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Normal human body temperature varies from 98-99 F; this reflects

the temperature of viscera and tissue of the body.
It is kept within normal levels by maintaining a balance between
heat gain and heat loss and is under regulation by the
Increased body temperature above the maximal normal body
temperature is called fever. By itself, it is not a disease but a
symptom of disease.


Usually fever is caused by infection by bacteria, virus, and parasites,


• Fever with sneezing and nasal discharge is controlled by

symptomatic treatment. Paracetamol 500 mg one to two tabs 3 to 4
times a day can be given. For children Paracetamol 20 mg/kg
four times a day can be given.

• If the cause of fever is definite such as urinary tract infection, chest

infection, malaria, enteric fever, etc., treat as described in the
related topic.

Non-drug treatment
• Remove excessive blankets covering the patient.
• Remove excess clothes.
• Rapid sponging if necessary with tap water.

Advice to patient
• Maintain sufficient fluid and calorie intake.

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