Mahor Project

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Submitted by:
K. Anil Kumar Reddy (17N31A1262)
Mohammed Haji Baba (17N31A1296)
N. Jeevan Reddy (17N31A12B2)

Under the guidance of:
Mr. A Yogananda
(Assistant professor)
Department of Information Technology


(Autonomous Institution – UGC, Govt. of India)
(Affiliated to JNTUH, Hyderabad, Approved by AICTE - Accredited by NBA & NAAC – ‘A’ Grade - ISO 9001:2015 Certified)
1) Introduction
1.1 Introduction to our project
1.2 Existing System
1.3 Proposed system

2) Methodology
3) System Architecture
4) Use case
5) Implementation
6) Outputs
7) Conclusion
8) References link
1. Introduction
1.1 Introduction to the project
• Finding a parking space in the parking lot these days is the major issue which cannot be
neglected because most of the time is wasted and also the energy of the drivers.
• Due to increase in the population day by day the number of private vehicles are also increasing
but due to some reasons most of the times the number of parking spaces in a parking lot
remains the same.
• This results in time waste for the drivers in search for the empty parking space which includes
atmospheric pollution and frustration of the drivers.
• On the other hand, most of the other systems show only the total number of spaces empty or
occupied rather than showing the exact location.
• This project presents a real-time parking space detection based on the Convolutional Neural
Networks (CNN). The aim of this thesis is to solve the issue of car parking for some extent
which is done by taking videos from surveillance cameras and detecting the occupancy of the
parking lot whether the parking space is Empty or Occupied
1.2 Existing system
The Existing PGI(Parking Guidance and Information) systems are
classified into three categories:
• Counter-based Systems
• Wired Sensor-based System
• Wireless Magnetic Sensor-based

Disadvantages of Existing System:

• Expensive
• Difficult to Operate
• Image-based detection methods are widely used in many areas. With the help of Convolutional
Neural Networks (CNNs) in image category recognition tasks we can find parking space.
• Parking occupancy detection framework by using a deep CNN and a YOLOV3 classifier to
detect the occupancy of outdoor parking spaces from images.
• The classifier was trained and tested by the features learned by the deep CNN from public
datasets (PK lot) having different illuminance and weather conditions. Subsequently, we
evaluate the transfer learning performance of the developed method on a parking dataset
created for this project.
• To detect a car parking lot occupancy in an image and in the video whether it is Empty or
Occupied by using YOLOv3 detector which is represented by overlapping the output in
OpenCV and to collect data which is good and large enough to train the model
2. Methodology
In this project
Data Annotating Data Training
we have 4
collection Images Processing and Testing
steps :

1. Data collection :
 We collected the images and videos of parking areas using surveillance camera.
 The videos are recorded every day in different lighting conditions
2. Annotating Images:
 We annotated images with two different classes which are “Empty” and “Occupied”.
 The software is set to YOLO format and we annotated the images where there is no car in a
particular slot as “Empty” and where there is a car as “Occupied”.
3 Data Processing :
 For YOLOV3 detector, there is a different format for the values to be fed into the model.
 These values are saved in the txt format which contains some of the specified classes and some
 Those Values are x, y, w, h

4 Training and Testing

 Here we use YOLO v3 algorithm for detecting parking slots.
 YOLO v3 (You Only Look Once, Version 3) is a real-time object detection algorithm that
identifies specific objects in videos, live feeds, or images.
 The YOLO v3 algorithm first separates an image into a grid.
 Each grid cell predicts some number of boundary boxes.
 YOLO v3 makes prediction at three scales
 YOLOv3 is fast and accurate in terms of mean average precision (mAP) and intersection over union (IOU)
values as well. It runs significantly faster than other detection methods with comparable performance.
 We have used the pre-trained weights of YOLOV3 which are trained on COCO dataset which consists of 80
classes and images are more than 80000.
 YOLOv3 filters formula “Filters = (classes + 5) * 3”.
 The weights file is generated and saved for every 1000 iterations and this can be changed in the configuration
file for our desired number of iterations.
 After the training is done the mAP (Mean Average Precision) is calculated for the validated images.
 Thresh is considered as the minimum threshold of the IOU(Intersection Over Union) during the training.
3.System Architecture
4. Use case Diagram
5. Implementation
6. Outputs
7. Conclusion
• The framework achieved a high accuracy of 99.7% on the training dataset, and a transfer learning accuracy
of 96.6% on an independent test dataset, which indicates its suitability for mass applications in all weather
• This will help to reduce the traffic problems
• Less Expensive and Easy to use
• Fast and Accurate

Future scope
• Day by day population will increased so it will be more useful in populated cities.
• system can be developed in such a way that it could give directions to the drivers to the
nearby available empty space by using deep learning and AI methods
• In future we can integrate this with self driving cars.
8.List of References
[1] S. Lee, D. Yoon and A. Ghosh, "Intelligent parking lot application using wireless sensor networks," 2008 International
Symposium on Collaborative Technologies and Systems, Irvine, CA, 2008.

[2] Murugavel, M. (Jun 23, 2018). How to train yolov3to detect custom objects.

[3] Redmon, J., & Farhadi, A. (2018). YOLOv3: An Incremental Improvement.

[4] Redmon, J. (Mar 26, 2018). Yolo: Real-time object detection

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