2

Under The Guidance Of:
Mr. Yoga Nanda
Asst. Professor

Malla Reddy College of Engineering & Technology

(Autonomous Institution- UGC, Govt. of India)
(Affiliated to JNTUH, Hyderabad, Approved by AICTE, NBA &NAAC with ‘A’Grade)
Maisammaguda, Kompally, Dhulapally, Secunderabad -500100
• A deeply disturbing fact about India’s missing children is that while on an average 174 children go missing every
day, half of them remain untraceable.

• The National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) report which was cited by the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) in
the Parliament .More than one lakh children (1,11,569 in actual numbers) were reported to have gone missing till
2016, and 55,625 of them remained untraceable till the end of the year.

• They are many cases where people went missing and later there body's were found with missing organs this cases
have been increasing day by day.

• Apart from this cases they is much more bigger problem in India that is human trafficking , mainly child

• Human trafficking in India, although illegal under Indian law, remains a significant problem. People are
frequently illegally trafficked through India for the purposes of commercial sexual exploitation and forced/bonded

• Women and girls are trafficked within the country for the purposes of commercial sexual exploitation and forced
marriage, especially in those areas where the sex ratio is highly skewed in favour of men

• Men and boys are trafficked for the purposes of labour and may be sexually exploited by traffickers to serve as
gigolos, massage experts, escorts, etc.
• significant portion of children are subjected to forced labour as factory workers, domestic servants,
beggars, and agriculture workers, and have been used as armed combatants by some terrorist and
insurgent groups.

• In a project of human face recognition technology they are many things involved like face detection, face
alignment, feature extraction, and identification.

• In our project we have used machine learning using python ,our system is trained with the help of neural
networks facial for facial recognition
Literature Review 1- (existing system)

• Reference Paper 1: Face recognition-based real-time system for surveillance

• Problem statement: Detect single as well as multiple faces from real-time video.

• Solution: Crop detected face image and save it to the system memory to create a
database. Recognize cropped face with a known database (already-stored images or
recently taken images by the surveillance camera).

• Tools :OpenCV ,Python Libraries

• Algorithm: Viola-Jones method(face detection), the Kanade-Lucas-Tomasi

algorithm as a feature tracker and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) for face

• Limitations: Data standardization is must before PCA: You must standardize your
data before implementing PCA, otherwise PCA will not be able to find the optimal
Principal Components.
Literature Review 2- (existing system)
• Reference Paper 2: CNN Integrated with HOG for efficient human face recognition.

• Problem statement: To detect faces if the .

• Solution: HOG algorithm to detect the faces and CNN to train the system.

• Tools :opencv, python libraries

• Algorithm: hogs , for training the system cnn is used

• Limitations: dataset conist of large number of images

Literature Review 3- (existing system)
• Reference Paper 3: Deep neural networks for human face recognition.

• Problem statement: To detect faces in very large datasets and learn rich and compact
representations of faces

• Solution: deep neural network method which had multiple layers between the i/p and o/p layers .it
finds the correct mathematical manipulation to turn the i/p into the o/p.

• Tools : OpenCV , Python Libraries

• Algorithm: haar cascade ,for training system DNN

• Limitations: large data set need to be trained to get an accurate result

Proposed system
• Problem statement : In India day by day the crime rate is increasing and the cases related to
missing people is also increasing we need a better way to identify and find them.
• Why need to address the problem? : As per data on missing persons and Crime in India, a total
of 2,90,439 people in year 2016, 3,05,267 people in 2017, and 3,47,524 people in 2018 have been
reported as missing. Criminals are try escape from police and finding out criminals also not easy
task it requires more money and effort.

• How the project can solve the issues? : We can identify the missing persons and criminals using
facial recognition system . By using some tools and python ML packages we can identify the
missing persons/ criminals.

• Who get benefits from the project? : This is mainly used for police department to control crimes
and find out missing people
Proposed system
• The purpose of this project is to identify the faces of criminals and the missing
people from a video and to predict the faces.
• In this project a very efficient algorithm is used to identify the faces in the when
the video provided

This project consist of 4 stages
• First the data is gathered related to the criminals and missing people and a data set
is created.
• Then the system is trained in a way to detect the faces from a given video
• This system is trained with LBPH algorithm for the better identification of the
• When the video input is given to the system the face recognition algorithm
recognizes the face even if the faces are blur and out of focus
Proposed system

Required Packages
Win sound

Image recognition with the use of one-shot learning has become very
powerful. This technology when put into good use can be extremely
helpful. It can be even used in Hotels, Hospitals, etc. to find criminals in
an instant.
List of References

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