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This chapter discussed the general
statement of the study. It also concretely
explained all prior and background knowledge
of the researchers about the topic. It also
includes the related theory that was applied,
the conceptual framework and research
paradigm, statement of the problem, research
hypothesis, the significance of the study to
individual, the coverage and its limitation and
the definition of terms.

Nowadays, students understand style, music,

entertainment and dining. Snackhouses are one of the
trends now. There are several snackhouses along Liliw,
Laguna where most students dine in. When it comes to
food, they are more particular of how it is presented that
attracts them. There are many factors to consider in the
total dining experience of customers like ambiance/place,
food quality, and service quality and food presentation.
Even in snackhouses, food presentation is currently
becoming the leading factor in determining customer
Snack is a small service of food and
generally eaten between meals. Traditionally,
snacks are prepared from ingredients
commonly available in the home without a
great deal of preparation. Often cold cuts,
fruits, leftovers, nuts, biscuits, sandwiches,
chocolate, popcorn and sweets are used as
snacks. With the spread of convenience stores,
packaged snack foods became a significant
business. Snack foods are typically designed to
be portable, quick, and satisfying
Processed snack foods, as one form of
convenience food, are designed to be less
perishable, more durable, and more
portable than prepared foods. They often
contain substantial amounts of
sweeteners, preservatives, and appealing
ingredients such as chocolate, peanuts,
and specially-designed flavors (such as
flavored potato chips).
On the other hand, snackhouse location
had been considered to be very important in
restaurant industry. Li, Ding, Deng, Jiang,
and Liu (2015) found that location is
significant positive impact on market
performance. Parsa, Self, Njite, and King
(2005) also demonstrated that the success or
failure of a restaurant can largely be affected
by its physical location. The authors
illustrated that accessibility and visibility of a
restaurant are significant factors that explain
its convenience and the strategic importance
of the location.
Similarly, price fairness is another important
marketing factor that can be used to influence
consumer’s purchase decision and overall
evaluation of a brand or snackhouse they will
prefer to dine.
Furthermore, Marketing mix is the
combination of all the elements of marketing and
must be applied in any type of businesses.
Product, Price, Promotion, and the Placement
(4P’s) must be considered by every
businessmen/women because all of these elements
plays a crucial role in maintaining the survival
and progressiveness of the business in the
The purpose of the study is to show the
effect of the location to the sales of local
snackhouses and determine the factors
that affect sales regarding to the location.
Additionally, it also considers how the
food industry contributes to growth and
innovation in the food system; how the
food industry responds to emerging and
dynamic consumer demand; and the role
of public policy in shaping the food
market and environment.

The research entitled "Effect of Geographical Area to

the Sales of Local Snackhouses in Liliw, Laguna”. The
research was conducted by Liliw Senior High School of
Grade 12-Assertive under the advisory class of Ms.
AireenOsias. The researchers came up in that topic to
feed their curiosity about the effects of snackhouses
location to its sales. The students who conducted the
research are the Accountancy and Business
Management students, a future accountants and
businessman/woman. The research will help them
enrich their knowledge about business and also for the
future researcher the research will serve as their guide.
The snackhouses are slightly distinct from
restaurants. Restaurants usually offer meals and
refreshments, and also considering a large
business who can accommodate a large amount
of customer, while the snackhouses is a public
place where small meals and snack are served
usually at a counter. They can find different
snackhouses here in Liliw, Laguna especially in
the town proper since Liliw was the Tsinelas
Capital of Laguna thousands of tourist are
continuously visiting and coming back to shop
and have some refreshments, snackhouses are
one of the most visited.
They're offering pasta, potato chips, fries,
burger, etc. and also they also offered rice
meals to the customers but just an option for
them since we are Filipinos rice will never be
missed in our plate.
The aim is to examine the effects of the
snackhouses location and its demand prices at
Liliw to its sales. The research determines the
snackhouses location advantage and
disadvantages to its competitors. And also serves
as a guide to the future businessman for location
decision making. Snackhouses location is very
important and it undergo an extensive decision
making since, places or the area of every
business has a big factor that affects the business
It can be define as a part of objective
environment which represents the total
sum of information in the economy.
Location decision can be viewed as a part
of investment decision that have a
strategic purpose i,e. they are made to
meet the basic motivation a business
strategy such as growth profit and
security and as the perfect access to the
The main reasons of the study is to find if
the geographical area has an effect to the sales
of local snackhouses in Liliw, to determine if
the location itself of snackhouses directly
affects its income and sales,and identify the
factors that affects the salesthrough to its
location.Withal, the study will also ascertain
the factors that affect customers' preference
regarding the location of the snackhouses,and;
how the location affects the overall brand
equity of the snackhouses.

According toBehavioral Location Theory

(Hayter, n.d.), location decision can be viewed
as part of investment decision that have
strategies purposes, i.e they are made to meet
the basic motivation of corporate strategy
(such as growth, profit and security) by
gaining access to new markets or sources of
supply in a way that makes sense to individual
Additionally, the author pointed out that “The
Behavioural Location Theory assumes that
location choice is part of a strategic or long-term
investment decision, which is complex, uncertain,
inherently subjective, and conducted by
individuals or groups of decision makers, who do
not have the capabilities of the ‘Homo
economicus’”. Key elements of this theory are its
emphasis on internal and external decision-
makers and the analysis of the decision-making
process concerning the relocation of individual
Based on the theory that the researchers
used to the research, location indeed, creates a
great impact on the effectiveness of a business
not only on the sales or profits but also for the
growth and security of a business. Location is
considered as an important factor in setting up
a business. The address is one key factor of its
success. And, also location can greatly affect
the business ability to market itself. A great
location gains great number of market.

The input factors are the customers, local

snackhouse owners and their location. The
information will come from the owners
through the survey method which contains
certain statements about how location affect
the sales of a business. Then the output will be
the effects of location to the sales of local
snackhouse owners.

Figure 2. Conceptual Paradigm

The paradigm revealed the whole process in
the study and it aims to determine the
effectiveness of location to the sales of local

The research entitled ‘’Effects of

Geographical Area to the Sales of Local
Snackhouses in Liliw, Laguna’’ that will
seek answers and resolve the following
problems such as:
Snackhouse Owners:
1.)What are the factors that affect the sales of
local snackhouses through its geographical
1.2. Social
2.) How does the location affect the
food/products’ price of the local snackhouses?
3.) What is the effect of geographical area to the
sales of local snackhouses in Liliw, Laguna?
4.)What are the factors that affect the customer
preference regarding to the location of the
4.1. Personal
4.2. Psychological
4.3. Environmental
5.)How does the geographical area affect the
overall brand equity of the local snackhouses?

Geographical area does not affect the sales

of local snackhouses and/or sales of local
snackhouse owners whether by its
environmental, social,and psychological

The study was focused prominently on the local

snackhouses in the town proper of Liliw, Laguna and its
customers. The research was conducted at 2 nd Semester
of the school year 2018-2019 in the month February
The limitation of the study wasn't going beyond to the
extent of Liliw Town proper. The respondents were only
the entrepreneurs who owned snackhouses that serves
snack foods. Otherwise, the second set of respondents
were limited only to those people who prefer to dine in
snackhouses and were not exceeded to the customers of
fine dining restaurants.

They will become more knowledgeable most
especially the Accountancy, Business and
Management (ABM) students in the proper
placement of the business if they are interested
to enter the business industry.
Local Snackhouse Owners
They will become more aware if their
geographical location for their business will
directly affect their profit and sales .They will
have more ideas on what are the important
factors that affects their business survival
through their location.
They will have a deeper understanding on which
snackhouse they will prefer to dine in based on how
far and how near or far on their own places.
Future Snackhouse Owners
They will have knowledge about when and where
should they place a building. They will also know
the importance of building a right location where
demand is really higher and sales will increase.
And also the research will truly deduct their future
struggles and obstacles regarding the location.
Future Researchers
The research will help the future
researchers to have a background knowledge
and will serve as a guide to those future
researchers who will become interested in the
Business Research type. It will also gives some
important ideas about the crucial role of
location in every business that will help them
resolves different marketing struggles.

Business- the activity of making, buying, or

selling goods or providing services in exchange
for money.
Entrepreneur -an individual who owns a
business and commonly called
businessman/women or owners.
Geographical Area - a location or place where
business are established.
Market - a consumer who buys the goods or service.
Profit - money that is made in business through
investing ,etc., after all the costs and expenses are
Sales - total amount of money that a business receives
from selling goods or services.
Snack - a small amount of food eaten between meals.
Snackhouse - a small food house which usually offers
light meals (fries, burger, pasta, beverages,etc.) and
rarely selling rice meals and others


This chapter presents the related
literature and studies after the thorough
and in-depth search done by the
researchers. It also shows the synthesis of
the study that was summarized to fully
understand and prove the relationship of
the main problem to the various
literatures and studies.

Geographical area are really important

not only for sales but also the survival of
the local restaurants and snackhouses . It
plays the crucial role as how businesses
will maintain themselves in the industry.
First, Love precisely promulgated that the location is
one of the main factors behind successful fast food
operations. The author added that without having a
good location, expert management and food quality may
not be able to overcome the challenges of operations.
Additionally, location site has become very important as
markets reached a level of saturation. For this reason , it
is a risk if restaurant management over-stress the
significance of location in the operations of fast food
industry. He also stressed some of the key
characteristics of a good location of fast food restaurant
such as: site accessibility, size, population in the area,
degree of competition and economic condition.
Levy and Weitz (2014) comprehensively
stated that selecting location for a business is
one of the strategies because of some reasons.
First, location is typically the important
consideration in customers store choices.
Second, location decisions can be used to
develop a sustainable competitive advantage.
They also state that location is one of the
factors that determine the success of a
Additionally, Mehmood and Bagram
(2014) also indicated that location plays
an important role in customers’
preferences while selecting a restaurant.
From the literature review, it was also
observed that a strategic location that is
visible and situated in an area which has
large number of population acts as one of
the key indicators of brand success.
However, Nieman and Neuwenhuizen
(2014) directly pointed that location plays
an important role in the establishments of
a business. This aim is to determine the
effect of the factor of location on the
objectives, outputs and outcomes of the
small businesses.
Similarly, Parsa, Gregory, and Terry (2015)
illustrated that the choice of location is a very
importantfactor that can affect the success or
failure of a restaurant.They added that success of
a location is revealed through the physical site
and its demographic surroundings. In other
words, a good location is one that takes into
consideration the geographic, demographic, and
psychographic factors, and any changes in these
factors could have significant influence on the
degree of location attractiveness.
Moreover, Hanik (2013) implied that it is
essential for business operators to put
locations at the top of their minds. If they are
preparing to open a food business with a
storefronts, putting their business in the
proper location might be considered the most
important factors during start up. Locations
must be accessible to the potential target
group of customers.
A far distance has a negative effect on the
selection of a store through reducing frequency
of customers visiting a eateries. Eateries that
are located in the center of a city benefits from
their next door to remote customers.

There are numerous studies that

researchers find out about the effects of
geographical area in the business or just a
small enterprise. Some researchers gave an
approaches about where businessmen should
establish their businesses.
In the study conducted by Schemenner
(2013), he introduced an approach to study the
service business location. This study
approached that the location decision as an
intuitively appealing step procedures. This
study shows the labor issues infrastructure
and quality of life tended to be more important
for those firms located at more distance from
the city center.
Similarly,, Li, Ding, Deng, Jiang, and Liu
(2015) procedurally found that location as a
branding strategy had significant positive
impact on market performance. They also
added that restaurant location and price
fairness have been considered to be very
important in restaurant industry.
Another study conducted by Parsa (2014,),
he systematically digged up that location in
which company operates its business is a key
determinant of future success. For instance, a
strategic location of a restaurant and its ability
to distinguish itself from its competitors can
enable it to ensure long term survival.
Moreover, (2016) also proved that the success or
failure of a restaurant can largely be affected by its physical
location. The authors illustrated that accessibility and
visibility of a restaurant are significant factors that explain
its convenience and the strategic importance of the location.
They also added that the location infrastructure quality
should be benchmarked and measured against key
competitors in order to obtain sustainable competitive
advantage and enhance brand performance. For instance, a
good location of a restaurant which provide several services
to customers such as sufficient parking, eases of access, or
situated near to city provides its brand with competitive
advantage over those which their locations cannot provide
such services.
Past studies reported that the choice of
location has a positive effect on brand equity
and sales .For instance, Tran et. al (2014)
discovered that restaurant locations has a
positive effect on brand loyalty and sales.
Likewise, previous researches indicated that
brand equity can be built and reinforced
through different marketing factors according
to the nature of industry or context of
business. For example, restaurant location and
price fairness have been considered to be very
important in restaurant industry. Li, Ding,
Deng, Jiang, and Liu (2015) found that
location as a branding strategy had significant
positive impact on market performance.

Business' location is one of the important factors in

the success or in the failures of it, or probably the
most important. According to the given studies, a
business location should be accessible and visible for
the customers. It is because the business should not
be that far and easy to find. It is important that
businesses such as snack houses should be located in
cities. It has a positive impact to their sales if their
location is more attractive and more appealing to a
customer's eyes.
A good location has a great impact for a business to
start up. For example, if the owner located his
business in hidden areas or in a place that has fewer
numbers of residents, probably their target customers
won't be able to find it. It is only a good if it is in city
centers or a community that has a big population for
their sales to increase. It only shows that business'
locations should be prioritized for its sales to increase
or decrease. Additionally, there is a great impact on
sales in choosing the appropriate area where to place
and start up food houses and also other businesses.

This chapter presents the methodology used
in this study, research design, locale and
population, the respondents, research
instrument and procedure and the statistical
treatment that was applied in this study.

The study was conducted to comprehend

how the location of certain snack houses in the
town proper of Liliw affects their sales. In able
to conceive the outcome, the researchers were
used a non-experimental research design
particularly the descriptive type was created a
quantitative research which grasped findings if
the geographical area where the snackhouses
is located affects their sales.

Liliw is a small town located at

CALABARZON region in the province of
Laguna. It is one of the highland towns
forming the southern extremity of Laguna that
consists of 33 barangays.20snackhouses were
scattered around the town proper of Liliw
where the tourists and residents will satisfies
their cravings for delicious and
mouthwatering foods.
On the other hand, customers prefer
snackhouses with a comfy ambiance where they
enjoy eating their foods as well as they are
mesmerize with the scenery and surroundings
of the snackhouses. No definite number of
customers represented as the population. The
survey papers were administered according to
the willingness of the customers during the time
that the researchers were distributed another
survey paper for the snackhouse owners.

There were two sets of survey questions.

The first one was seriously answered by the 10
snackhouse owners in Liliw town proper
which had selected by the researchers using
purposive sampling. Hence, the study was
essentially provided that the geographical area
of the snack houses were truly affect the sales
of their business.
On the other hand, the second set of survey
paper were administered by the researchers
and was eminently answered by the 30
customers according to their willingness and
availability. The customers of different
snackhouses was essentially gave their answers
on how they consider the geographical area of
snackhouse they prefer to dine in.
The research instrument that was used by
the researchers for data gathering, data
analysis, and data interpretation about how
geographical area of snack houses affects the
sales of their business was survey that came
from the statement of the problem in which
has been answered by the 10local snackhouse
owners and 30 selected customers.
The researchers were used the Likert Scale in
survey paper which contains two sets of questions
and the local snackhouse owners and selected
customer has been checkout their answer from 5-
Strongly Agree, 4 - Agree, 3- Somehow Agree, 2-
Disagree, 1- Strongly Disagree. The researchers was
trying to find out the combination of perspectives of
the local snackhouse owners and selected customers
and were expected to form solid answers from the
two set of respondents.

A letter seeking for permission to undertake the

study will be given to the school head, Mr. Gerry P.
Monteiro and to the Municipal Mayor or
representatives. Immediately, the researchers were
administered the two sets of survey paper
containing certain statements to the local
snackhouse owners and selected customers in Liliw,
Laguna, respectively. After collecting data, the
researchers were tabulated , encoded, analyzed,
computed and applied the statistical instrument.

In answering the specific statements in the

study, the following techniques were
employed: Mean and Standard Deviation was
used to summarize, describe, and interpret the
different answers in every statements of local
snackhouse owners and selected customers.
Contrarily, Frequency and Percentage were
integrally applied by the researchers in
computing the respondents’ characteristics
whereas, the frequency in every category was
procedurally divided it to the total no. of
respondents and lately get the percentage. In
short, the formula are:
For weighted mean and standard deviation:
X= Mean
f= frequency (no. of responses in every statement)
C1-C5= the score of 1-5 that will be multiplied in
N= total no. of respondents
Standard Deviation
Or, to find the Mean and Standard Deviation
easily, type all the responses in MS Excel
and set the formula into AVERAGE and
On the other hand, to calculate the respondents’
characteristics, the formula was used below:
P=f/N x 100
P = percentage
N = total number of respondents
f=frequency (total number of respondent
presents in a particular category)
This chapter includes the presentation of
data that was gathered from the survey paper
distributed to the two sets of respondents. It
also specifically comprised the presentation of
data in pie chart, bar graph and tabular form
along with their corresponding interpretations.
The first set of respondents of the study
were ten (10) snackhouse owners and the next
are customers who are exactly comprised by
thirty (30) individuals. The sample were
categorically characterized as which is shown



Bagong Anyo


Ilayang Palina


Snackhouse Owners
Figure 3. Distribution of respondent as to Address/Location
Figure 3 precisely showed that six (6) or
60% of the snackhouses were currently located
in Brgy. Pag-asa (both Marcelo H. Del Pilar
and Gat Tayaw St.), two (2) or 20% were
actually positioned in Brgy. BagongAnyo, one
(1) or 10% was presently aligned in Brgy.
Rizal and one (1) or 10% of the snackhouses
was placed in Brgy.Ilayang Palina.

. 3%

20 and

21 to 40
30% 57%
41 to 60

61 and

Figure 4. Distribution of respondents as to Age
Figure 4 accurately implied that seventeen
(17) or 57% of the actual respondents were
below 20 years old and below; nine (9) or 30%
are in the age ranging from 21-40 years old;
three (3) or 10% significantly encompasses the
age from 41-60 years old; and lastly, only one
(1) or 3% of the total respondents whose age is
61 years old and above.
It was indicated that age 20 years old and
below was the most numerous individuals
which are equivalent to 57% who eats in the
snackhouses in terms of age. Conversely, 61
years old and above got the least number that
has only one (1) or 3% of the actual

Male Female


Figure 5. Distribution of respondents as to

Figure 5 absolutely revealed that twenty-
two (22) or 73% of the actual respondents
were female and eight (8) or 27% of them were
male. Meaning, female respondents were more
concretely frequent than male respondents and
definitely specified that female were more
likely to eat in the snackhouses.


50% Student Worker

Tourist Others


Figure 6. Distribution of respondents as to Social

Social Role refers to a role or part of someone or
something that has in a particular activity or
situation. It also defines socially expected
behavior pattern usually determined by an
individual's status in a particular society. Hence,
Mcleod (2008) clearly elaborated that social
roles are the part people play as members of a
social group. With each social role you adopt,
your behavior changes to fit the expectations
both you and others have of that role.
In connection to that, Figure 6 truly
expressed that halved of the total respondents
are students; ten (10) or 33% are workers
(teachers and online sellers mostly); three (3)
or 10% are tourists, and; two (2) or 7% are
others or unspecified which possibly includes
senior citizen and/or a non-working individual.

The first set of data which came from the 10 snackhouse

owners were tabulated, presented, and analyzed through
tabular and bar graph form. In order for data to be
interpreted, the researchers computed the Likert scale
which range from 1-5.The researchers calculated for the
interval 0.80 through subtracting the highest which is 5
(Strongly Agree) to 1 (Strongly Disagree), then the answer
to that were divided into 5 as the highest score or in
shorter explanation, the formula used by the researcher
was 5-1=4/5=0.80. The legend below was used to interpret
the calculated data.
4.21-5.00/ Strongly Agree- The snackhouse owners were in
the total agreement.
3.41- 4.20/ Agree - The snackhouse owners agree in the
most part.
2.61- 3.40/ Neutral - The snackhouse owners do not know
how they feel about the statement, not sure or they do not
have knowledge to form an opinion about the statement.
1.81- 2.60/ Disagree - The snackhouse owners do not agree
in the most part.
1.00- 1.80 / Strongly Disagree- The snackhouse owners were
not in the total agreement.

There are two factors that affect the sales of

local snackhouses through its geographical
area; Environmental and Social Factors.
Environmental Factors predominantly refers
to any identifiable element in the physical,
cultural, demographic, economic, political,
regulatory, or technological environment that
affects the survival, operations, and growth of
an organization.
On the other hand, Social Factors basically
delineated as the facts and experience that
merely influences individuals' personality,
attitudes and lifestyle. The marketing
department of a business needs to take into
account the various social factors
characteristic of the consumer groups it is
targeting to help increase a product's appeal to
those potential buyers.
Table 1 factually revealed that the
environmental factors attained an overall mean
of 3.8 which perceived to be ‘agree’ by the
owners. It showed that environmental factors
had an imperative effect on the sales of the
snackhouses where it is located and established.
Conversely, the statement numbers 3 and 5
were resulted to be neutral whereas the owners
were said to be uncertain whether they were
located at the less prone in flood or in a non-
smoky area.
As table 2 showed, the overall mean weighed 4.30
which is expressed that the owners strongly agreed
that the social factors had a necessary effect on the
sales of the snackhouses in which it was stated that it
attracts more customers. Being with the trend, having
adroit decorations and goes with the new designs that
screams modernization really attracts the eyes of
potential customers. Along with these is their
snackhouses were social media friendly and had an
enticing ambiance wherein customers used to take
pictures inside the snackhouses to show in any
variation of social networks.
Social Factors

Environmental Factors

Emvironmental Factors

3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 4 4.1 4.2 4.3

Figure 7. Overall Mean of the Two Factors

Figure 7 concretely expressed that social
factors is higher than environmental factors.
Social Factors exactly attained an average of
4.30 while Environmental Factor got the mean
of 3.80. Itwas evidently perceived in the graph
that social factors were much considered
factor by the snackhouse owners which
statesthat it had a greater effect on the sales of
the snackhouses since people today considers
the trends and social media in choosing the
place to dine in.

Pricing is generally used when there’s an

established market price for a particular
product or service. Part of the business success
is to price the products properly considering
many factors. One that affects the product’s
price is the geographical area of the
As can be visualized from the table, the overall
mean, which is 4.10 were obviously perceived to be
agree mostly by the owners. It was denoted that
their foods’ price is more affordable compare
other snackhouses that was near to them; the
pricelist of products in their snackhouses
considered on their target market and owners also
divulged that their price fist on the quality of their
foods as where their snackhouse is located.

The location of the business is one of the

variables that is to consider for the potential
success of it. It has been proved by Azim,
(2014) that location has a plays an important
role in any business and essentially provides
positive impact on the sales of the
As can be seen in the table, all were
ostensible to agree in terms of the effects of the
geographical area to the snackhouses’
performance with the overall mean of 3.90
interpreted as strongly agree. The owners
agreed that location has an effect to the
survival and sales of the business.
The second set of data which came from the 30
customers were tabulated, presented, and analyzed
through tabular and bar graph form. In order for data
to be interpreted, the researchers computed the Likert
scale which range from 1-5.The researchers calculated
for the interval 0.80 through subtracting the highest
which is 5 (Strongly Agree) to 1 (Strongly Disagree),
then the answer to that will be divided into 5 as the
highest score or in shorter explanation, the formula
used by the researcher was 5-1=4/5=0.80. The legend
below was used to interpret the calculated data.
4.21-5.00/ Strongly Agree- The customers were in the total
3.41- 4.20/ Agree - The customers agree in the most part.
2.61- 3.40/ Neutral - The customers do not know how they
feel about the statement, not sure, or they do not have
knowledge to form an opinion about the statement.
1.81- 2.60/ Disagree - The customers do not agree in the
most part.
1.00- 1.80 / Strongly Disagree- The customers were not in
the total agreement.

Customer Preference described as the

individuals' choice, likes or wants about the
particular thing. Basically, there are three
various factors that explicitly affect the
customers' preference regarding the location
of the snackhouses; Personal, Psychological
and Environmental Factors. Personal Factors
are the individual factors to the consumers
that strongly influence their buying behaviors.
These factors vary from person to person that result in a
different set of perceptions, attitudes and behavior
towards certain goods and services and/or even the
location of a business.
Secondly, Psychological Factors simply defined as the
factor which talks about the psychology of an individual
that drive his actions to seek satisfaction. It also entailed
the hierarchical needs of Abraham Maslow.
Lastly, the Environmental Factors essentially involved all
things that influence the customers’ preference through
the overall cleanliness, ambiance of surroundings, and
tidiness of place in any type of food business.
Table 5 inherently contained the personal
factors that affects the customers’ preference
in choosing the place to dine in and its overall
mean weighted 4.30 which is expressed as
strongly agree. Meaning, the customers highly
prefer to eat in the snackhouses that is nearby
and easy to locate.
As can be seen in the table 6, the overall
mean is 4.30 which is perceived that the
respondents strongly agree in terms of the
psychological factors. The customers greatly
prefer to dine in those snackhouses that is
surely safe and found in secured area that
makes them feel comfortable. Moreover, the
results also showed that peers have an
influence in the preference of the customers
where to eat.
Table 7 basically contained the
environmental factors that affect the
customers’ preference in the selection of the
snackhouse were to eat. It weighed an average
of 4.32 whereas the respondents strongly
agreed that they consider the environmental
factors in choosing their preference regarding
the snackhouse.
Personal Factors

Environmental Factors Psychological Factors

Psychological Factors

4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9

Figure 8 apparently manifested that psychological factors
obtained the highest mean of 4.83. The graph specifically
implied that this factor was the most preferred by the
customer. It was included the safety and security of
customers, the belongingness of customer with their peers and
their comfortableness. On the other hand, environmental
factors gained the mean of 4.32 which includes the
cleanliness, calmness of surroundings, trendiness of
snackhouses’ ambiance and the visibility of the snackhouse
along the Liliw town proper. Personal factors notched the
overall average of 4.30 which primarily involved the visibility
of snackhouse near customers’ residential areas. Generally, all
factors were perceived to be strongly agree by the customers.

Brand Equity generally explained as the commercial

value which derives from consumer perception of
the brand name of a particular product or service,
rather than from the product or service itself. Aaker
(1991, p. 15) described that brand equity as “a set of
brand assets and liabilities linked to a brand, its
name and symbol that add to or subtract from the
value provided by a product or service to a firm
and/or to that firms’ customers”.
As can be visualized in the table, the overall
average is 4.30 where it is expressed as
strongly agree by the customers. Therefore, it
indicates that the customers to dine in the
snackhouses with good reputation and that is


This chapter contains the summary of
findings that was formulated from the
tabulated, analyzed and statistically treated
data, the conclusion based on the major
findings of the research as well as the
recommendation of the researchers.

Based on the statistically treated data

shown, the following are the major findings of
the study:
Snackhouse Owners:
1. Environmental Factors constantly garnered an overall
average of 3.60. Environmental Factors such as
cleanliness, overall ambiance of the place, vicinity, and
conveniency in space accommodation of snackhouses had
been agreed and were significantly pondered by the
snackhouse owners. On the other hand, Social Factors
generally gained a mean of 4.30. Meaning, the snackhouse
entrepreneurs were strongly agreed in considering social
factors like decorating the area and consciously updating
the snackhouse in its best and latest trends which veritably
helps them on rising more demand.
2. Location was created a big impact in
pricing strategies. Based on the result shown
above, location of the snackhouses really
affects their products' price which obtained a
mean of 4.10 and remarked as agree by the
owners. It also indicated that; the foods' price
charged in the snackhouses are more
affordable than others, their price was
primarily considered on how and where they
are located and their price was contemplated
on the target market.
3. In terms to the effects of location to the
sales of snackhouses, the snackhouse owners
unanimously agreed that location had been
significantly possessed a greater impact and
effect to the sales of snackhouses. In fact, it
weighed an overall mean of 3.90 and obviously
interpreted as, the location was crucially
played its role in increasing the sales, profit
maximization, and accelerating more demand.
4. There were three factors enumerated which
affects the customers preference regarding to the
location of snackhouse; Personal, Psychological
and Environmental. Personal Factors as shown
above, precisely resulted as the least factor of
customers' preference with an overall mean of
4.30 and was distinguished as strongly agree by
the customers. Personal Factors primarily include
the visibility of snackhouses near customers'
residential areas.
Likewise, Psychological Factors reached the
highest mean of 4.62 which is said to be strongly
agree by the customers. It includes their safety and
security, togetherness with their peers and friends,
and comfortableness with the overall ambiance of
the snackhouse. Environmental Factors gained the
mean of 4.32 and denoted as strongly agree by the
consumers. It was delineated that customers highly
favored on the snackhouse which presents the
cleanliness, calmness of surrounding, trendiness of
snackhouses ambiance and the visibility of the
snackhouse along the Liliw town proper.
` 5. Under the brand equity, it was attained
an overall mean of 4.30 and were expressed as
strongly agree by the customers. It requisitely
signified that customers were naturally wanted
a snackhouse that has a good reputation, has a
numerous visitors everyday and a well-known
snackhouse where it is located.

Based on the findings shown above the

following conclusions were drawn:
Snackhouse Owners:
1.Most of the snackhouses were located in Brgy.
Pag-asa (both Marcelo H. Del Pilar and Gat
Tayaw St.)
2. Social factors made a big influence in the
sales of the snackhouses. It primarily includes
the adroit decorations of their own
snackhouses which naturally allures more
3. Location had a great impact in pricing the
product of local snackhouses.
4. Geographical area had significant effects
in the sales and the survival of local
snackhouses such as; positive earnings that the
owners will get, more customers will be
attracted to eat in the snackhouses that is
visibly seen in the town proper, and long-term
survival will be confidently assured by the
snackhouses owners.
5. Individuals ages 20 years old and below
were the most likely to eat in the snackhouse;
Female individuals were the most frequent in
terms of gender and; students in terms of
social role.
6.Psychological factor was the most considered
factor by the customers. It mainly
encompasses customers’ safety and security,
their belongingness with peers and the overall
view about the snackhouses they prefer to eat.
 7. Customers would prefer the snackhouses
that has a good reputation, snackhouses that
has many visitors every time and well-known
snackhouses with regards to its location.

Based on the findings and conclusions, the

following are necessarily suggested:

Snackhouse Owners:
1.They must prioritize the safety and cleanliness
of the snackhouse to make the sure that the
customers may feel secured and to raise brand
2. They owners should consider the location’s
visibility in putting up the business that is easy
to locate adds up to the preferability of the
customers to dine and eat.
3. They should aligned their business in the
geographical area that is located in less
hazardous and less occurring environmental
problems such as smoky area, prone in
flashflood, noisy place and etc.
4. Their business must be situated in an
area which has large number of population
that will create more demand and increase
their sales.
5. They should also put up creativity in
their snackhouses through adroit decorations
and fashions because it will allures more
6. The future snackhouse owners mustcritically
examinedthe perfect place to establish a
7.The practical implication from the above
results suggests that snackhouse brands should
strive to deliver competitive products at fair
prices if they want to succeed and enhance
their brand equity. It is believed that
customers would prefer to select brands that
satisfies and which provides higher value for
8 They must prudently choose a brand of
snackhouse which aligned in the town proper to
ensure their comfortableness and security.
9. They should intelligently prefer and entrust the
snackhouse that has a good reputation with
regards on how and where it is located.
10. They must choose the brand of snackhouse that
offers best quality of food at its affordable price
as how they perceived the location of the

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